Lemons and Pineapples

Episode 8: How to Use Feng Shui to Achieve your Goals with Moni Castaneda

Emma O'Brien Season 2 Episode 8

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Have you ever wondered how your home space affects your life?

Do you find yourself making excuses for your house and not really enjoying the space you live in?

Would you like to know how to feel happier in your current home?

If so, this episode is for you.

My guest, Feng Shui consultant Moni Castaneda, shares how to work with your home to achieve your goals, shift your energy and create a nurturing environment for everyone you share living space with so you can enjoy spending time in a home you love.

Episode highlights:

  • The basic principles of Feng Shui: what to put where so you can be happy, healthy and successful
  • An overview of the three types of Feng Shui
  • Moni’s Feng Shui system; The 9 Steps of Feng Shui
  • How Moni works with her clients’ own sense of style to help them love and be proud of their homes
  • The state of your home is a reflection of the state of your life
  • Ways to create safety, balance, harmony and a connection to nature in your home
  • Using specific areas in your home to help you set life goals
  • The most important areas to start applying Feng Shui principles for life success
  • How your art and mirrors affect the energy of your home
  • One surprising kitchen item that is very important for good chi
  • 3 things you can do right now to improve the energy of your home

Moni shares such brilliant ideas and insights in the episode about how your home space affects all the other areas of your life! If you’re on a self-development journey already, prepare to be taken to the next level!

Access Moni’s FREE Style your Home Masterclass here and make sure you stay on the list for access to 15 more free classes.

Visit Moni’s website here: www.ninestepstofengshui.com

Connect with Moni on Instagram here @fengshuiforus 

If you've got big goals, but you're totally stuck about where to start, I invite you to book a complimentary strategy call with me here.

We'll uncover what's holding you back from the goals you want to achieve and you'll leave the call with actionable steps to get you moving in the right direction.

For the tea on me, how I work, who I coach and the packages I offer, please visit my website - www.emmaobriencoach.com

You can also connect with me on Instagram @emmaobriencoach where I share an abundance of tools, strategies and brilliant content, you might also see the occasional dog.

Check out two of my FREE online workshops:

My 7 Step Formula for Getting Unstuck

4 Ways to Stop Procrastination in its Tracks

00:00:02.510 --> 00:00:28.249
Emma O'Brien: Hi folks welcome to season 2. Episode 8 of the lemons and pineapples. Podcast today, my guest is moni, castanada. And we're talking about using Feng Shui to get your home working with you so you can accomplish your goals 1st a bit about my guest. Moni is a Feng Shui consultant, a speaker and an author who was devoted over 2 decades to the study and practice of Feng Shui.

00:00:28.250 --> 00:00:47.190
Emma O'Brien: Moni blends her knowledge of Western architecture with Eastern Feng Shui to help clients turn their current homes into dream homes that support them in every area of their lives. The result of working with Moni is that you live in a home you love, and that makes you proud. Welcome to the podcast moni.

00:00:47.730 --> 00:00:50.840
Moni Castaneda: Thank you so much for inviting me. I'm really happy to be here.

00:00:51.100 --> 00:01:03.190
Emma O'Brien: I'm very excited for this, because I don't know very much about Feng Shui at all, so I'm ready to be enlightened along with the audience here. Can you start by sharing a bit about what Feng Shui is.

00:01:03.620 --> 00:01:09.640
Moni Castaneda: Yeah. So Feng Shui is an ancient station art of placement or space arrangement

00:01:10.070 --> 00:01:36.969
Moni Castaneda: to put it in simple words, Feng, Shui teaches you what to put words so that you can be happy, healthy, and successful, right? And so Feng Shui is very, very old. It's over 2,000 years old, as as some people say, probably 4,000 years old. 5,000 but the the term Feng Shui was coined about 22 200 years ago. Yeah. And so there's some.

00:01:37.290 --> 00:01:51.513
Moni Castaneda: not just one type of Feng Shui right? And so that's important to consider, because sometimes people tell me, oh, I know all about Feng Shui, but then, when I go to their places, their places look really strange, or desire.

00:01:51.860 --> 00:01:52.370
Emma O'Brien: Yeah.

00:01:52.600 --> 00:01:54.674
Moni Castaneda: Because some of you've seen it.

00:01:55.020 --> 00:02:02.739
Emma O'Brien: I haven't. I could just imagine you go to. Someone says, Oh, I know all about Feng Shui, and they've got stuff in all the wrong places I can.

00:02:02.740 --> 00:02:26.370
Moni Castaneda: Yeah, and and things that not not not necessarily transfer from Asian culture to our Western culture and in terms of design, but also in terms of belief. So there's 3 types of function. So there's there's many schools of function. But they're kind of like in these umbrellas, right? And so the 1st umbrella of schools are function is compass, cool function.

