Anshu Bahanda
My interest in health and wellness is rooted in a deeply personal story: My first born was diagnosed with leukaemia at the age of just 18 months, which, as you can imagine, was both, terrifying and devastating. She’s an adult now, so the worst is long behind us, thankfully. But it was caring for her that helped me understand the mental and physical strain that illness can place on both, the individual it strikes as well as the person’s family and caregivers.
There are studies now to show just how much the elevated anxiety in caregivers impacts their emotional and physical well-being, but two decades ago, this was not given much importance. Through my own initiative, back then, the various efforts I made to address what we all were going through as a family, I came to recognise the power of an integrative, holistic approach to healing. This, incidentally, is something that the best oncologists in the world now swear by.