In-situ Health and Fitness

Stress Less, Live More: Bridging Mental and Physical Wellness with Mariana Quintana

June 17, 2024 In-situ Media Episode 193
Stress Less, Live More: Bridging Mental and Physical Wellness with Mariana Quintana
In-situ Health and Fitness
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In-situ Health and Fitness
Stress Less, Live More: Bridging Mental and Physical Wellness with Mariana Quintana
Jun 17, 2024 Episode 193
In-situ Media

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Welcome to the latest episode of the In-situ Health and Fitness Podcast! Today, we had the pleasure of hosting Mariana, a health coach and yoga teacher with a deep passion for the mind-body connection and holistic well-being.

In this engaging conversation, we explore the transformative impact of yoga on mental well-being, from stress reduction and anxiety management to fostering resilience and self-awareness. We delve into how meditation helps in cultivating a healthier body, calmer mind, and more connected spirit. Mariana highlights how yoga encourages introspection, self-acceptance, and personal growth through mindful movement and connection to one's inner world.

If you are curious about the mind-body connection and want to learn how you can better manage your mind, this episode is packed with invaluable insights to help you achieve a balanced and fulfilling life. Tune in for an inspiring conversation that will deepen your understanding of holistic health and wellness.

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Welcome to the latest episode of the In-situ Health and Fitness Podcast! Today, we had the pleasure of hosting Mariana, a health coach and yoga teacher with a deep passion for the mind-body connection and holistic well-being.

In this engaging conversation, we explore the transformative impact of yoga on mental well-being, from stress reduction and anxiety management to fostering resilience and self-awareness. We delve into how meditation helps in cultivating a healthier body, calmer mind, and more connected spirit. Mariana highlights how yoga encourages introspection, self-acceptance, and personal growth through mindful movement and connection to one's inner world.

If you are curious about the mind-body connection and want to learn how you can better manage your mind, this episode is packed with invaluable insights to help you achieve a balanced and fulfilling life. Tune in for an inspiring conversation that will deepen your understanding of holistic health and wellness.

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 so you were nervous to come on the show
 yeah why cuz I don't know I think this
 intimidating um and you want to be like
 calm enough to talk correctly and then
 remember of all of the words in English
 and that they make sense and that I'm
 not just babbling
 and yeah
 cameras um can you compare it to
 anything else that you've been nervous
 recently definitely like doing my yoga
 teacher certificate was really
 intimidating cuz we had to like start
 teaching right away so even though I I I
 have been a student for a long time it's
 really different that being in front of
 a mat in front of a lot of people and
 just guiding them and trying to make
 so it it was like I caught myself a lot
 of times like maybe I'm not feeling that
 good today maybe I should skip it and it
 was like no it's my brain you're too
 afraid to go and like do it um and
 somewhere inside of me I was like maybe
 if Mac like texts me and tells me that
 today's not a good day it would be great
 cuz I'm too nervous you know but it's
 just your brain like trying to keep you
 safe so
 yeah it's just you got to do
 it so when I did message you and ask if
 you wanted to come on the podcast did
 between that day and today did you have
 any techniques you use to manage your
 anxiety about today definitely yeah I I
 would like I normally try to to
 meditate but this time it was like
 really focusing on this moment and like
 it's something that I think it's a good
 tool that I have with me that I know if
 something is like causing me anxiety or
 something I can go and do that and it
 will help me calm down and actually
 before I was coming down I was like
 doing several things and I was like I
 got to stop everything I'm doing and
 just take my five minutes and meditate
 and just Center myself a little bit into
 this and then I can go ahead and start
 so I think that really helps me out to
 kind of prepare my brain and yeah
 whenever I have to talk to a lot of
 people or something I try to connect to
 that part of me that's like it's not
 about you like try to be of some kind of
 help or service or something so that
 also calms me down like it's not about
 me really yeah can you tell me how like
 how do you start meditating do you
 follow something do you have like an app
 a script a YouTube video or you just sit
 with yourself
 everything okay okay like at the
 beginning I I used an app that's
 called headp space I think um and that
 would help me do it like at my house
 alone and I think as I've gained more
 practice and doing like every day in
 class or uh back in Mexico I also used
 to go to like a philosophy class where
 they would help us like meditate so that
 got me like really to integrate it into
 my like daytoday life um and I sometimes
 feel like I can do it alone and I just
 like close my eyes and then start
 breathing um and just connecting like to
 my breath and to what I'm feeling that
 day and just like letting it all out but
 if I feel like I need help or guidance
 or something I do step into like an app
 or a YouTube video like 5 minute
 meditation regarding like some something
 in specific and that would also help me
 when it's something that I want to like
 work with I would like search
 meditations that have to do with that
 okay yeah so it's kind of depending on
 the day and how am I feeling and that's
 how I try to go ahead y yeah that's a
 good tip because a lot of people will
 try meditate and just look up meditation
