The Vagina Rehab Doctor Podcast

Tap Into Stronger Orgasms and Enhanced Sexual Satisfaction

May 06, 2024 Dr. Janelle Howell Season 1 Episode 48
Tap Into Stronger Orgasms and Enhanced Sexual Satisfaction
The Vagina Rehab Doctor Podcast
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The Vagina Rehab Doctor Podcast
Tap Into Stronger Orgasms and Enhanced Sexual Satisfaction
May 06, 2024 Season 1 Episode 48
Dr. Janelle Howell

Hey y’all! We are diving into the world of orgasms and how to significantly boost your sexual satisfaction. I’m here to guide you through understanding the intricate role of pelvic floor muscles in enhancing the intensity of your orgasms and overall sexual pleasure. We'll explore practical steps to nurture these crucial muscles and share insights on the profound benefits of being in tune with your body’s sexual responses. So whether you're struggling with weak orgasms, no orgasms or just seeking to elevate your sexual wellness, this episode is packed with empowering knowledge and actionable advice. Tune in and let’s unlock the secrets to a more satisfying sex life!

To work with a VRD pelvic floor physical therapist 1 on 1 to help you overcome vaginismus, sexual pain, and pelvic floor dysfunction then click here to schedule a free consult with me:

Or email me with any questions you have about our coaching program:

Follow me on social media @vaginarehabdoctor

Join my private email club:

Produced by Light On Creative Productions

Show Notes Transcript

Hey y’all! We are diving into the world of orgasms and how to significantly boost your sexual satisfaction. I’m here to guide you through understanding the intricate role of pelvic floor muscles in enhancing the intensity of your orgasms and overall sexual pleasure. We'll explore practical steps to nurture these crucial muscles and share insights on the profound benefits of being in tune with your body’s sexual responses. So whether you're struggling with weak orgasms, no orgasms or just seeking to elevate your sexual wellness, this episode is packed with empowering knowledge and actionable advice. Tune in and let’s unlock the secrets to a more satisfying sex life!

To work with a VRD pelvic floor physical therapist 1 on 1 to help you overcome vaginismus, sexual pain, and pelvic floor dysfunction then click here to schedule a free consult with me:

Or email me with any questions you have about our coaching program:

Follow me on social media @vaginarehabdoctor

Join my private email club:

Produced by Light On Creative Productions

[00:00:00] Hey, y'all. I am so glad that you're back on my podcast, the Vagina Rehab Doctor podcast. So y'all, I'm so excited to talk to you about today's episode. We're going to be talking about how to tap into stronger orgasms and increasing your sexual satisfaction. I want y'all to be sexually satisfied, It's one thing to have sex and have a active sex life. It's another thing to be happy with your sex life, to feel nourished from your sex life, right? Sex can be nourishing. Yes. It can help you to feel. bond it to your body bonded to your partner. It can help you to feel, energetic. It can help you to feel rested and relaxed so you can sleep well at night.

there's so many beautiful benefits that can come from being sexually satisfied. So one of the questions and the concerns that I have from, clients that work with us one on one, is for them to say that they have weak [00:01:00] orgasms. They're like, some of them don't orgasm at all, and that could be an orgasmia, and that is where orgasms are not happening, or they're not happening very frequently, or there's just extreme difficulty to reach the orgasm.

But what I frequently hear is like, girl, by the time I orgasmed, my hand was tired. By the time I orgasmed, I thought it was a waste of time. By the time I orgasmed, I could barely feel it. So these are weak orgasms. Right. And I want to disclaimer by saying every orgasm doesn't have to send you to the moon and back.

There will be days where your body is just not going to give it like it, like it can give it right. There will be days where you're more tired in your body, whether it's hormones or whether it's stress. It may not have that strength every time but I'm talking to you if you're like I can't orgasm at all Or I'm talking to you if almost every time your orgasms are just underwhelming.

you're not very pleased with what you're feeling when you [00:02:00] tap into your sex life So I want to talk to you about how to strengthen the power that you feel from your orgasms. It's possible. If you can strengthen a muscle, you can strengthen your orgasm. And here is why the pelvic floor muscles play a central role in the strength and the satisfaction of your orgasm.

