Shiny New Clients!

Lessons From a $100k Lemonade Stand

April 30, 2024 Jenna Warriner Season 1 Episode 48
Lessons From a $100k Lemonade Stand
Shiny New Clients!
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Shiny New Clients!
Lessons From a $100k Lemonade Stand
Apr 30, 2024 Season 1 Episode 48
Jenna Warriner

It's so hard to look at your own business objectively... so let's look at someone else's instead. In this episode we talk about top of funnel marketing, scaling your business, playing off of the market to sell people what they want,  and growing your big beautiful multiple six figure business.

Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)"

Tap here to get your free Posts That Sell Template (This caption got us 10 sales calls in 3 hours)

Tap here to try (Jenna's favourite social media scheduling software)

Music by Jordan Wood

Hosted by Jenna Warriner, Creator of Magic Marketing Machine

Show Notes Transcript

It's so hard to look at your own business objectively... so let's look at someone else's instead. In this episode we talk about top of funnel marketing, scaling your business, playing off of the market to sell people what they want,  and growing your big beautiful multiple six figure business.

Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass about “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)"

Tap here to get your free Posts That Sell Template (This caption got us 10 sales calls in 3 hours)

Tap here to try (Jenna's favourite social media scheduling software)

Music by Jordan Wood

Hosted by Jenna Warriner, Creator of Magic Marketing Machine

 Lessons from a multiple six figure roadside lemonade stand.  

 Does that sound impossible? Farfetched. Far beyond your reach. Well, to be honest, I totally made it up. There's no lemonade stand, but hear me out, hear me out. Hear me out. If I have learned anything from working with hundreds of small business owners, it's that it is so much easier to assess someone else's business than it is to look at our own business objectively.  

We can look at someone else's messaging and poke holes in it. 

We can look at someone else's content and immediately know how to make it stronger. How to give it a better hook, 

  How to make it 10% better. But then when we have to look at the mirror and look at our own businesses, it is so hard because you spend all day inside your business and it's not just you it's everyone. And this is why we have coaches. And this is why we have masterminds. 

It's a thing. It can be so tricky to look at our own businesses. So let's look at a multiple six figure 11 eight stand instead.  By the way, if you're new here. Hello? Hello. I'm Jenna. I own a social media management agency. I do a lot of public speaking and I'm a marketing coach in my program. Magic marketing machine, where I help service-based business owners get clients from Instagram, spend less time on their phone and make amazing content.  

Speaking of content. If you had a lemonade stand, would you pop that little rickety wooden stand up in a suburban neighborhood with only a little bit of foot traffic and expect people to come to you? Would you think the, if you build it, they will come mentality and just assume that word would get out? 

Nah, you probably wouldn't. You'd probably have some sort of advertising or marketing initiative. You would tell everyone you would network. You would go to busier areas and where your ideal customers were hanging out, get their attention and make sure they knew to stop by your quiet street on their way home from work for a tasty cup. Of sugary sweet lemonade. 

You'd get the word out about your lemonade stand and every action you took in trying to get the word out and make people aware of your business  is basically what we would call top of funnel. 

It's shouting from the rooftops, what you do, who you help, where your location is, how delicious your recipe is, and trying to get people's attention. You're going to try and get in front of a hundred. Hundred people hoping 10 of them come and swing by for a visit to check you out. 

 All that outreach would be your top of funnel marketing. 

You would never just sit there and hope that your referrals were strong enough or hope that people found out about you or stumbled by your stand by accident. You would take initiative.  Here's where you can reflect on your own business, where are you taking initiative to help people discover you? Where can you go hang out in front of your ideal clients? 

How can you get their attention? How can you get the attention of a thousand people?  

So that a hundred will want to learn more about you get to know you and then 10 of them  we'll make that leap and work with you.  

Here's another one. Say someone walks up to your lemonade stand trying to picture that moment. Legitimately. What would you say when they got there? What's the first thing that you would say.  Yeah. 

Hello. You'd probably say hello. You're probably like, how are you? Oh, are you over there on Regent street? Yeah. Awesome. Nice to meet you. We must  be neighbors. You would spend a few minutes building rapport and connecting with them. And then I bet your natural inclination would not be to start listing off flavors and listing off prices. 

Try and think about it. What would your very next natural movie, if you're standing behind the stand.  Yeah, your next move is going to be to ask them what they like. And right there. Is the entire secret to sales conversations, sales conversations. Aren't you telling people things, sales conversations. 

Are you asking questions? Figuring out what that person in front of you wants and where they fit into your business and your offers.  

Let's keep going. Is this working for you? It's so much easier to run this lemonade stand than your own business. Isn't it. I get that. Okay. So say you drop a new flavor. 

We're serving up some tangy raspberry lemonade. How about raspberry slash lemonade? I don't know. I don't know how you do it. Maybe you got a generator. Plugged a little generator portfolio, gasoline.  We're going big. So we've got, now we got a slushy machine onsite. 

I don't think any. Lemonade stand owner worth their salt is going to add something to their offer list add a flavor to their menu. And not go out there and tell people about it. And do you know what, when you're telling people about this flavor, you're not going to be scared either because you know, they're going to love it. You know that when they taste it, their mouth is going to water. 