 but adding that little bit of meditation
 for whatever yeah that's yeah I've never
 I've never thought of it like that but
 it's a good tip it's good and then you
 start like listening to things that it's
 like oh that's right I can integrate
 this and you start to instantly like
 calm down
 yeah um when you started teaching yoga
 how many people were you teaching like
 what was the first class what was that
 um we were like 20 people or
 15 um some had an idea of yoga some had
 no idea and it was like on your like
 second class like welcome this is like
 your certificate and then the next class
 it's like okay go ahead and teach
 something and it was like whoa this is
 too much but I think it's good because
 you get it out of the way like really
 fast cuz I think like when you try to
 prepare a lot for something then what
 like we were saying you never get to do
 it cuz you're like trying to perfect it
 and then it it never happens so there
 were like yeah like 15 people
 um and yeah it was like it was really
 intimidating and the fact that I was
 trying to translate everything from
 Spanish to English and like the parts of
 your body I was suddenly I was like
 What's this called like I forgot how to
 say hand in English you know or like
 fingers or toes like I would confuse
 them or things that are so basic but
 down in the ma and trying to teach it
 was like I forgot every word in English
 so that was part of like everything that
 you have to juggle when you're in front
 of people and trying to teach them and
 then add like the
 language and then in yoga it's that I I
 guess it's kind of like any other like
 physical activity but when you are
 teaching you have to use like the less
 amount of words and they have like a
 specific order and start with with this
 and then follow with that and end with
 this and it was like ah it was too much
 like a big formula in my head um but
 yeah I think little by little and as as
 yeah as long as you keep practicing you
 get better and it comes
 naturally um but yeah like the last the
 last classes I had to do like a full
 oneh hour class and I was like I can't
 it's too much it's like too difficult
 I'm gonna forget I'm really really
 really bad with my memory so I'm gonna
 forget everything and it was just like I
 have to do it so and yeah you do it and
 of course you have mistakes but at the
 end of the day like you're there for a
 reason like you're learning so yeah um I
 feel like you can sort of cover mistakes
 up anyway and just sort of Breeze
 through it unless like if it's not too
 bad anyway exactly exactly um it's funny
 how you talk about being nervous in
 front of people like that
 but for a lot of people moving country
 is massive and that would be very
 nervous yeah nerve-wracking was how how
 was that so how long you been in
 Australia for now we've been here for a
 year now for a year and a month or so
 when you cuz you didn't intend on
 staying for like for that long when you
 first moved here um yeah for the first
 year yes cuz my certificate was a whole
 year but now this like exra time is like
 what we're building on and like we
 really liked it here so that's why we're
 like ex tending it um but yeah it's been
 it's been a year and it's crazy to think
 it's been a year yeah um is Health and
 Fitness Yoga that sort of seen big back
 Mexico um that's the thing I think that
 that was a part that I felt really
 attracted to here cuz you do have in
 Mexico a lot of like Fitness Studios and
 you have a lot of yoga classes and like
 you have access to that but I feel like
 it's um I don't know how to explain it
 like kind of separate from your
 lifestyle like you have a life and then
 you go exercise and like it's a small
 compartment but it's never integrated
 into your life and I feel like here like
 people like exercise and move and it's
 part of their day-to-day life it's not
 like something separate
 and even if it's just walking around
 it's just I don't know I feel like it's
 a healthier vibe in that term like
 everyone's moving everyone has like
 something healthy going on in a way um
 that you can't find that in Mexico and I
 think it's part of the like the culture
 cuz yeah in Mexico you get in your car
 everywhere like you don't walk anywhere
 there's yeah you can't walk so you're
 stock in your car and you go to to a
 friend's house and then you get in your
 car and then you go to work and then you
 get in your car and then you go to your
 house and then you sit down and watch a
 movie is that just because everything's
 so spread out um I think it's just
 because it's not really made to walk
 like there are no sidewalks um or
 they're like there's a sidewalk and in
 the middle of nowhere it ends so it's
 like and now what and you have to like
 run because there are cars coming and so
 yeah it's not there are places that you
 can walk but it's not nothing like here
 so I really felt like we wanted to come
 back but I I also felt like H I want
 that lifestyle again like I want to
 integrate it into my everyday life and
 not go to my 7 a.m. yoga class and
 that's it that's the whole movement I
 did for the day and that's the whole
 like I don't know yoga I did so yeah
 it's it's quite different so if you
 could go back to Mexico now and change
 something like because I agree
 life should be movement Health all that
 sort of stuff shouldn't be separate
 what's one thing you would change if you
 could move back there say a blanket if
 you could govern the city or state um
 country and say all right everybody's
 you were now doing this one thing or
 couple of things what what would you get
 everybody to do to start changing oh I
 that you have ultimate power whatever
 you say goes
 I think it's going to be kind of cliche
 but I really do believe if that everyone
 yoga it would be amazing like the level
 Consciousness and awareness of yourself
 and of other people around you uh I
 think Mexico needs desperately a lot of
 Peace a lot of like contentment between
 people so I do feel like it's a tool
