Points of Leadership
Points of Leadership is all about equipping leaders in maximizing their leadership for the people they lead.
Leadership is indeed a privilege in helping people become better in who they are, in who they are supposed to be and what they do. Armed with vision, leaders have the opportunity to lead the way for the people they care for.
Podcasting since 2024 • 3 episodes
Points of Leadership
Latest Episodes
Episode 38- Points of Leadership: Law of Design
Quote: "Every person is composed of few themes” --- C.S. LewisPoints of Leadership is all about equipping leaders in maximizing their leadership for the people they lead. Life is lived by design whether that is i...
Season 4
Episode 38

Episode 37: Points of Leadership- Law of Environment
Quote: "You are the sum of the 5 people that you spend your time with” --- Jim RohnPoints of Leadership is all about equipping leaders in maximizing their leadership for the people they lead. The value of an envi...
Season 4
Episode 37