Three Sheets
Erik Kyle, publisher of Latitudes and Attitudes, and David Levesque, Editor-in-Chief, have teamed up for an all-new podcast called Three Sheets! Movers and shakers, industry veterans, and influencers of all kinds relating to the cruising lifestyle are fair game in this high-spirited, fun-filled and informative adventure!
19 episodes
Exchanging "the Matrix" for life and love on the water with the Adventure Crews!
Join Erik and David as they sit down with Cole and Emily of the Adventure Crews to learn more about their recent travels, why they decided to uproot their entire life for the cruising lifestyle and their philanthropic endeavours with Rise Grena...
Season 1
Episode 19
Bubbles is Back!! Chasing Bubbbles, the Adventure Continues!
This week Erik and David sit down with Joe Rust, Founder of the Chasing Bubbles Foundation, and younger brother to Captain Alex Rust from the documentary, "Chasing Bubbles", an inspirational story of an inexperienced farmboy who spent 4 years s...
Season 1
Episode 18
80,000 miles and how to break a catamaran in two with Captain James of Sailing Zingaro
This week Erik and David sit down with Captain James from Sailing Zingaro. One of the OG's of the YouTube cruising life, Captain James dives into some of the adventures of his travels including a forbidden island, and what to do when your catam...
Season 1
Episode 17
Tales of a casual criminal with James the Sailor Man
This week, join David and Erik as they sit down with James "the Sailor Man" and Rhonda from Sailing Triteia to talk about crossing the Pacific on his $2400 1965 Alberg 30', his time in the South Pacific, New Zealand, and where they are headed n...
"Go small, go simple, but go Now!" with Lin Pardey
This week Erik and David sit down with legend and hall-of-fame sailor Lin Pardey, diving into her favourite and scariest moments at sea during her over 215,000 nautical miles of sailing. Lin and her late husband Larry, America's fi...
Mystic Hearts - the East Coast Liveaboard Lifestyle
This week Erik and David sit down with Paul and Rebecca from SV Mystic Hearts as they detail what liveaboard life is like along America’s East Coast balancing work life in Virginia with life on a Beneteau 473. In this episode of Three Sheets, w...
Season 1
Episode 14
Sailing Aphrodite: Cruisers Can Unite the World
The Three Sheets fella's sit down with Andrew Keaveny to discuss that epic article on the waterways of NYC, what it's like to start a dream and become an inspiration in the process, and how cruisers really can change the world.
Savvy Navvy the "Google Maps for Boats"!
Join Erik and David this week on Three Sheets as they dive into the marine tech world with Jelte Liebrand, founder of Savvy Navvy, the “Google Maps for boats”. An award-winning app with over 1 million downloads, Savvy Navvy provides chart...
Sailing Everyday! The World According to Max & Abby...
Ah yes...the world according to Max & Abby. Join Erik and David as they talk shop with Sailing Everyday on leaning into childhood dreams, how there certainly are better ways to do it, Abby's reincarnation, and that incredible mattress toppe...
Jimmy Leslie: Our New Sountrack Sensei
In this episode, the boys change their tune a bit and chat with Jimmy Leslie, Frets Editor for Guitar Player magazine, about just what the F**K exactly Yacht Rock is and what the soundtrack to the cruising lifestyle really, ummmm, sounds like…....
Sailing Red Seas: Anything Can Go Wrong, And It Will!
Newly minted winners of the Best Emerging YouTube Channel at the 2023 International Cruisers Awards, and all-around smashing young red heads, Sailing Red Seas (@realredseas) sits down for a ...
Nomad Citizen: One Cat, Two Kids
On this week's episode of Three Sheets, Erik and David have an epic chat with Daniela and Marvin of @nomadcitizen and discuss everything from how Daniela left Yugoslavia when she was 11 to flee the war and how the couple met in Marvin's Crossfi...
Episode 8
Mermaid Monster: Navigating Family Life on the Water
On this week's episode of Three Sheets, Erik and David have an epic chat with Brooke, Braden and their kids of @ABOARDMERMAIDMONSTER and discuss everything from Braden's ability to squeeze in the smallest of spaces to Brooke fixing their dinghy...
Episode 7
Mom with a Map: Living a Nomadic Life on the Water
On this week's episode of Three Sheets, Erik and David have an epic chat with Sarah and Mary Grace Bowlin of @momwithamap and discuss everything from the Great Loop to Mary Grace going on a sailing adventure without her parents! Learn about the...
Episode 6
Sailing Catalpa: Surfing and Aerial Hooping with Teens Aboard
On this week's episode of Three Sheets, Erik and David have a chat with Sara, Lee, Taj and Bella of @SailingCatalpa and talk about what it's like living the cruisi...
Episode 5
SV Avocet: Sailing with Marissa and Chris Neely
Today we check in with Marissa and Chris Neely of @svavocet and talk about all the work they put into their first cruiser, their guard cat, the adventures they've been on and how Chris shouldn't try on a bikini. Sit back, relax and light em' if...
Episode 4
Beyond the Horizon: Tales from the Panama Posse
In this episode of Three Sheets, we sit down with Panama Posse, where we explore the origins of the posse, captivating sailing stories, adventures, and the vibrant camaraderie of the global sailing community. Get inspired, gain insights, and em...
Season 1
Episode 3
Uncharted Waters with Bob Bitchin': Sailing Through Life's Adventures
In this episode of Three Sheets, we sit down with Bob Bitchin', the original founder of Latitudes & Attitudes magazine. With his signature wit, unfiltered candor, and boundless passion, Bob Bitchin invites you into his world, shedding light...
Season 1
Episode 2
Lauren Landers: Deep Dives and Open Seas
In this episode of the 3 Sheets Podcast, hosts Erik Kyle and David Levesque are joined by the fascinating guest Lauren Landers. Lauren, a skilled freediver and sailor, shares her captivating life story with the hosts and listeners. Growing up n...
Season 1
Episode 1