 that would be like amazing and
 beneficial for everyone okay so you're
 giving it to a whole population How
 would how would you do it do it I think
 I would do it I would definitely like
 start it in schools oh yeah yeah I would
 love that um I don't know like social
 programs I don't know but I think I
 would start something something like
 that cuz like I guess let me reframe it
 if somebody hasn't done yoga before and
 they should do it because it's so
 important what should they start with
 okay I think like something like what we
 did right now like it doesn't have to be
 a whole
 hour um it's just like right when you
 wake up start moving your body and being
 aware of your body being aware of your
 breath um I think what I really like
 about yoga is that it makes you uh be
 really connected to your body so
 starting little by little like just
 stretching your body moving your body
 right when you wake up doing a five
 minute meditation doesn't have to be a
 whole hour of your day and then building
 up from that yeah okay yoga is One Yoga
 is one another one would
 be oh if I could I would make it really
 really accessible for walking and like
 yeah moving parks we don't really have
 Parks really yeah well we do and maybe
 in Mexico City there are really really
 parks but it's it's different it's not
 that easy to get there and like you
 can't walk to the park it's too far away
 yeah so like currently you Diego and Lou
 that's your weekend activity right going
 to a park somewhere outside or walking
 somewhere totally when you guys were
 living in Mexico what like what was the
 yeah what would be the weekend activity
 it it's so hard to think about that CU
 it would be
 like like we would walk around like our
 block but there's nothing but houses MH
 so it would be like just walk around the
 block and we had uh we have a little dog
 so we would walk the dog um or we would
 go like what we do is we go a lot to
 people's houses like the backyards of
 the people that we see is like they are
 really big so people normally host
 things at their house so we would go and
 have lunch with my parents or his
 parents or friends of ours so that would
 be like the social thing that we did
 um basically yeah did so if that was
 your main social thing or your main like
 activity did you miss that a lot when
 you came here because I feel like the
 social connectedness part is a huge part
 of just wellbeing right then you came
 here without any friends or family with
 you um I think at the beginning it was
 okay like we were also craving something
 different okay so we weren't missing
 that as much but as time passes yeah
 we're like yeah we we miss those like
 hanging out with friends and just going
 to their place cuz we were like that's
 the only thing we do we always go to a
 friend's house and that's the only thing
 we do right so when we came here at the
 beginning is like wow we can go to parks
 and do this and that and blah but now
 that we're missing that part it's like
 yeah now I miss it but now that it's
 like mver it's not that novelty you know
 yeah yeah
 yeah nice uh are Fitness influences a
 big thing in Mexico I feel like it would
 very I guess here you got influencers
 that do a bit of everything I guess you
 say running yoga gym bike riding you
 name it everybody does a little bit of
 something and there's an influencer for
 that yeah little thing that they're
 doing is it the
 same yeah pretty much yeah and basically
 well the ones that I know
 um they either run their own Studio or
 they like give classes in a certain
 studio and that's like yeah the most
 most of the fitness influencers kind of
 do that
 um but yeah a lot of like Fitness
 influencers are also like very like I
 don't know like Fitness fashion I don't
 know how to say it like very posy MH um
 not that real to my perception like real
 Fitness um but yeah you can also find a
 lot of like different types of
 mhm uh so you've been to Australia
 before you moved
 here so I was here
 2013 I think um in Melbourne in
 Melbourne yeah I was here for six months
 as an exchange uh from my
 University um and Diego was here as well
 at that moment but he was in another
 University and we back in in Mexico we
 were in different universities
 um did you know each other from Mexico
 no we never met like we had friends in
 common and then we found like those old
 pictures on Facebook where we were like
 on the same nightclub what like we could
 see like I was in the front of the
 picture and his friends at the back of
 the picture or something like that but
 we never met um and then we met here uh
 we did the East Coast trip so we met in
 that trip in that trip that was
 organized like by an agency a bunch of
 Mexicans did that trip and we became
 like really good friends really close
 like for the rest of the semester so it
 was great it was like I think it was
 like the highlight of my life that
 moment it was really good it it was like
 for me coming to Melbourne in that
 moment it was like finding myself like
 redefining myself in a way cuz I've been
 like in a long-term relationship and I
 was super young so I think I never had
 this own personality like I was the
 girlfriend of and I was defined by that
 and I didn't really like it as much but
 I I wasn't aware and when I came here
 and was like a totally like independent
 girl I was like I love this and I love
 who I am like without a boyfriend and
 him telling me what to do or not to do
 so I really really loved
 like finding myself in that moment um of
 life that you're still really young um
 and it was like just it was so fun it
 was really really just so fun so vgo
 really had the best time as well so we
 were always like we have to go back we
 loved the lifestyle obviously it's
 like completely different now you off to
 adult L
 exactly we don't go out clubing or or
 drinking or all of those things but we
 missed like the core of you know what I
 was saying like walking around and being
 it super safe and having a lot of things