Because when we're orgasming, the pelvic floor is opening and closing, opening and closing. the strength of that orgasm is dependent not just on hormones, Not just on endorphins, not just on foreplay and not just on the skill of your partner on the skill of yourself, but it's also dependent upon the quality of your pelvic floor.

So I want to tap into some of those things and then also just how to increase your sexual satisfaction overall. Okay. Let's go. What I want you to do, if you have enjoyed this episode and you're not ashamed to share and educate people about sex education, I want you to screenshot this [00:03:00] episode and share it into your stories on Instagram.

Tag me, share it into your stories. People are really suffering with sex. And I think it can be actually selfish to keep sex education to yourself. There are people suffering in their relationships, people feeling isolated, broken, and alone because their bodies are not functioning how society makes it seem like everybody's body will function.

You're not broken, but we do need to, as a community, Educate ourselves and normalize the conversations around it. Okay. So by the end of this episode, if you've learned something valuable, I want you to share it to your stories or leave me a review right here on this podcast. Let's get into it. One of the best ways to strengthen the, the orgasm that you're having is I want you for two nights prior to the day you plan to have sex.

I know this is, this is, this is two days prior. Yeah, yeah, you thought I was gonna give you an easy fix. You wanted a magic pill. Two days before I want you to tap [00:04:00] in to deep quality rest. Two nights prior. I want you to try for seven to nine hours of sleep. And I want you to focus on deepening the richness of your sleep.

I want you to have pajamas on at a certain time. I want you to have a soft bath if you can. I want you to turn down the lights, maybe 15 to 30 minutes before bed. I want you to get rid of your cell phone, maybe 15 to 30 minutes before bed. If there are kids around and you have a partner, I want you to ask your partner, Hey, can you put Put the kids to sleep tonight because I'm working on my sexual libido and my sexual health and my sexual satisfaction and the doctor told me to do this.

So, so here's what I want you to do. I want you to opt in to deeper, richer, unapologetic rest. The reason why is because we get erections when we sleep. Just like just like penis owners, you know, men. People who have that dangling down there, they get hard when they sleep. They don't have to do [00:05:00] nothing.

You just wake up and it's like Boeing, right? So that happens to us. We have a clitoris and that clitoris gets hard when we sleep. The longer we sleep in the better quality, the more blood flow is going to be rushing down to that clitoris. That is going to help with sensations, arousal, and libido. Part of low libido is that we are so highly stressed that it's difficult to feel, pleasure. It's difficult to feel libido. Your brain is not going to prioritize pleasure when it's focused on survival. So part of lowering your stress levels is getting more sleep at night. That regulates our stress levels and our blood sugar and it increases blood flow to your clitoris, right?

This is how we can, prevent, clitoral atrophy, So two nights before, two nights in a row, that's what I want you to do. 79 hours of quality, deep seated rest. The next thing that I want you to do is I want you to really focus On being in tune with the sensations [00:06:00] that you feel in your vagina, in your clitoris, in your pelvic floor.

What I mean by that is when you're sitting in a chair, untuck your butt. So you're not sitting on your tailbone. Let the opening of your vagina actually touch the bottom of your seat. Tap into that. What, what sensations are you feeling in your vagina? Do you feel the awareness there? When you, when you put on jeans and the jeans is pressing up on your clitoris, what does that feel like?

I want you to increase the awareness of the presence of your pelvis, the presence of your clitoris. I want you to just think of that part of your body more throughout the day. in a positive light. Like, wow, I have an organ. That's just for pleasure. That's pretty dope. And it's right here. If I just rest my hand and put my hand right in front of my pelvis, my clitoris is right there.

It's within reach. That is something to practice gratitude about and just start by feeling those sensations, by [00:07:00] being aware of your sensations, which side of your pelvis, Right, between your, between your sit bones, vaginal opening, that region there, vulva. Which side do you feel more aware of? Which side do you feel more blood flow on?

