Shiny New Clients!

The 3 reasons people UNFOLLOW you (and exactly how to stop caring when they do)

March 11, 2024 Jenna Warriner Season 1 Episode 41
The 3 reasons people UNFOLLOW you (and exactly how to stop caring when they do)
Shiny New Clients!
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Shiny New Clients!
The 3 reasons people UNFOLLOW you (and exactly how to stop caring when they do)
Mar 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 41
Jenna Warriner

You're about to become 100% resilient to social media unfollows. Seriously. You'll never fret about them again after you hear the REAL reason people unfollow your business on social media. 

Wanna know how many unfollows I got this week? I'll tell you... and it's probably hundreds more than you think. Yet to me, it's water off my back and your unfollows are gonna feel the same way after you stream this episode.

I'll also talk about... 

  • Life as an actor and what it's like to hear NO like it's your job (which builds up your resilience quick)
  • The Instagram insights that ACTUALLY matter for your marketing (and mindset)
  • What to remind yourself when your business social media gets unfollowed, so you can care not and move on marketing your small business.

Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)"

Tap here to get your free Posts That Sell Template (This caption got us 10 sales calls in 3 hours)

Tap here to try (Jenna's favourite social media scheduling software)

Music by Jordan Wood

Hosted by Jenna Warriner, Creator of Magic Marketing Machine

Show Notes Transcript

You're about to become 100% resilient to social media unfollows. Seriously. You'll never fret about them again after you hear the REAL reason people unfollow your business on social media. 

Wanna know how many unfollows I got this week? I'll tell you... and it's probably hundreds more than you think. Yet to me, it's water off my back and your unfollows are gonna feel the same way after you stream this episode.

I'll also talk about... 

  • Life as an actor and what it's like to hear NO like it's your job (which builds up your resilience quick)
  • The Instagram insights that ACTUALLY matter for your marketing (and mindset)
  • What to remind yourself when your business social media gets unfollowed, so you can care not and move on marketing your small business.

Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)"

Tap here to get your free Posts That Sell Template (This caption got us 10 sales calls in 3 hours)

Tap here to try (Jenna's favourite social media scheduling software)

Music by Jordan Wood

Hosted by Jenna Warriner, Creator of Magic Marketing Machine

When you're trying to grow on social media, getting unfollowed and seeing your followers number drop. Is so freaking frustrating, right? Because you're out there and you're trying to grow and you figure you you've done everything that everyone tells you  to do when you're throwing everything at it. 

And you're still seeing people leave. And sometimes it can feel like they're falling through a sieve and they were leads and they were opportunities and they were opportunities for you to make money. And now they're disappearing and you don't know who they are because you don't know who unfollowed you. And you don't know where they went. 

If that resonates. 

I want you to know that you're not alone because I talked to a lot of business owners and I know you're not the only person that feels that way. So let's talk about a healthier way to, to look at it. 

Let's talk about what's really going on. When people unfollow, you. And a way to make it not scrape at your soul. When you see that people have left your online community. 

 If you're new here. Hi, I'm Jenna. I'm a social media manager. I own a social media management agency where we focus on organic growth, creating an amazing online presence that actually drives clients into your business. And I'm also a marketing coach. And listen, you can trust me because I'm not just teaching you how to do this stuff. 

I also do this stuff for businesses globally and I have for many, many years. So if you're a service-based business owner and you're trying to run your own account and get clients from it, you are absolutely. In the right place. Let's talk about it.   This isn't just about tactical strategies. It's also about practical strategies, keeping up with it, sustaining, creating a social media presence that brings clients into your business that you actually do every day because you don't hate it or resent it. And it's about all the mindset stuff that kind of comes up along the way. 

Right. We need to grapple with things like dealing with losing followers and not let that,  bring us down so that we sabotage today's poster. We sabotage our presence. So. I understand that there's probably a lot going on in your head and there's a lot that goes into this when you're running your own socials. And that is okay. Before I did this, I was an actor. 

I talk about this quite a lot on the podcast. I was an actor for my whole life. I grew up doing it. And since I was like nine years old and I started this whole foray into performing.  I received one very frequent warning about life as an actor. And it's that you have to be prepared to hear. 

No, you have to be prepared to hear no. All through, like growing up, everyone seems to know that about life as an actor. And they'll tell you all through education and school and college and learning that everyone is always warning you. Well, you better get ready to hear a whole lot of no's before you hear a whole lot of yeses. 

And I lived that, you know, When you're an actor, a lot of your job. And I promise I have a point here, but a lot of your job is going to auditions. So you spend more time going to auditions to try and get jobs. Then you actually spend doing jobs. And furthermore, that can be very frustrating because you don't get paid. 

Like you get paid for callbacks here in Canada, but.  If it's for like a commercial or something, you get 50 bucks, which if you had to Uber there probably wouldn't have even covered it. , but you're going to auditions if you're lucky every week and you're not making any money. And that means also  doing your hair, doing your makeup, finding an outfit, practicing your script and showing up there and waiting, and then doing it  and then getting back across the city and where you live, like it's a big time commitment. 

It's a big energy commitment. And then on top of that, you don't get the job. You hear a no. 

 And in order to have a career, you need to be able to move on from that no quickly. So, is it the, no that hurts you? Is it the fact that you didn't get that one job that like really gets in your head and makes you doubt yourself? No, absolutely. It's not because that's part of what it is to be an actor. 