 to do and just what we were saying like
 this city has always something going on
 so there's always something to do what
 was the Gap in between uni and then
 moving back here 10 years 10 years yeah
 yeah right so do you feel like what
 changed within you from from coming back
 and do you feel like you're the same
 person now compared to when you're at
 Uni in Melbourne or what's changed I
 think I've changed like I've grown and I
 feel like obviously more mature in a way
 um but again I I don't know this it
 again it sounds kind of cliche but this
 city like brings out the really Best in
 Me and now that I'm leaving like another
 side of me that's like being a mother
 that I've never been a mother before um
 I've also found that being here like as
 a new mom has given me like a new
 identity as a mom that I wouldn't be in
 Mexico because maybe I would be
 influenced by other people on how to be
 with my daughter so Lou is super free
 and she runs and she's never like well
 dressed or her hair is always a mess and
 I love it and it's super her identity
 and probably if I was still in Mexico I
 would be influenced by the society that
 I used to live in that would be like she
 can't be running around and she has to
 have a dress and like the like I don't
 know like the kids party should be this
 amazing humongous thing and I don't know
 I think I found myself again but now as
 a mother and being really authentic to
 myself in this new like side of me
 how how do you I like that phrase
 finding yourself how would you find
 because that is a big key missing point
 for a lot of people out there who are
 trying to tie all this Health Fitness
 like energy all that sort of stuff
 together how any advice or because it
 does sound like you've sort of found a
 few versions of yourself yeah I think
 it's just really tapping into yourself
 just trying to be really aware of what
 you like and what you don't without
 being influenced by anybody else or not
 really listening and questioning
 yourself like do I really want to be
 doing this or is it just my mom told me
 my dad told me my brother is doing the
 same so I should so like questioning
 really what you're doing right now
 and there's always something that we do
 that Sparks this little like
 fire inside of us and sometimes I think
 we dim it down because it's not what
 we're supposed to do or something and I
 think we should tap more into that
 little fire that you do whatever it is
 and you don't know where it might take
 you it might not be like that obvious of
 an answer but just connect to more of
 that that brings you Joy do you think
 traveling made that happen a lot better
 easier definitely yeah I think troubling
 I don't know it brings out a lot of
 things in you it makes you question a
 lot of things that you
 do guess it remove you from that
 identity that Circle totally and it
 allows you to view view it from the
 outside looking back in going oh I
 didn't like that I like that didn't like
 that exactly and just watching other
 people as well and other cultures it
 gives you another perspective of wow
 like I can do that too like I can adopt
 that I like that
 and you're not like close to what you
 used to know yeah so did you have you
 always done yoga and do you feel like
 yoga and the mindset around it has been
 a part of your identity for a long time
 or is it fairly new to
 you I've done yoga for a long time but
 it's never been consistent I started
 doing yoga when I was in high school
 with my mom like on a summer yeah I
 don't know from did you talk her into it
 or she was already doing it she talked
 me into it okay yeah yeah so it was like
 yeah summertime during high school and
 she would be like come with me like to
 my class like you have the mornings off
 come with me so I used to go and I think
 I was lucky enough that I found like the
 first teacher that I went with with my
 mom she was really really good she was
 amazing so I really fell in love with
 the whole concept she was like really in
 into like yeah
 the philosophical or the parts that are
 not really like physical and she used to
 combine it like really beautifully in
 every class so I really like that um but
 then I started college and then I would
 go you know like intermittent depending
 on my schedule um but it's it's been
 always there and it was funny cuz uh
 when Diego and I were dating he was like
 if you could do anything in the world
 what would you do and I said I would be
 a yoga teacher like that would be the
 greatest thing and so it was like yeah
 it it was always there inside of me but
 I never pursued that because then I was
 going to college and you know like yeah
 life um so it was there even though it
 wasn't that strong so I think it did at
 some point Define me I also studied
 psychology so I think it kind of I don't
 know when you it kind of relates in some
 ways and I did yoga before deciding to
 study psychology so maybe it kind of led
 me into that get to know you study
 something that would help you let get to
 know you yeah yeah and now you're
 finally a teacher I'm finally you've
 actually done it that's so exciting yeah
 I've done it and how does it
 relate psychology and yoga I feel like
 um yog yoga is like
 really for me or what I've learned when
 you get the chance to be with teachers
 that help you view it as like a really
 holistic aspect it really helps you dive
 into you into how are you feeling um
 being present letting go of things so
 it's like an exercise that really helps
 you get to know you better and I think
 that um psychology does the same thing
 like even even though you're supposed
 like you're helping others at the same
 time you're also getting to know you and
 kind of relate to things um and I don't
 know I feel
 like to to if I would be like a
 psychologist having like patience
 probably I would suggest yoga to a lot
 of them as well because it helps you
 like calm the mind your nervous system
 um so I think it they kind of go hand in
 hand in a
 way a lot of what you're saying about