00:02:26.370 --> 00:02:38.119
Moni Castaneda: That is the the kind of function where they're so worried about the compass directions. And you have to face this reference if you have to avoid these other directions. And so that is mainly based on astrology and numerology.

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Moni Castaneda: and it creates fear based

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Moni Castaneda: experiences, because they tell you, based on your year of birth, that you have 4 positive directions and 4 negative directions that doesn't translate well to the West, because what happens in the West people become obsessed with what are called their 4 negative directions, and I haven't been to the homes of people that had compass cool

00:03:01.980 --> 00:03:27.059
Moni Castaneda: practitioners trying to help them, and they had become terrified of their office because the office was in a bad direction for them, you know. So they just let it become clutter in the junk room. And so, because some many people react with fear to compass full function. Very early on in my career when I 1st started interested and getting interested in Feng, Shui decided. That's not what I'm gonna do. Then there's the other umbrella

00:03:27.420 --> 00:03:36.850
Moni Castaneda: is a black hat school of function, which has become very popular in the West, especially in the United States. And this is a school that is actually the black sect.

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Moni Castaneda: a function that is

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Moni Castaneda: Tantric Buddhism.

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Moni Castaneda: And so, for example, they have a grand master, and pretty much when you start applying this type of Feng Shui, which which I think is is really really fabulous. But you're pretty much adopting another belief system. You're pretty much joining another religion.

00:03:57.420 --> 00:03:59.350
Moni Castaneda: And My

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Moni Castaneda: issue is, you know, because I'm a social consultant, but I also train people to come from shay consultants. I don't want the people that are trained to be cut off of certain segments of the population, because they're worried about the religion says they shouldn't do a stroke of your numerology, and they shouldn't do Buddhist and practices right? And so my my idea is to have a type of function that anybody can do, regardless of their belief system, and that wouldn't challenge their own beliefs.

00:04:28.660 --> 00:04:36.580
Moni Castaneda: And so I opted to do Feng Shui as a branch of ancient Chinese medicine, just like acupuncture or chicken.

00:04:36.600 --> 00:04:57.440
Moni Castaneda: Everybody's in massage, you know. And so the type of function that I practice is based on the principles of ancient decision healing and actually developed a system called the nice tassel function that allows people to turn their current homes into dream phones just by following the steps in the system. And it's a system that never fails.

00:04:57.510 --> 00:05:00.890
Moni Castaneda: and any home can be turned into a dream. Home.

00:05:01.544 --> 00:05:16.935
Emma O'Brien: Amazing. And and I think this is, I've learned something very new here about 3 types of Feng shui, the only Feng Shui I've got is, I have a frog with a little coin in his mouth. He's inside the front door, that is

00:05:17.350 --> 00:05:23.924
Emma O'Brien: that is the that's the extent of mine, so you can tell me if that's the right place for the frog or not.

00:05:24.210 --> 00:05:24.590
Moni Castaneda: A, and.

00:05:24.590 --> 00:05:25.290
Emma O'Brien: I would.

00:05:25.290 --> 00:05:28.900
Moni Castaneda: An article on my website on how to place a three-legged frog.

00:05:28.940 --> 00:05:29.970
Moni Castaneda: Okay?

00:05:30.210 --> 00:05:42.270
Moni Castaneda: And that's what it's called right. But I I do not use it or recommended. Because this is another thing that doesn't transfer culturally, there is a story in East Asia

00:05:42.677 --> 00:05:53.100
Moni Castaneda: about what happened and why the 3 legged frog is a symbol of prosperity, right? But when you don't know that all you see is a frog missing a leg.

00:05:53.790 --> 00:05:58.519
Moni Castaneda: And that's not gonna Trigger. Good good feelings, good emotions, or good thoughts in your brain.

00:05:58.890 --> 00:06:08.615
Emma O'Brien: I hadn't noticed he had 3 legs. He's just triangular shaped, so I haven't. Actually, I've just like the frog must be by the door with the coin. That's.

00:06:08.940 --> 00:06:34.999
Moni Castaneda: Yeah. And but it has to point in a certain direction. It has to be kind of hidden. And so like, if if a client of my insists that they want to use a traditional cure function it I'll teach them the right way to use it. But but for most of my clients. I wanna work with their own sense of style, with their own sense of face. If they don't have one, I'll help them develop it, so that at the end they absolutely love their home, and they don't have to make excuses for their home.

00:06:35.000 --> 00:06:35.410
Emma O'Brien: Yeah.

00:06:35.410 --> 00:06:39.792
Moni Castaneda: And so like some some of the queues that you recommend, you know.

00:06:40.170 --> 00:07:10.069
Moni Castaneda: When people come in, they go like huh! Instead of instead of saying, Wow, this is a beautiful, comfortable home. I love the energy. They're more like, you know. Why. Why do you have 3 coins hanging from a red ribbon over there, you know, over there. So my emphasis is in making sure that everything that we do the client absolutely loves, and it looks great because you want to love your home, but you also want to be proud of your home. You know you don't want to be embarrassed to have people over.