You know, you're going to be going to auditions and you're not going to get all of them. 

 The real problem is whatever you're making that no mean.  If you make that no mean. I suck. I'm too fat for this role. , I'm no good. Nobody likes me. Casting hates me then how are you going to go in and approach that next audition when you're in that same room, right? What's your energy going to be like, what's your mood going to be like when you go to a networking event that night, or when you go to your next acting class, like it's going to be so much harder to climb out of that funk because you gave that no too much power too. Too much power. 

The problem. 

Isn't the, no, the problem is what you're making the no mean. So I'm going to tell you point blank, why people unfollow you so we can take a little bit of power away from that, but at the end of the day, it's also up to you and your brain and what you're making your unfollows mean because. The fact of the matter is there's three really simple reasons why people don't follow you. 

Okay. Either they realized you're not for them. Could be that, you know, they don't like something you stand by. That's fine. If you stand by that thing and they don't, that's fine. That's allowed, we can let them leave. We can release them. They realize that your target audience isn't them, and they're not identifying themselves as your target audience and therefore your services and for them. 

And so they don't want to follow anymore. Okay, great. They realized they moved out of the country and you have a location specific business. So for whatever freaking reason, Your not for them and you don't need to be, you don't need to be for everyone. And if someone decides you're not for them, you have to let them. Because you would want someone to give you that same courtesy, right? 

So if someone decides you're not for them, they're allowed to leave.  But hold the phone. That's, that's probably not why people are leaving because you know what, you're probably getting unfollows. It's probably stupid Instagram bots at  followed you. And they were actually a robot all along. You know,   chances are it's much more likely when you see that your number has dropped. 

It is bots being purged from Instagram and dormant accounts dying off. It's probably not real people. 

And the third common reason that people are unfollowing. And one of my followers actually just brought this up to me the other day and I was like, oh my gosh. That's yeah, you're absolutely right. Is because you were the lead.  They weren't the lead, you were the lead all along. 

They were following you because they wanted you to be their client. So you were the lead and then they realized that you weren't going to be a good lead. And so then they left you, right? So you were the mark in that situation. So who cares if they leave too? 

For most of my clients, I say like, if you haven't said anything like polarizing lately that you wish you didn't say, or something  edgy that  maybe it was a little bit too far, then  I'm never concerned about the unfollows.  I always tell the businesses that I work with in my program, I teach a three month program on how to get clients from Instagram. 

And I always tell them, like, just don't look at the following number. Just don't look because you're already doing everything that you can by creating content and honing in on your ideal client and improving your content and optimizing your posts. Like you're already doing all the things. So just don't look, if it's going to get up in your head. .  And one of the people in that program took me up on that and she took it very seriously, not looking at the follower account. 

And she started the program with like, I don't know, I don't have any, a few hundred followers and she actually shot up to like 11,000. In her time in the program. And didn't even notice because she said, well, I took your advice to him. He said, don't check. So I didn't check. And I just thought that was hilarious. Um, most of us don't have that kind of self-control though. 

Most of us are going to check a little bit. So let me tell you what to actually check. If you're going to check, let me tell you what to actually check, because I bet you're checking the wrong thing. Now, this is for Instagram specifically, but this is true for like any social media platform. You're going to go into your insights. You're going to look at your total followers and you're going to see how many people came versus how many people left. 

You can choose the time bracket that you're looking at. So if you want to know the last seven days, you want to know the last like 30 days or whatever  you can check for various different time windows. And you're going to see that all of us have people coming and going. All the time. 

And if you're only looking at like your total follower account and you see it dropping, okay, that total amount might be dropping, but that number doesn't account for all the people who came, uh, right. It just means that the people who left out weighed the people who came. So let me tell you full disclosure. 

In my last seven days, I have had 1,767 follows and I have had 500 unfollows. 500. 500. And honestly, when you're getting into really big accounts, like, cause my account is quite large at this point. Um, that's probably real people and they're finding out that I'm not for them and are leaving and that's cool. That's fine. I'm not, I'm not tossing and turning at night for those 500 people. 

I hope they go find what they need. And also since I have a big account, I think that this is a really perfect time to bring up a point that I need to start saying more often. I did not always have an account this big. So how does social media management agency. And I hadn't even started using my own account for growth. 

And when I launched magic marketing machine, I think at that point I had probably like one or 2000 followers because you do not need 80,000 followers to get clients from your content. You need one ideal follower. To get one ideal client from what you post. 

Okay. Trust me, trust me. I had a multiple six-figure business. Well, before I had anywhere near 10,000 followers even. Okay. So don't go. Oh, Jenna, will you have more? Followers is different for you.  Uh, it's not.  

You can absolutely get clients from your content. You can love the process. You can have fun, you can great content that really impacts people and changes their lives. Be careful on what you're making the nose mean.

And remember to show up for the people who are so excited to see what you're going to post today. And the leads out there who learn from what you post and her so thankful that you keep showing up. And if you want to know the exact strategy that my clients use inside magic marketing machine, there is a free training in the show notes called how to get clients from Instagram without wasting hours  📍 glued to your phone. 

 We have some amazing guests coming up on the shiny new clients podcast in the next couple of weeks. So make sure that you are subscribed to this podcast or you follow it on whatever platform you're on because you are not going to want to miss some amazing guests . That are coming to share their wisdom. 

And that's all from me. I'll see you in the next one.