They're going to be cooled off. It's gonna be so refreshing. They're going to love it. So you'd never even be scared to sell it. 

You would fly your, the neighborhood. You'd put a giant sign up on your stand. You would get the word out. You'd tell people you'd have a coupon. And, and when someone buys something, you'd give them a half off coupon for their next, like you would be going all out, trying to get people to buy this raspberry lemonade. 

You would never just say. Add that new offer to your website and assume people were going to find it. You would take an initiative.  If you're feeling called out right now, that's so normal. You know, how many business owners out there will create a new freebie or a new lead magnet. And then they'll mention it once and then beat themselves up because no one downloaded it. No, no, no. That's not how it works. 

Even when you're giving away something for free. You don't want to talk about it again and again, and get excited about it and tell people why it matters to them and why they're going to love it and have enthusiasm and post about it everywhere. And really try to get the word out for a free offer or for a paid offer as like. Strange as that it can be to wrap your head around. 


Actually inside my program, magic marketing machine, one of the most popular, most successful templates that my clients get is called sell your freebie. 

And it's a template that you fill out in order to sell the heck out of whatever that free thing you give away is whether it's a PDF or a webinar or a free consultation. Uh, initial consultation or whatever it is, you got to sell the heck out of those. 


Because those things carry your leads down a path toward working with you.  

I've got more. Oh, I've got more. This is going. This might be overwhelming. I've got so many more things you wouldn't do with your hypothetical lemonade stand. All right. If it got cold out. And people started coming up to you and saying, man, I mean, it sounds nice, but you know what I'd really love is a mug of hot chocolate, a mug of hot cocoa with maybe some marshmallows and sprinkles, really jazz it up. 

You know what you wouldn't do. You wouldn't take offense to that. 

You wouldn't believe it has anything to do with you or your value as a person, you would just take it for what it is, which is a market demand. You would realize that in the summertime, people want lemonade and in the fall and winter people want hot chocolate and that's totally normal and okay. And then you'd probably pivot and then you'd make your next six figures as a hot chocolate stand. 

I was going to say hot dog stand accidentally. I don't know about that. Two businesses at a time here, Jenna. 

 This one might resonate with you and it might not, but I've seen this one time and time again. So say you're working your lemonade stand. You've got your cute little apron on you're living your best life and your lineup was going down the block. 

You know what you wouldn't do? You wouldn't say my business is so successful. I better stop all marketing initiatives and go around and take down all those flyers that I tacked to bulletin boards and tape to. To hydro poles and stop marketing because my lineup is long enough because if you worked at a lemonade stand and you saw how much your customers ebb and flow and how the lineup can be full of people, and then can later  thin out you would recognize that more marketing is always better, more marketing, more leads, more clients coming in. When you have a lineup down the street to buy your lemonade, your first instinct is going to be. Let's raise our prices. 

Let's open up another lemonade. Stand let's hire someone to help us. Let's make our inner workings of this business more efficient so that we can move faster. Let's put a freaking band on the lawn next to us. So these people have some music to listen to while they wait and socialize. You would never pull back and stomp on the growth of your business because you had so many people drinking your product. 

And yet so many small business owners and service providers. 

I think it comes down to, you know, our mindset. We reach our capacity and we get scared and we pull back instead of growing and finding a way to grow with our business and to let it AB and flow and to embrace that because it's scary. I get that.  

If I'm being totally honest with you about my own business. I have this habit, , maybe you'll resonate with it. Maybe you won't. But a coach or my director of operations, or, I mean, my husband. We'll recommend something in my business, like recommend a change and I will push back, push back, push back, deny it, ignore it until like six to eight months later. When I finally go, you know what? 

That's a great idea. I can constantly. Apologizing to these people around me. Like, no, it's, you know, it's not that it was a bad idea. I just wasn't ready for that change yet. And sometimes it takes me months and months to kind of process a new idea, especially because when you're inside your own business, ideas can feel very big and changes can feel monumental. Even if to someone else they're obvious or simple or not as big a departure from what you're doing as it feels like it is for you. 

So I don't mean to attack you with these lemonade stand. , comparisons. I really just want to offer some food for thought.  

Offer a new way of looking at some of your growth problems and your current position. 

 Are you marketing yourself every day? Are you really widening that top of funnel? Are you posting on social media and attracting new eyeballs? 

Are you letting things like your perceived capacity, hold you back from expanding into having a greater impact on the world and making way more money. 

Are you refusing to pivot, even though your audience is telling you that there's something else out there that they want from you. It's all just food for thought. It's all just a thought experiment. 

And I think it's all stuff that we as business owners need to hear all the time and need to keep assessing. I will leave you with all of that to think about, by the way, there's a free training linked in the show notes about how to get clients from Instagram without wasting  📍 hours online. 

 . If you're thinking about working with me inside magic marketing machine, watch that training 

and after I tell you the exact strategy my clients use to have monsters business and growth wins inside the program. The video will tell you all about magic marketing machine and how you can come join us inside. That's all for me. 

I will see you in the next one.