Fit Muslimah Podcast
Improving our health and fitness isn’t about fitting into the little black dress for the holidays or the summer bikini because for us, fitness is not a look it’s a state of being healthy and strong.
It’s about having the mental focus to be present with our family AND be being present in our Salah (prayer)
And #RealTalk we want to cover ourselves modestly because we choose to obey Allah not because we are ashamed of the rolls on our belly.
On this podcast we will be talking about Food, Faith and Fitness
Fit Muslimah Podcast
#4: What Happens When We Fast
Let’s talk about the most talked about form of diet right now, intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting, or IF, is a way of eating that designates periods of time for eating and fasting. In this episode, let me share what it is about, how it relates to dry fasting that Muslims practice during Ramadhan, and its effects and benefits on our bodies in the long run.
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Website: https://www.fitmuslimah.com/
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