 like I know connecting with the body I
 get that through exercise as well would
 you say sometimes you get it during a
 workout yeah I definitely get the the
 like Mind Body Connection in a workout
 but just not the same not in the same
 way that yoga gives it to you because I
 feel like in yoga it really it forces
 you to slow your mind down whereas when
 I work out I can easily let my mind keep
 racing even if I'm concentrating on the
 exercise or the muscle does that make
 sense yeah I guess obviously I've done a
 lot of workouts I've done a bit of yoga
 and there's been some yoga sessions
 where that mind has raced and I I
 haven't had that connection and it's
 been a bad yoga session but at the same
 time I've had bad workouts I'll probably
 have more like better yoga sessions cuz
 the it's designed to connect to the body
 where I guess workouts aren't quite
 designed but when I do have a good
 workout it's the same feeling as a good
 yoga session you just have that Mind
 Body Connection you feel amazing your
 mind's clear and it's like it's just
 reset you
 day exactly I just feel
 like like yoga gives you the time like
 you were saying gives you like the time
 and space to feel yourself like during
 the class and after the class and with
 any other workouts at the end you get
 that result but maybe you're not
 conscious or not as aware um and maybe
 that's the difference like in yoga you
 you establish the time where you have to
 like get to that but at the end any
 physical workout will give you that
 feeling I think it just takes a lot of a
 lot longer to learn that through a
 workout lifting weights than it does
 three yo probably yeah and there's
 always something
 that they taught me like in this some of
 my first classes that I've always like
 carried with me that's how you show up
 to the mat is the way like you show up
 in your life and I think it also applies
 to any other exercise when you think
 about it um but I was like being really
 aware of it at some point cuz in the mat
 I was like really giving up really
 easily like if there was a Poe that I
 was not really getting to it I would be
 like okay it's not today so I will just
 let it go or you know if it gets too
 hard I would just let it go and then I
 started seeing how I would do the same
 outside of the mat if it got too hard
 maybe I would like step out and it's not
 my thing and I would and then when I was
 aware of it I was like no I I have to
 change that and when I started changing
 it on the mat it automatically started
 changing outside of the mat so it was
 like really cool to see how it is
 related and I guess that you can see it
 as well on any other workout like I
 don't know any anything that would
 happen during your workout maybe you can
 relate to how you react to the outside
 world but yeah I don't know yoga gets
 you to think of it while you're doing it
 so it's easier for you to connect it
 can can you describe to the listeners
 what you and I were talking about before
 the episode in relation to how when you
 yourself that you are wait is that right
 how when you tell yourself you're going
 to do something your brain takes it the
 same you explain it a lot better so
 please it was something like um when you
 like you get kind of addicted to these
 selfhelp books or like courses or things
 that help you improve yourself um and
 you want to get better so you keep
 reading and reading and reading but in
 real life you're not doing or acting or
 implementing what you've just read but
 your brain kind of feels like they
 already did cuz you read it um and it
 kinds of ticks it off like oh now you're
 great at work waking up at 5:00 a.m. but
 you are not waking up at 5:00 a.m. so
 you kind of get off on these Rock and
 kind of do dopamine because you're
 reading things that will help you um but
 they're not actually helping you because
 you're not doing it so you keep on like
 doing it but you're not really doing it
 you're just reading about it so you're
 not actually improving yourself you're
 just having all these things in your
 mind you're like telling yourself that
 you're improving but you're not actively
 improving right exactly do you think
 that it's probably like more evident
 than ever because of the amount of kind
 of content that there is like podcasts
 telling you that you should do all these
 things and it's like if I listen to
 enough podcasts telling me to do it then
 maybe it will just happen right exactly
 and I think it happens all of at least
 for me I love also listening to a lot of
 podcast because oh they give me like the
 greatest idea and
 but like you got to stop at some point
 and start doing things I was telling
 some friends as well like I really love
 learning so when I finished my
 certificate it was like what am I going
 to study now cuz like I feel this rush
 cuz I want to learn more and maybe
 there's like a second part but like it
 was like no I got to stop and I got to
 do cuz I'm going to learn more in the
 way then if I just keep like doing
 studying things and not doing them um
 and yeah I think we're really in yeah in
 influenced influenced by everything that
 we see all all the time yeah and like
 the algorithm like I know everybody
 talks about this but it's true like you
 see one of these videos and then you got
 a ton of videos of the same and you on a
 loop yeah do you have any tips or advice
 for people that are like stuck in the
 loop how did you like realize that you
 were doing this
 um I think it was like this talk that
 was like I feel like definitely I'm
 addicted like I just want to keep doing
 it um but I'm not I'm not different like
 I'm not different like from when I
 started this book so I think it's good
 to just yeah like take a break I like to
 take a lot of notes when I read um so
 kind of taking those notes but then how
 are you going to apply them to your life
 yeah like in practice and then be really
 really concrete on how are you applying
 them not just getting them written down
 and yeah start little by little I think