00:07:10.590 --> 00:07:26.700
Emma O'Brien: Yeah, I totally. I totally agree with you, and I think our homes should be a nurturing space for us. They should be a space where we come into, and go as opposed to like you said a space. You come in and go. Oh, look at the clutter! Oh, look at the mess. So tell me.

00:07:26.920 --> 00:07:33.450
Emma O'Brien: how do you use Feng Shui to bring people's home space into a alignment? What are some of the things that you do.

00:07:34.010 --> 00:07:35.460
Moni Castaneda: Yeah. And so

00:07:35.810 --> 00:07:47.309
Moni Castaneda: your we use these terms, you know. For example, you say she's in a good place right now, and you say, well, he's not in a very good place right now. And and this these phrases that we use

00:07:47.430 --> 00:07:54.659
Moni Castaneda: have a connection to how we see life. So then the home is the place where you live.

00:07:54.710 --> 00:08:20.669
Moni Castaneda: and the shape your home is in. Give shape to your life. That's why we say he's in a good place or not. Right? And so basically, the empty spaces in the home that you create with the walls and the places of the furniture. That's where you live, and if those spaces are harmonious, if your environment is in a good place, then you're gonna have a much easier time being happy, being healthy and being successful.

00:08:20.720 --> 00:08:41.399
Moni Castaneda: And so what you do, you know what I do is I apply the 9 steps to function that I created inspired on the 9 principles of universal law and 9 principles of healing. And so you go through a process by which you take care of the most important things. First.st So the most important thing is that you feel safe in your home.

00:08:41.400 --> 00:09:02.450
Moni Castaneda: Then you have to feel balance right in in Chinese medicine, and they talk about excesses and deficiencies right? If a person has an excess of something or an efficiency of something, they're gonna get ill. So your home can have also excesses and deficiencies, and a common excess that is actually really popular is, for example, the double or triple high ceiling in the great room.

00:09:03.170 --> 00:09:16.480
Moni Castaneda: and that is an excess of space, and people love seeing these rooms with a really high ceilings, but they rarely use them because these spaces can lose the human scale. So what we do in function is we do things

00:09:16.500 --> 00:09:37.879
Moni Castaneda: that you, you still get to have your high ceiling, but it feels cozy, and you use the space right? And so there's a first, st the safety, the sense of safety, sense of wholeness, then the balancing, so that you don't attract drama to your life. Then we make sure that G, which is the life force, circulates in your home in a way that it promotes vitality.

00:09:37.920 --> 00:09:56.559
Moni Castaneda: But then you have to look at other things. You have to look at your connection with nature. Right? What kinds of window treatments do you have? Are your windows opening and closing easily. What do you see when you open the windows, you know. Is there an eyesore? Those are the things that we address. Then we have to harmonize, call, or shares and materials. We want to make sure that

00:09:56.640 --> 00:10:00.210
Moni Castaneda: all the pain tools that you have are giving you good messages.

00:10:00.773 --> 00:10:02.626
Moni Castaneda: Sometimes people will choose

00:10:03.100 --> 00:10:10.629
Moni Castaneda: paintings or photographs that are terrible. So, for example, in the home of a client, I saw a beautiful black and white photograph

00:10:10.900 --> 00:10:13.509
Moni Castaneda: of a tree that had been struck by lightning.

00:10:13.890 --> 00:10:24.239
Moni Castaneda: It's a beautiful photograph. It's a beautiful piece of art, but it wasn't doing good things for the people living in that home, you know, looking at a dead tree. It's not the same as looking as a live tree.

00:10:24.910 --> 00:10:48.034
Moni Castaneda: And so you you look at the, at the art. You look at the mirrors, you know certain mirrors are back on Shui, so you have to make sure you don't have those and make sure that your mirrors are in a good place, where they're doing good things for you, where they're not reproducing chaos or message or eyesource. Then it comes decluttering, you know, declaring is an important part of on shave, because decluttering is not just about

00:10:48.360 --> 00:10:54.490
Moni Castaneda: letting go of the things that you don't need or love. The clutter happens when you don't have beauty.

00:10:54.740 --> 00:10:58.510
Moni Castaneda: And so when people have beautiful things, they clean and organize them.

00:10:58.780 --> 00:11:16.450
Moni Castaneda: And then we look at what are the most popular part of Feng Shui, which is called the 9 Life Areas. And so sometimes, people, you know you. They tell me. Oh, my home is all Feng Shui, and all. What that they have done is they have put little trinkets for each of the life areas in their home. So we use this tool called the Bagua map.

