Fearless Writing with Bill Kenower
Weekly inspiration and advice on writing and creativity from the author of Fearless Writing and Everyone Has What It Takes.
Podcasting since 2023 • 94 episodes
Fearless Writing with Bill Kenower
Latest Episodes
No Complaints!
Sometimes our most creative moments stem from things that bother us – stories that we wished ended differently, or passages that seem sloggily written. To be truly creative, however, we can’t complain, which is focusing on the thing we don’...
Season 3
Episode 93

Write Because Your Life Matters
If you’ve spent a lot of time taking care of other people, it’s easy to start believing their lives, their happiness, their safety and well-being, matters more than yours. It doesn’t. Writing demands we close the door and acknowledge that our l...
Season 3
Episode 92

Your Cabin On The Beach
Writers sit down every day at their desk and summon all kinds of feelings, from joy to grief. When you’re not writing, focus less on the result you want, and more on the feeling you want, something you’re already good at.
Season 3
Episode 91