 that another key to success is when you
 start adding small things to your life
 and not trying to do everything that the
 book says in one day because you're
 never going to do it so it's just start
 with one thing that's easy and then when
 you've done that add another one and
 then like a repo effect you will start
 adding more good things into your life
 yeah that's awesome advice because I
 still struggle with that like
 information overload and I'm like you I
 write down so many things but then I
 just store the I just store my notes in
 notion and I'm like what am I doing with
 this exactly okay so I'm going to maybe
 maybe I should like pick a thing exactly
 pi and add a thing a week into my life
 see if I cuz I also think that we get a
 lot of stuff and maybe it doesn't suit
 us like just because Andrew hubman told
 us that you and I should do this thing
 maybe it works for me but it doesn't
 work for you as well well yeah so
 totally that's a good idea and have you
 heard have you read um Atomic habits yes
 so I think that also that book really
 helped me like okay doing things that
 relate to one another yeah like the
 stacking exing yeah I think for me
 that's been really like a life hack like
 one thing that's really kind of stupid
 that I never did and now I'm doing it
 again is putting like my thingy of the
 teeth you know my retainer and I would
 never do it and now like it's part of my
 skincare routine because I know I'm
 going to do my skincare so I know it's
 the last step of it so it's there I have
 to add it and then it starts to become
 like the whole the complete cycle of it
 yeah makes it feel easy mhm so you're
 starting a new
 business uh what are you learning and
 what have you sort of got caught in the
 hamster wheel to use to starting a new
 business oh that's a hard
 um I think and I think I have to thank
 Diego for that cuz I'm really bad at
 organizing my time really bad I think
 that I believe that I can do everything
 in one day and I really don't I lose
 track of time really easily so he helped
 me like get everything into my Google
 Calendar like everything like even like
 the time when like I'm going to peek up
 blue or cook or like it's not there but
 it almost like go to the bathroom you
 have like this three times you know like
 everything's there so that my mind is
 not all over the place because I also
 get really excited with ideas but not
 doing them so if it's there on my
 calendar in a
 specific time and day I know that that's
 the moment when I should do it so that
 has really helped me like be more
 productive less stressed out
 because my mind would be like all over
 the place with everything that I want to
 do and everything that I need to do
 every day so like getting everything on
 Google Calendar really has given me
 peace of mind to know that day what I'm
 supposed to do so I think that's a good
 start and and also writing down
 everything so that when you see it you
 can kind of like pull it apart and see
 what is orent what's not urgent what can
 be dealt with later and and then you can
 put it back together in a better place
 how do you do all that do you handw
 write it or in notion yeah in
 notion why you look at me like that now
 I love it um but it took me a while to
 learn how to do it so first I would do
 it yeah on my iPad written down and now
 notion basically
 yeah um when you're I guess looking at
 starting a business
 or I guess go back a couple of months
 you know you're learning how to be a
 yoga instructor all that sort of stuff
 you're thinking about your business
 coming up and you want to start that
 what did you think would be easy to
 start that's been very hard like what's
 been the hardest thing about starting it
 I guess the question would be I think
 the hardest part is starting just
 starting cuz yeah you you feel like you
 want to do it like perfectly and and it
 has to go smoothly and like everybody
 has to like it and you're going to be
 successful the first day and it's it's
 not like that
 so I've been afraid of starting because
 I know it's not going to be perfect on
 the first try so just keep moving and
 starting is it's the like I think it's
 the most difficult part just getting it
 done for the first time what's been the
 easiest easiest
 thing um the easiest thing I think it's
 been kind of the idea or
 the like the spark that I feel when I
 think about it completely done and there
 working out cuz sometimes I I see that
 people struggle having the idea or
 getting to that and I think i' I've got
 that I really feel passionate about it
 can you share that idea yet I don't
 think so okay we just discussed before
 why we can't share our ideas
 exactly oh yeah okay it has to yeah like
 I think it has to do with everything
 that I love about wellness and yoga and
 and all of this packed together
 um but again as I talk it and and write
 about it and dream about it like it it
 starts taking different shapes and forms
 um but yeah I think the most important
 thing is that and what thego has taught
 me is like like set it in paper but also
 set like a time and a date cuz if not
 it's going to start like running out you
 know and it it's not sustainable to have
 it in your head forever if it's a NE
 thing it's just never going to end and
 it's never going to exactly come to
 anything exactly and there's always
 something that you can do better or that
 you're going to change but as you said
 like you can change it along the way I
 don't know why what why are we so afraid
 of just starting and changing things
 right it's okay to change your mind are
 we do you think we're worried about
 people judging us like if I say I'm
 going to start this business and then I
 pivot and it looks different people are
 going to assume that my first try was a
 failure because they had to change
 something right yeah who cares what they
 think it's not their business exactly
 exactly and like no one's going to
 know exactly no one's paying that much
 attention to you right yeah and then