00:11:16.450 --> 00:11:32.030
Moni Castaneda: That is kind of like a tic tac toe that divides your home into 9 squares, and I re 9 rectangles, and then they tell you. Well, at the back left you have well, well, at the back, right? You have relationships at the front left. You have wisdom at the front right. You have travel

00:11:32.130 --> 00:11:51.089
Moni Castaneda: in the very middle, at the front. You have career at the very back in the middle. Then you have a fame and reputation, and on the side walls in the center you have health on the one side, and then you have creativity on the other side, and those are the 9 life areas, right? And so we help you set goals

00:11:51.190 --> 00:11:53.255
Moni Castaneda: that are good for you. So

00:11:53.620 --> 00:11:55.910
Moni Castaneda: Since you're a life coach right?

00:11:55.910 --> 00:11:56.610
Emma O'Brien: Yeah, okay.

00:11:56.610 --> 00:11:58.450
Moni Castaneda: People get unstuck.

00:11:59.031 --> 00:12:01.890
Moni Castaneda: You probably have seen that

00:12:01.940 --> 00:12:14.290
Moni Castaneda: in the coaching industry there's a lot about goals right setting goals. If I opportunities to set goals, and if you write your goals every day, and if you read them every day, that

00:12:14.360 --> 00:12:16.140
Moni Castaneda: you are, gonna get where

00:12:16.160 --> 00:12:23.510
Moni Castaneda: where you want to go that you're gonna achieve those goals. But there's a huge gap. And I think here is where a life coach probably is essential.

00:12:24.230 --> 00:12:27.329
Moni Castaneda: because there's a huge gap between what the person wants

00:12:27.430 --> 00:12:29.470
Moni Castaneda: and how to get that.

00:12:29.650 --> 00:12:31.339
Moni Castaneda: Yeah, that's 1 thing right.

00:12:31.460 --> 00:12:33.880
Moni Castaneda: But choosing the right goals.

00:12:34.480 --> 00:12:55.320
Moni Castaneda: it should be the bridge that unites those 2 things right? Because if a person wants something, and what if that something is bad for them? Right? And so you gotta make sure that the person is choosing goals that are gonna create their highest good. So that's 1 thing that we're gonna function, too, is we help people choose the right goals for them.

00:12:55.630 --> 00:13:05.580
Moni Castaneda: and then we also look at furniture placement. You know we have unfortunately, something called the power position, which is when you, the the position, the spot in the room

00:13:05.990 --> 00:13:34.010
Moni Castaneda: where you are going to be the most productive, where you're going to feel the safest where you're not going to get distracted, and that is for the position of the bed, the position of your desk and chair, and and other places in the home, so like, for example, the positioning of the sofa is very important, the positioning of them the head of household in the dining room. But the most important are where you sleep and where you work.

00:13:34.230 --> 00:13:34.650
Emma O'Brien: Okay.

00:13:35.070 --> 00:13:56.959
Moni Castaneda: Yes, and so that is how you bring a space into alignment. You go step by step, and and you address all these principles of healing. You know, a person needs wholeness. They need balance vitality. They need to be in good relationship with nature. They have to have harmony. They need to have the home. Tell them good messages that Chinese say

00:13:56.960 --> 00:14:08.880
Moni Castaneda: your home is. All the things in your home are constantly talking to you. Make sure they have good things to say right then, that your home is organized and tidy, that you are living with things you absolutely love.

00:14:09.000 --> 00:14:23.830
Moni Castaneda: and that you're setting good goals, and that you have reminders of your goals on your walls, on your furniture, and that you have arranged your furniture in order to empower yourself, and not to put blocks to your progress.

00:14:24.450 --> 00:14:25.120
Emma O'Brien: Yeah.

00:14:25.250 --> 00:14:32.139
Emma O'Brien: there's so much in there. One question I have for you. That kind of stood out. What makes a bad mirror.

00:14:32.850 --> 00:14:36.229
Moni Castaneda: Oh, bad mirrors, for example, mirrors that are not flat

00:14:36.656 --> 00:15:05.570
Moni Castaneda: or concave mirrors. Those are bad fragmented mirrors, you know, like there's this beautiful mosaics made of mirrors. And they're really bad shape, because you see yourself fragmented in every single movie about mental illness. You're gonna see, there's a scene where the person is looking at themselves in a broken mirror or a mosaic mirror. Another something, and one that is often overlooked is a flat mirror with those bevels

00:15:06.050 --> 00:15:25.109
Moni Castaneda: that are so beautiful and most expensive. High-end. Beautiful mirrors have those edges. That is bad function. You should have a mirror that is completely flat and doesn't have this landed edges, because if you go and stand like at the edge of a mirror and it has slanted edge, you're gonna see a split image. So you want your mirrors to give you good feedback.

00:15:25.300 --> 00:15:27.380
Moni Castaneda: True feedback. Yeah.

00:15:28.666 --> 00:15:46.723
Emma O'Brien: Brilliant. I I think that that that there's some great information there again I didn't know, and it makes total sense to not have a a 1 of those mosaic mirrors that gives you well, multiple versions of yourself. And you're absolutely right. Whenever we have a creepy scary movie, there's usually somebody breaking a mirror and.