Which side feels a little bit, not numb, but just, you're not really feeling much. And then on the other side, you're very aware. Tap into that. I have more sensation on my right side. That's not a surprise because the left side of my hip is tight. Right. My hamstrings on my left are tense. Most of my dysfunction is on my, on the left side of my body.

So my right side is more able, more better at feeling pleasure. Cause it has better mobility, better, better blood flow, all of that. So I want you to tap into those sensations, pay attention to your body throughout the day. When you're sitting, just acknowledge your clitters, acknowledge your vagina, acknowledge how you're sitting on that.

And you're experiencing pressure from [00:08:00] below, right in your chair, in the car, et cetera, even in the shower. Just take a moment to acknowledge your sexual anatomy. The next thing that I want you to do is I want you right before sex to actually focus on stretching and lengthening out your muscles, This can be, with doing stretches to your hip. This can be with doing stretches to your pelvic floor. Go on my page on Instagram. If you want some ideas of exercises Or, in my shop, in my, in my shop, I have an E guide called the Vagina CEO Release E guide where I teach you exercises for relaxing and lengthening the muscles.

The reason why I say lengthen is because your muscles need to contract in order to help you orgasm. But before it contracts, it has to start from a good place. It has to start in a relaxed position or else if it's not relaxed, there's going to be little movement happening when it does contract.

so it's like opening up your hand wide and then making a fist. If [00:09:00] your hand is already in the fist and it tries to squeeze more, there's not going to be much power. There's not going to be much power created, but if you open your hands wide and then close your hands fast into a fist, there's more power.

And I want you to opt in. I want you to tap into more powerful orgasms. right, orgasms can be healing. It can be bonding, it can be therapeutic, and it just enables you to enjoy sex, enjoy intimacy with your spouse, intimacy with your partner, all of that. Okay. Another way to have stronger orgasms is to intentionally prolong the time before orgasm.

 Even if you can get to the orgasm, how can we turn that down a notch just to get more blood in your clit, just to create more clitoral engorgement. Just to get those nerves a little bit more stimulated by the, the, the feeling of blood inside of the tissues. We want you to have an [00:10:00] explosion essentially.

So purposefully, even if you know you can reach the orgasm, can we lengthen that time out? Some people call it edging, like right before you reach the orgasm, you stop stimulating yourself. You take your hand off, you take the toy off, you stop the penetration, whatever. And then a little bit after that, you start again.

That is edging. That's going to increase the strength of your orgasm. So play with that idea. Okay. Number one, two nights before sex, I want you to tap into deep, pure quality sleep. I also want you to practice lengthening your body out before sex, do some stretches, do some breathing, do something to wind your pelvis, move your pelvis around, open up those hips because the pelvic floor muscle has to be able to start in a relaxed position.

to then contract well. And an orgasm includes a contraction and relaxation of your pelvic floor muscle. Okay. And then lastly, lastly, I want you to prolong the time before your orgasm, even if you can reach it [00:11:00] edge a little bit. Okay. This is how you can increase your sexual satisfaction. Your libido and your sexual wellness has to be watered.

Unless you are 16 years old and your hormones are raging and you have not experienced any negativity or pain associated with sex, you're probably not going to have the strongest sex drive. If you have vaginismus and you're not able to participate in sex the way you want, you can't have intercourse right now.

Or let's say you have vulvodynia, and there is a lot of stinging and burning pain at the opening of your vagina. Every time there's a thrust, you feel pain. Or let's just imagine that you have prolapse, and that prolapse is making you feel insecure about your body, or you're worried that sex is gonna make you worse.

So you avoid your sex life and you avoid pleasure and you avoid bids at affection from your partner. Whatever it is, I want you to know that you can water your sex drive and your sexual satisfaction and your orgasms the same way you water a plant. [00:12:00] You are the plant. Have fun watering yourself. If you enjoyed this episode and if you learned something new, if you feel positive and hopeful about your body, I'd I want you to take a screenshot of this podcast, DM it to me on Instagram, send it to your stories.

Okay. Screenshot this, post it in your stories. Let's not be selfish and keep sex education away from people who need to learn about it. Thanks so much for listening. And I'll see y'all again next Monday.