Cat Chat®
Welcome to the new CAT CHAT ® brought to you by Dr. Elsey’s, the private company owned by Dr. Elsey, who created the #1 litter in the country to keep cats in their loving homes (helping to avoid Out of Litter Box problems, the #1 reason people abandon their kitties).Tracie wrote THE CAT BIBLE: Everything Your Cat Expects You to Know and hosted Cat Chat ® as a live call-in show for nearly 8 years on the Martha Stewart channel of Sirius/XM. Her mission is to entertain, educate and inspire cat lovers so they can give their kitty cats the best possible life in nutrition, affection, and environmental enrichment.Tracie's co-host is Dr. Mikel Maria Delgado of Feline Minds Cat Behavior Consulting, who has a PhD in Psychology from UC Berkeley, where she studied animal behavior and human-pet relationships, followed by postdoctoral research at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. She was co-author with Jackson Galaxy of the “Total Cat Mojo” and wrote the forthcoming book “Play with Your Cat!”Tracie and Dr. Mikel discuss all manner of feline issues so you can better understand and appreciate your own feline family members. They welcome questions (at Sit back and enjoy the conversations that we hope will deepen your knowledge and affection for all cats. Thanks for listening!Podcast also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon podcasts, and Audible.
Podcasting since 2020 • 230 episodes
Cat Chat®
Latest Episodes
Can You Manage Feline Leukemia in a Kitten?
#234: Dr Hodgkins recommends finding a feline-specialist veterinarian who will know how to use broad spectrum antibiotics to deal with the kitten’s upper respiratory symptoms.
Danger! Your Fat Cat Must Lose Weight Very Slowly
#233: An overweight cat should not lose more than ¼ lb a week or risk life-threatening Fatty Liver Disease — which Dr Elizabeth Hodgkins says you can avoid by removing dry food from their diet and feeding quality high protein wet food to help s...
“The Cat’s Meow” - Its Many Meanings
#232: Each cat has many ways of saying “Meow,” as Jonathan Losos explains in his book “The Cat’s Meow.”