00:15:47.040 --> 00:15:48.389
Moni Castaneda: Yeah, exactly. That's great.

00:15:48.390 --> 00:15:49.300
Emma O'Brien: Usually happens.

00:15:49.300 --> 00:15:53.380
Moni Castaneda: Another thing typical. Typical of horror! Movies

00:15:53.900 --> 00:15:57.379
Moni Castaneda: is the block with a knives on the kitchen counter

00:15:57.520 --> 00:16:03.999
Moni Castaneda: that you see in the beginning, and as the movie progresses they show you the block and one knife is missing. Right?

00:16:04.070 --> 00:16:06.294
Moni Castaneda: And so that's that function.

00:16:07.406 --> 00:16:14.039
Emma O'Brien: That makes total sense, because there's so many connotations to being murdered. I think we're all good. So where must the knives go instead.

00:16:14.340 --> 00:16:31.090
Moni Castaneda: They. If you want to put them in a block, it needs to go inside a cabinet. But there's some these knife organizers that you can put in a drawer, and so your your knives go vertically like that. You know they're protecting. Of course you have children. You have to put a child's lock on the drawer.

00:16:31.200 --> 00:16:31.780
Moni Castaneda: Yes.

00:16:31.780 --> 00:16:34.009
Emma O'Brien: Of course, so the children don't murder you.

00:16:34.010 --> 00:16:34.430
Moni Castaneda: Right, everybody.

00:16:34.430 --> 00:16:35.380
Emma O'Brien: Else, you know.

00:16:35.380 --> 00:16:38.659
Moni Castaneda: Now it's become really popular to have these magnets behind your stuff.

00:16:38.660 --> 00:16:39.720
Emma O'Brien: Yes, yes.

00:16:39.720 --> 00:16:42.339
Moni Castaneda: So you're nice over there that terrifies children.

00:16:42.410 --> 00:16:48.189
Moni Castaneda: Yes, my clients have actually told me that their children were having nightmares, and they were crying about the knives.

00:16:48.190 --> 00:16:49.103
Emma O'Brien: Oh, wow!

00:16:50.170 --> 00:16:54.369
Emma O'Brien: Okay. So the knives got firmly put into a draw out of, out of sight.

00:16:54.370 --> 00:16:55.279
Moni Castaneda: Then he, then.

00:16:55.280 --> 00:16:56.693
Emma O'Brien: Hidden, hidden.

00:16:57.410 --> 00:17:05.619
Emma O'Brien: Can you share with us an example of a client you've worked with that's had a goal that you've helped them to achieve

00:17:05.680 --> 00:17:13.079
Emma O'Brien: by going into their home and working with with them and working with your Feng Shui magic to

00:17:13.339 --> 00:17:18.150
Emma O'Brien: adjust the home space. So it's adjusted the outcome for for your client.

00:17:18.150 --> 00:17:30.849
Moni Castaneda: Yeah, I I'd like to share 2 stories, one in Canada and one in Wales. And I'm in the United States, right? So I have never stepped into their phones, because all my home consultations are now done long distance, you know.

00:17:30.850 --> 00:17:51.560
Moni Castaneda: online. And it works just as well because I've I've been doing this for more than 20 years. So I know what base, what spaces feel like. And with not today with photos and smartphones and videos. You can do everything online. So one of my clients, she was married, and she was really happy in her marriage, and she told me

00:17:51.630 --> 00:18:19.019
Moni Castaneda: the only thing that she wished about her husband is that he talked more, that he was very, very, very quiet, very, very silent, and she said, if he talked more to me, we would have a perfect marriage. And so when we got to step 6 with Step 6 is about the language of the home, the language of the home right. And one of the things that I always insist is that husbands be consultant because most of my clients are women.

00:18:19.020 --> 00:18:30.790
Moni Castaneda: and they are used to making all the decisions. You know. The husband comes home and he finds a painting on the wall. He finds a new rug in the living room. Husband are usually not consulted, and so

00:18:31.230 --> 00:18:47.470
Moni Castaneda: part of what I do is, you know, make sure every family member agrees with this choice, and in the beginning it was really hard for her, but when we got to step 6, which is about the language of the home, she told me my husband and I are having intimate deep conversations

00:18:47.540 --> 00:18:50.069
Moni Castaneda: every single evening.

00:18:51.550 --> 00:18:59.189
Moni Castaneda: So that is quite an amazing result. Right? And so, yeah, the only complaint she had about her husband is. He was not very communicative.

00:18:59.460 --> 00:19:00.050
Emma O'Brien: Yeah.

00:19:00.050 --> 00:19:17.720
Moni Castaneda: And then to having deep, meaningful conversations every single day. That's just amazing. And another story I wanted to share is an artist. One of my clients was an artist, but she hadn't created any new work. In 7 years she had all this art that she had started, and she hadn't finished 7 years ago.

