Making the Most of Now

Anita Brikman - Liquid Gold - About Plasma

Clive Phillips Season 2 Episode 1

To coincide with MMN Awareness month my first conversation this year is with Anita Brikman, President and CEO of the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association (PPTA) 

 A former TV presenter, Anita has dedicated much of her career to educating and empowering people about healthcare matters. Since leaving the bright lights of the TV studio a decade ago she has forged a leadership career in the healthcare sector. In mid 2023 she joined the PPTA, a global trade organisation representing more than 1100 human plasma collection centres as well as the manufacturers of lifesaving plasma protein therapies.

Anita and I chat about a range of topics from the challenges of synthesising important healthcare information into a newsworthy slot on the nightly news, to an in depth discussion about plasma, its uses and the supply challenges PPTA is working to address. 

 If you want to learn more about the “liquid gold” used to treat a huge range of conditions including MMN then this episode is for you.