 people that do it's like really probably
 they're paying more attention to you
 because their life is not going
 somewhere and then they need to pay
 attention to someone else not
 specifically you but so it's like ah
 well if they want to pay attention to
 what I'm doing
 go ahead like but it's hard to like get
 to it and yeah but at the same time if
 you start something you think that's
 going to be it you're excited about it
 and you're doing it and you don't end up
 enjoying it what's the point in
 continuing MH like you're just
 continuing just to make other people
 happy which make will make you unhappy
 so you might as well change it to suit
 what you want to do totally
 yeah um so
 when you're looking at
 starting now that You' started how do
 you look at the future like yeah you
 planning it all out but are you going oh
 okay this is where I want to be by this
 time like because I I guess I struggle
 with that especially at the moment I
 enjoy everything we do I think we're
 absolutely killing it but I look two
 years down the track and I don't know
 what that two years looks like mhm do
 you mhm yeah okay yeah I think I do how
 do you picture that
 that I think I do like I do picture it
 in Mexico because of this lack that I
 feel and that I could bring something
 different to the table so I do picture
 of something going on there
 um and also like from what I've been
 doing lately in my work like I've
 created this like big community of women
 that I've never met that are all online
 so I feel like I really want to have
 this place where a community can come
 together um in person in person yeah so
 I do imagine like and I think that's
 part of all projects having like
 different like phases and maybe the
 first phase is not something like really
 physical it's
 more yeah you starting
 something but yeah like two years from
 now I could see like a place like some
 something physical
 where do you meditate on that or is that
 just something that just comes to you in
 the moment when you're doing other
 things I do meditate on that yeah
 mhm are you a
 journaler yeah yeah mhm we've been we we
 speak about journaling it's a
 reoccurring on the podcast because it's
 helped both of us a lot do you so you do
 it like presently frequently or is it
 something you just used in the past no I
 think I think I I've never done it in
 the past and since I got here I've done
 more um and I kind of have like
 different journals for different things
 and I think that also helps me to kind
 of I don't know like give it some sort
 of meaning or something um um and for
 example my mom who was here she just
 gave me this like really nice notebook
 and the cover is like kind of these
 colors uh and I was like what am I going
 to use this journal for like I have
 already like three different like
 journals but I have to give it a meaning
 so I think that would be like my journal
 where I like I'm just grateful for
 things and I'm going to write them down
 in that notebook um but I also have one
 I kind of write of what I've been going
 through and how do I feel about it and
 then I have one where I write about what
 I see my life unfolding as and looking
 and that one kind of keeps like growing
 and adding and yeah so that's kind of
 how it it I think it's it's really
 helpful when we arrived here we were
 like in a really like turbulent moment
 um because of the obesas and things like
 that and like writing everything down
 really helped me like calm myself down
 and finding peace and recently I started
 reading like some parts of that journal
 that I started when we got here and I
 felt like H we've come a really long way
 and I just wanted to hug myself like oh
 I feel you like I remember that feeling
 of being like really
 not knowing what's going to happen and
 then being in this place right now it's
 just like it's good it's good to see how
 you can move on from things yeah that's
 so interesting I just had a feeling that
 you were a journaling person you just
 feel like a journaling person and I wish
 I did it more okay cuz sometimes I just
 like don't get the time so it's not a
 daily thing I don't do it daily I I used
 to do it daily and now I don't I wish I
 but now every now and then like I I get
 to go like to a coffee shop and do that
 specifically only that and maybe I would
 write like what I haven't written in two
 weeks and that would all go in there m
 yeah nice yeah maybe that's what I can
 use my 10 journals for yeah Jack keeps
 getting buying journals because they
 look nice or people give them to him and
 they're empty I know I can have one for
 one for every actually never thought
 about doing that I like the idea of the
 present slast one and the future one
 because they both hold different Vibes
 right exactly yeah that's what I feel I
 like that they can't be on the same
 paper cuz you're like you're saying
 goodbye to one and you're like holding
 you want to hold one closer because you
 want to keep the vision in your head
 right exactly yeah yeah that's very cool
 you can do that with all your journals
 but I feel you like there are really
 cool journals here also right
 it's like a little niche market isn't it
 just notebooks cool notebooks I don't
 know totally yeah yeah and then the
 algorithm knows that I like it so I keep
 get advertised to buy more
 yeah um you've said you've built a
 community online mhm uh any tips or how
 did you do
 it I
 think it it was because of my work like
 it's not a um like a maybe it sounded
 like a followers Community like a social
 media but not really it's just um I work
 a um network marketing company so I can
 be anywhere in the world working and I
 can like have Team anywhere in the world
 and most of my team is in Mexico and
 most of my team I haven't met cuz um
 yeah it it can grow like really
 organically um so it's been I never
 thought that this job would give me like
 Community or friends and surprisingly it
 has so it's been like really cool to get
 to know a lot of wom that now I talk to
 them daily um and I've never met them