00:19:17.910 --> 00:19:23.310
Moni Castaneda: and we work, you know we apply the nicest of function system to her whole home.

00:19:23.380 --> 00:19:29.410
Moni Castaneda: But what made the difference for her art? Her creativity was her formal dining room.

00:19:30.210 --> 00:19:47.169
Moni Castaneda: It was pretty chaotic, right? It wasn't like messy or clutter. It was just chaotic in the function. Sense like things were not in the right places. The colors weren't good, and because she's an artist, you know, she she wanted to have a red magenta wall

00:19:47.940 --> 00:20:03.810
Moni Castaneda: in the formal dining room, which is not really a color recommended for a dining room. But I'm like she's an artist. That's what she likes. I'm gonna help her do what she wants to do right. And so we made it work. And so her dining room. You can go to my website and go to the before and after.

00:20:04.460 --> 00:20:06.400
Moni Castaneda: It's such a transformation

00:20:06.470 --> 00:20:29.279
Moni Castaneda: from what it was before and and the after right, and after she was done reorganizing her dime, you know. She started. 1st of all, she started finishing the artwork that she had never finished before, and but then she started doing new art. So the art she's doing today is art that comes from her soul. That is really her that really represents her, and that makes other families happy.

00:20:29.290 --> 00:20:38.380
Moni Castaneda: you know, like the kind of art she's making is, and especially for families with small children is the kind of art that brightens up your day is the kind of art that makes you

00:20:38.380 --> 00:20:59.750
Moni Castaneda: happy. You stay home with the children, you know, or happy to come home after work is a very family, oriented. She has a very Happy Family herself, and so there are she was doing before it wasn't her. It was like more expression is the kind of thing that our teachers push you to do right. But so she started making art that came from her heart that came from her soul.

00:21:00.190 --> 00:21:09.499
Moni Castaneda: Those are a 2 of my my favorite transformations that I have seen, and of course they both ended up with dream phones. One of them, you know, she her.

00:21:09.770 --> 00:21:17.580
Moni Castaneda: She had lived in the home 15 years she had never felt confident to invite people over, and she actually had the pre prom party

00:21:18.004 --> 00:21:35.400
Moni Castaneda: at her house, you know, for her 17 year old daughter and all her daughter's friends were complimenting her and talking about how beautiful her home is. And I wish my phone was like this. And then her friends and family started asking her for advice on how to decorate their homes.

00:21:36.450 --> 00:21:46.920
Emma O'Brien: I. So there's so much in here, and the big takeaway I've got, cause I've got a bit of a bias towards it, because it's what I coach a lot of people around is that in doing

00:21:46.950 --> 00:21:52.490
Emma O'Brien: the work in the homes with your clients, in making the shifts in the space that they're in.

00:21:52.890 --> 00:21:55.850
Emma O'Brien: They found a sense of confidence. They didn't have

00:21:56.070 --> 00:21:57.080
Emma O'Brien: befall.

00:21:57.240 --> 00:21:58.400
Moni Castaneda: That's nice.

00:21:58.400 --> 00:21:59.719
Emma O'Brien: So powerful.

00:22:00.080 --> 00:22:07.289
Moni Castaneda: And I'm sure as a live coach, you know that a lot of women especially have trouble making decisions, right

00:22:07.940 --> 00:22:09.859
Moni Castaneda: and so the

00:22:09.920 --> 00:22:22.739
Moni Castaneda: the process of applying from straight to your home involves a lot of decisions. But it's decisions that come from knowledge. Right? So, for example, in the beginning, one of the 1st things that we do is if your floor plan is not a square rectangle

00:22:23.034 --> 00:22:44.229
Moni Castaneda: we compensate for that, and so that from the inside. It feels like it's not missing a portion, right? And so that gives women a sense of wholeness, a sense of there's a lot of potential here, you know I haven't reached the end of the road. I'm not stuck, you know. I have all the pieces for my life to be the way I want it to be.

00:22:44.460 --> 00:22:54.299
Moni Castaneda: And then when when people are correcting these access and excesses and balances right, they're like, Okay, you know, I don't have to leave a life of drama all the time. You know, there's.

00:22:54.300 --> 00:22:54.870
Emma O'Brien: And there's.

00:22:54.870 --> 00:23:01.159
Moni Castaneda: Here for for more. And so these are such important things, because, for example.

00:23:01.586 --> 00:23:08.249
Moni Castaneda: a whole way that is narrow needs to be made wider right. That means that you have to choose a mirror to make it wider.

00:23:09.180 --> 00:23:34.530
Moni Castaneda: But then you have to know where to place it, because in some spots you shouldn't have a mirror, because what you are reflecting is that good? Right? Or, for example, if right at when you come out of a bedroom, you shouldn't see a mirror cause that could startle you right. So you have to know where to put the mirror. You have to know what kind of mirror you need. So when I give people all this information, okay, so this is what you need to make your decision to make an informed decision. But then they go and choose the mirror. They love.

