M&A Murders & Accusations: The Good the Bad and The Ugly of Selling Your Business

How to Answer Zinger Questions with Power

Rick J. Krebs, M&A Advisor, CPA and CEPA

You are in a meeting with an important buyer group. The meeting has gone well up until now.  Suddenly, from out of nowhere, one of the buyer's team asks you a very pointed and direct question.  You don't know how to respond. You've never thought about that before. Yikes!  I call these questions "Zingers". You can actually feel the energy leave the room as you meekly do your best to answer her question. Ah, "I've blown it" you say to yourself, but don't dare to verbalize the thought. ..

This episode is about how to answer Zingers. Not only will you learn how to answer them, you will earn how to respond with POWER!  You will learn what tactics and tools to use to counter an attack question.  Learning these important things can save the sale of your business. Tune in, buckle up, and hold on for this important episode. 

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