Exotic Pets™
The show for people interested in pets that slither, hop, creep, fly or swim: from bunnies to iguanas, parrots to ferrets, snakes to tortoises. Information on the physical requirements of these exotic pets and how to manage the often challenging environment and correct diet essential to their welfare.
Co-hosted by Dr. Doug Mader, author of "The Vet at Noah's Ark: Stories of Survival from an Inner-City Animal Hospital,"who is a world-renowned specialist on exotic animals, author of four major veterinary textbooks on reptile and amphibians, and a passionate educator.

Early episodes of this show were co-hosted by Dr. Karen Rosenthal, Director of Exotic Animal Medicine at several institutions of higher learning.
89 episodes
I Am Mouse, Hear Me Roar
#289: Eleanor Spicer Rice, author of “Your Pets’ Secret Lives: the Truth Behind Your Pets’ Wildest Behaviors,” writes about the wondrous conversations mice have that we cannot hear. Mama mice sing to their babies — who sing back! She recommends...

Do Not Put Your Reptile in the Freezer!
#297: Dr Doug talks about reptile euthanasia which is very tricky, since they can come back to life after being euthanized medically! And people mistakenly think they can euthanize their reptile in the freezer but it is a terrible, painful deat...

Sy Montgomery “What the Rooster Knows”
#294: Sy Montgomery talks about her flock of “ladies” in her book “What the Chicken Knows: a New Appreciation of the World’s Most Familiar Bird” and all the ways that chickens are delightful, intelligent, long-lasting pets (with the added bonus...

Turtles Always Fly in a Chiquita Banana Box
#302: Michael Schneider founded Pilots to the Rescue to bring dogs and cats from the South, where they aren't wanted, to shelters in the Northeast that can place them in homes — but he never expected to be filling his Kodiak 100 plane with Chiq...

Fresh or Saltwater Fish?
#300: Dr. Doug says freshwater is the easiest way to get into fish ownership but saltwater tanks are the coolest, with puckerfish and lionfish greeting you when you come home!

Does Having An Exotic Pet Make You Special?
#301: Are people surprised or amazed that you have an exotic pet? Do you ever wonder why you chose the exotic that you did? Do other people make assumptions about you — positive or critical — because of the pet who shares your home? Does that u...

The Spider Chaser
#290: Chris Buddle has chased spiders his whole life — since childhood, although for academic purposes the past 30 years! and talks about the effect on visitors of his own lovely long haired tarantula.

Falling in Love With Sea Turtles
#299: Bette Zirkelbach, General Manager of the non-profit The Turtle Hospital in the Florida Keys, talks about rescuing and rehabilitating Mojo, the 800 lb. Leatherback Sea Turtle and explains how “compassion is contagious" and ecotourism helps...

Exotic Emergencies
#295: Dr. Doug Mader talks about breathing difficulties and bleeding being the two symptoms of true emergencies in exotics. Reptile emergencies are rare but with birds, breaking a blood feather that causes more than 6 drops of bright red blood ...

A Baby Bird Needs Only One Friend: You!
#288: Sandi Pipock has been the manager of Walton's Pet Shop in the Florida Keys for 30 years and talks about the value of education and customer service at a small privately owned store.

“What the Chicken Knows”
#294: Sy Montgomery talks about her flock of “ladies” in her book “What the Chicken Knows: a New Appreciation of the World’s Most Familiar Bird” and all the ways that chickens are delightful, intelligent, long-lasting pets (with the added bonus...

Cold Weather Warning!
#293: Dr. Doug explains how birds in an outdoor aviary can handle the cold but wind and getting wet feathers are a danger more than the temperature. Ferrets love the snow! Snakes and fish have antifreeze proteins in their blood so the cold does...

From ‘Gator Wrestler to Gator Rescuer
#287: Social media star Chris Gillette really did put himself through school wrestling alligators — and now is their rescuer at Bellowing Acres Alligator Sanctuary in Florida, where he has saved many “nuisance” alligators (caused by what he cal...

Follow the Great Hawk Migration
#291: Mark Hedden — self-described bird geek in the Florida Keys — describes the yearly migration of raptors that has “hawk counters” at the 200 hawk counting sites around the U.S. (follow the hawks at HMANA.org)

Did Your Snake have a “Virgin Birth”?
#286: Warren Booth — snake reproduction geneticist and professor at Virginia Tech — discusses discoveries about some snakes' ability to reproduce without a member of the opposite sex [parthenogenesis]. However, this phenomenon might be misleadi...

Is Your Venomous Snake Legal?
#285: Dr. Doug Mader explains that many snakes sold in pet stores have a venomous bite without people knowing it — from garter snakes to hognose snakes — which you should research before buying. The legalities differ by state, but obtaining a l...

Betta Fish — The Meanest Fish on the Block
#284: Dr. Eleanor Spicer Rice gives context to why betta fish attack others in her book “Your Pets’ Secret Lives: the Truth Behind Your Pets’ Wildest Behaviors,” explaining that humans breeding for ever more exotic colors in Betta fish have mad...

The Purple Claw and Other Charming Hermit Crabs
#283: Dr. Doug convinces Tracie that hermit crabs make delightful pets — as those who belong to online hermit crab clubs can attest — some of which can grow as big as a grapefruit and live 25 years! He explains how they need ever-larger shells ...

Goldfish Can Be Taught to Drive a Car
#282: Eleanor Spicer Rice, author of “Your Pets’ Secret Lives: the Truth Behind Your Pets’ Wildest Behaviors,” discusses how truly intelligent goldfish are, with good memories — recognizing you and music they have heard — and have even been tau...

Canaries Learn Their Songs as Baby Birds
#281: Eleanor Spicer Rice, author of “Your Pets’ Secret Lives: the Truth Behind Your Pets’ Wildest Behaviors,” talks about how lovely little yellow canaries were once used to detect deadly gasses in mines (“the canary in the coal mine”) but act...

Guppies and Their "Power of the Evil Eye"
#280: Eleanor Spicer Rice — author of “Your Pets’ Secret Lives: the Truth Behind Your Pets’ Wildest Behaviors” — talks about guppies being the most popular pet fish which are easy prey in the wild for all the other fish, since the only defense ...

Finches Are Darling Birds — Why have Just One?
#279: Dr. Doug’s grandmother had an aviary with nearly 100 birds in it — you don't have to rival that, but have at least two of these sweet little birdies with their elaborate coloring, easy management and generous lifespans of five to 10 years...

Frizzies or Hairless? So Many Mice to Love!
#278: Dr. Doug talks about the virtues of sweet, affectionate, low-maintenance “house mice” as wonderful “starter pets” for a small child. And they come in so many varieties now (he calls the hairless mouse “creepily adorable.”)

Reptiles Can’t Feel the Burn
#277: Dr. Doug cautions that faulty hot rocks, human heat pads and heat lamps used improperly can give 3rd degree burns to a reptile who cannot feel the damage.

33% of Pet Birds Test Positive for Borna Virus
#276: Dr. Jennifer Graham (board certified in Avian and Exotic Companion Animals) talks about this potentially deadly virus that is often in a breeder’s whole flock. Birds can be shedding borna virus without clinical signs — it’s not easily tra...