00:23:34.530 --> 00:23:34.890
Emma O'Brien: Yeah.

00:23:34.890 --> 00:23:44.659
Moni Castaneda: As long as it follow certain guidelines right? And so that makes it that less. A person know that with the right information. They can make the right decisions.

00:23:44.660 --> 00:23:45.250
Emma O'Brien: Yes.

00:23:45.250 --> 00:23:55.020
Moni Castaneda: That's such a huge transformation, you know, when a woman goes from doubting herself to knowing that she's making the right decisions, there's a huge leap in self

00:23:55.040 --> 00:23:57.150
Moni Castaneda: esteem and confidence.

00:23:57.150 --> 00:24:13.379
Emma O'Brien: Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's 1 of thing. One of the things that that I coach around is when you get into action, the more action you take, the more confident you are, say, for people who struggle with decision, making the more you can practice your decision making muscle.

00:24:13.440 --> 00:24:25.980
Emma O'Brien: And then you have a great outcome, the the easier it is to do it. Next time, when you are faced with a decision where perhaps you don't have all the knowledge. But you think you know what I've I've done all I've made all these great decisions already.

00:24:26.230 --> 00:24:41.290
Emma O'Brien: I can. I can do this, and I think that's the process of moving life forwards and making progress is is being in action, and it's having the confidence to to do that. So this has been so interesting money. So what I've picked up here

00:24:41.650 --> 00:24:42.460
Emma O'Brien: is

00:24:43.340 --> 00:24:46.569
Emma O'Brien: Be mindful of the kind of mirror that you're having in your home.

00:24:47.450 --> 00:24:49.610
Emma O'Brien: Be careful where you're putting your knives.

00:24:50.480 --> 00:25:03.059
Emma O'Brien: Making sure that everybody in the house is consulted. And I think it's you you. I chuckled away to to that one. Because I think you're right. Lots of lots of husbands come home and go. Oh,

00:25:03.740 --> 00:25:04.690
Moni Castaneda: You've been a new thing.

00:25:04.690 --> 00:25:09.899
Emma O'Brien: Redecorated. Great! I'll just check my bank statement for that. And

00:25:09.930 --> 00:25:18.745
Emma O'Brien: it's you know, they live in the home, too, and I think sometimes we take for granted, because men aren't always very expressive about what they do or don't want, and.

00:25:19.030 --> 00:25:22.570
Moni Castaneda: You shouldn't. You shouldn't treat your partner like a credit card right?

00:25:22.570 --> 00:25:47.160
Emma O'Brien: Correct, totally agree with you, and it's something I've it's something I've been doing. My in my own marriage is and it's something my husband said to me, Do you know what could you? Could you consult me before you make a decision rather than making a decision, and then telling me. You've done it. And it's it's it has changed the relationship cause. Actually, I didn't realize I was doing it. I think sometimes you go. Oh, sorry about that

00:25:47.790 --> 00:25:58.562
Emma O'Brien: so so interesting. And the the other the last piece I picked up on is, be mindful with your art, especially if you have small children, and we don't want Caravaggio's up all over them.

00:25:58.870 --> 00:26:00.319
Moni Castaneda: Exactly right.

00:26:00.320 --> 00:26:22.980
Emma O'Brien: Not the artwork for, especially for a bedroom, and especially not for a home with small people living in it. Moni, could you share 3 things, somebody listening. Who's thinking, God! This is really fascinating. And they want to go trotting out into their house when they get home, or or after listening to the podcast what are 3 really easy things someone can do to transform a space

00:26:23.100 --> 00:26:24.070
Emma O'Brien: right now.

00:26:24.400 --> 00:26:30.099
Moni Castaneda: So to get started with your home to bring more positive energy. Start with your mailbox or letterbox.

00:26:30.790 --> 00:26:36.119
Moni Castaneda: Make sure that's in good condition, that it has a fresh coat of paint, and the numbers are super clear.

00:26:36.340 --> 00:26:36.750
Emma O'Brien: Okay.

00:26:37.160 --> 00:26:50.699
Moni Castaneda: And so that puts you in a place where you are findable, where good luck can find you. Right? And so your mailbox of letter box needs to be beautiful in good condition. Clear numbers, if possible, beautiful flowers around it

00:26:51.308 --> 00:27:05.340
Moni Castaneda: that invites good energy to your home. You're making a gift to your neighbors by doing that. Then make sure that there's open space in front of your front entrance, and that you put 2 planters, one on each side of the main door

00:27:05.480 --> 00:27:11.609
Moni Castaneda: that are colorful, or they have colorful flowers on them. So they're like your guardians for your door, right.