 and I'm like oh I want to just meet you
 and go out for coffee and just hang out
 in Mexico but that would be
 someday so
 um so
 what let me rephrase that a little bit
 differently so even if somebody has a
 million followers online doesn't mean
 they actually have a community it could
 just be people following them so what
 about the community keeps it going yeah
 I think that it's like genuine care for
 each other um even though like I'm
 really far away and our time zones are
 completely different
 I try to be there as much as I can and
 be present and like ask them about their
 dreams their plans like what do you want
 to do like what do you want to do with
 these goal and just trying to be like
 really personal with them um cuz yeah
 even if we're far apart it doesn't feel
 like that but I think it's that like
 genuine care and we really like
 celebrate each other for being like
 authentic and for each
 of the goals that we reach so I think
 that really brings you together like
 when you are in the same boat each of
 you like going for different goals but
 like we're all pushing to that and
 celebrating those goals and celebrating
 them achieving different things even if
 it's like personal things um I think
 that that gives you this sense of of
 community of it's not just a team that
 you work with at an office it's like you
 genuinely care that they achieve what
 they want and yeah I think that's the
 um I guess is there any if you were to
 start again with a new community what
 would you do the
 same like you you've lost contact with
 everybody and you've got to start all
 over again okay what would I do this
 um so you talk every single day with
 everybody not
 everybody but a lot yeah the the group
 chat every
 day um but not everybody yeah I
 guess ask them to like really Embrace
 why are they doing what they're doing so
 that when things get heart you can
 always like go back to your why and go
 back to why did you start this why did
 you believe this was a good
 plan what set you like this little
 sparkly things in your stomach that said
 okay let's do it and I think I would
 always start with that like establish it
 write it down in one of your journals
 and then have it close to you
 any because some people out there do
 want to achieve things and they like yes
 I want to do stuff but they don't know
 why have you ever talked anybody through
 finding that why yeah yeah I think yeah
 definitely a person came to mind and I
 think it's like it's good that you have
 like this fuel but it's also yeah I
 think it's important for them to
 understand that that fuel is not always
 going to be there cuz you have bad days
 you have bad months bad moments um so
 you have to connect it in a way to
 something so it doesn't have to be like
 lifechanging like oh I want to I don't
 know do something like really big it's
 it just can be like okay this month I
 want to pay for certain vacation or I
 want to pay for certain thing that I
 want to buy so it it doesn't have to be
 this longterm I want to build a a house
 and a farm and everything in between
 start little by little and maybe along
 the way you're going to find a bigger
 why and you're going to find like why is
 it that you really do what you do but
 stepping into it like slowly and then
 each month connect it to a different
 goal just about starting mhm
 exactly any other topics you wanted to
 hear any other topics you wanted to talk
 about no no no all good yeah all right
 last chance to go back to having power
 to change
 everything to finish off with everybody
 okay so you've introduced yoga in the
 mornings for everybody y walking mhm
 everybody can walk a little bit more
 yeah one more thing one more
 thing complete power
 okay everybody has do it cuz you
 said I it's so hard I want so many
 things um what would have the biggest
 impact yeah other
 than the first two I feel I don't know
 how I would do this but if I complete
 power in some way of getting a cheap
 into everyone it would be like to be
 compassionate with your yourself and
 others I feel like that would really
 make a
 change I don't know if I'm being like
 really influenced by all of like the
 political aspects right now of Mexico
 that everything's like everyone's on top
 of each other and everything's really
 negative and really down and really like
 not there and I just everyone's like
 against each other just because that's
 like the environment right now so I feel
 like if everyone could be like more
 compassionate and more aware of
 themselves like everything would come
 down and the guards would come down and
 maybe we could step into something
 greater and just beginning with you as
 well I feel like being more
 compassionate with yourself definitely
 sets the tone it helps you have a
 life um it says like a better
 relationship with yourself and
 by that you are having a better
 relationship with others 100% And I do
 think with the first two that would just
 come naturally so great tips to end on
 move your body do some yoga every
 morning walk more we always say that
 anyway yeah 100% And it does lead to
 more compassion for yourself than others
 totally perfect yeah Mariana thanks for
 coming on thank you so much so good it
 was so fun thank you not as nervous
 nerve-wracking as you thought no so much
 better I'm glad you didn't call and said
 it was a bad day I'm glad I didn't call
 him sick it was good we did it yeah
 smashed it thank you so much thank you

Managing anxiety through meditation and focusing on the present moment.
How to integrate Yoga and exercise into daily life.
Discussion on Fitness Influencers in Mexico.
Finding independence and self-discovery in Melbourne.
Yoga and psychology help in self-awareness and personal growth.
Showing up on the Yoga mat reflects how you show up in life.
The challenges of starting a new business.
How to plan for the future and find purpose in current actions.
Journaling for mental well being.
Establish and embrace the 'why' behind your goals for motivation.