Three Sheets
Erik Kyle, publisher of Latitudes and Attitudes, and David Levesque, Editor-in-Chief, have teamed up for an all-new podcast called Three Sheets! Movers and shakers, industry veterans, and influencers of all kinds relating to the cruising lifestyle are fair game in this high-spirited, fun-filled and informative adventure!
Three Sheets
Sailing Red Seas: Anything Can Go Wrong, And It Will!
Newly minted winners of the Best Emerging YouTube Channel at the 2023 International Cruisers Awards, and all-around smashing young red heads, Sailing Red Seas (@realredseas) sits down for a chat with the Three Sheets boys and explain how the Irish paradox Murphy's Law could possibly apply to a couple of Scots. Learn the finer details of kilt etiquette, navigating through liveaboard economics and how they simply would do it all over again in the spirited and often whimsical episode!