00:27:12.380 --> 00:27:40.279
Moni Castaneda: And the 3rd thing is, make sure. When you open the door it opens fully to 90 degrees or 280 degrees in a lot of homes that I've been, or that I have consulted, for you can't even open the door because there's clutter behind the door, so make sure your fire is uncluttered, because if the 1st thing that happens to you is when you try to come home, the door gets so this would apply to your front door, but also maybe the door that you use most often right.

00:27:41.020 --> 00:27:48.019
Moni Castaneda: And make sure that it opens smoothly, noselessly, and also that the 1st thing you see when you come home

00:27:48.490 --> 00:28:07.670
Moni Castaneda: it's something that you really absolutely love, because, like one of my clients, you know, very successful professional when beautiful. 4 year. But when she comes in she comes in from the garage. So she opens the door garage into her house, and she sees the extra her stash of dog food. Has. She has 2 really big dogs right?

00:28:08.190 --> 00:28:13.570
Moni Castaneda: And so she buys this industrial size, and so she's put them in the hallway.

00:28:13.830 --> 00:28:14.320
Emma O'Brien: Yeah.

00:28:14.320 --> 00:28:21.939
Moni Castaneda: Right across, you know. So she she opened. She used to open the door to her gar from her garage into the phone, and she saw that

00:28:21.960 --> 00:28:25.730
Moni Castaneda: huge bags of dog food, and just like, Oh, I have to walk that off.

00:28:26.219 --> 00:28:27.300
Moni Castaneda: It is a

00:28:27.460 --> 00:28:49.050
Moni Castaneda: and so it's like, Oh, as soon as I come home chores. So, instead of having the happiness of seeing maybe a beautiful painting when you come home, and then having the happiness of seeing your dog come to you right, having that happy moment and having the wrong thing. When you see when you come inside, the home gives you the wrong attitude towards your home and towards your life.

00:28:49.440 --> 00:28:50.409
Emma O'Brien: Yeah, yeah.

00:28:50.410 --> 00:28:51.730
Moni Castaneda: And recommend.

00:28:52.000 --> 00:29:09.360
Emma O'Brien: Oh, I love those. Thank you very much, and so actionable and just brilliant, and it and it makes so much sense to me when you're sharing this. So money, I've really really enjoyed chatting to you today, you have a free class that people can access online. Could you just talk a little bit more about that for me.

00:29:09.360 --> 00:29:25.799
Moni Castaneda: So if you go to my website, which is 9 steps to function. But if you don't know how to spell function, you can also type space arrangementcom, and it will take you there. So on my menu at the top. You're gonna see that says free and low cost.

00:29:26.110 --> 00:29:28.800
Moni Castaneda: And if you click on free and low cost.

00:29:29.060 --> 00:29:34.209
Moni Castaneda: you're gonna find a class there that is called how to develop a sense of style in your home.

00:29:34.660 --> 00:29:56.999
Moni Castaneda: and you can take that class is completely free. You get instant access to it. And of course, you know, with a with a lot of freedom freebies. There's an email sequence that comes after right. And so if you do not unsubscribe right away, because, you know like. And I'm guilty of that. Sometimes you want a freebie. You get the freebie, and you unsubscribe. If you do not unsubscribe, and you can hang in there for a week.

00:29:57.210 --> 00:30:18.999
Moni Castaneda: you will get a chance you'll get a link to all of my freebies. I have another 15 fabulous freebies, you know, webinars, free classes, charts. I have a bow map that you can get for free. I have a class on the 5 mirrors you shouldn't have in your home. I have a class on the master bedrooms. I have so many classes right?

00:30:19.000 --> 00:30:44.959
Moni Castaneda: And so if you stick with me, if you get your freebie and you wait about a week, you're gonna get a link that is, gonna take you to all of my freebies. So you can just keep cycling through that page and just learn all the function that you can learn without any specific help. Right? So that will get you an idea of what I do, how I do it, and how I can help you really turn your home into a dream home, so you can live a happy life.

00:30:46.010 --> 00:30:59.459
Emma O'Brien: Wonderful. I'm going to pop the links both of those links in the show notes, and then people can just go and click and great, and then stay on Moni's mailing list. If you want these extras, folks don't leap off

00:30:59.460 --> 00:31:18.540
Emma O'Brien: because this sounds brilliant, like you've got a wonderful selection of classes there. I'm going to go and subscribe and have a look at that, because I'm very intrigued. You've piqued my interest with our chat today, so thank you very much for for joining me. I really appreciate this. This has been a really entertaining and really

00:31:18.710 --> 00:31:20.200
Emma O'Brien: enlightening

00:31:20.210 --> 00:31:21.470
Emma O'Brien: conversation.

00:31:22.600 --> 00:31:25.010
Moni Castaneda: Thank you for inviting me. It's been a pleasure.

00:31:25.960 --> 00:31:33.090
Emma O'Brien: Folks. Thank you very much for joining us for today's episode. I will see you same time next week bye, for now.