Shiny New Clients!

3 Lead Magnet MISTAKES to Avoid

Jenna Warriner Season 1 Episode 58

If you've got a business with an email list you've GOTTA stream this episode if you wanna grow it. One of the most tried and true email list growth methods is to trade info for emails. EG. Promote a freebie, lead-magnet, opt-in, quiz - give some sort of free value-packed resource to your leads in exchange for their name and email.

It's a win-win!

They get valuable info - you nurture a lead for your business and grow your email list.

BUT... There's a but.

After working with hundreds of businesses I've noticed 3 major mistakes business owners make with their freebie that seriously hinder the lead magnet as a marketing strategy.

...Wanna know what they are to make sure you're not throwing a monkey wrench in your email marketing?

Listen up!

Wanna automate responses to Instagram and grow your email list?
➡️ TAP HERE to try MANYCHAT (the platform I use to send automated DMs to folks who comment on my Instagram posts)

Tap here to watch a FREE masterclass on “How To Get Clients From Instagram (without wasting hours glued to your phone)"

Tap here to get your free Posts That Sell Template (This caption got us 10 sales calls in 3 hours)

🎉 Tap here to work with Jenna inside Magic Marketing Machine (or MMM+)!

Music by Jordan Wood

Hosted by Jenna Harding (Warriner), Creator of Magic Marketing Machine

 A freebie lead magnet. Opt-in whatever you want to call it, you should probably have a little something, something you're giving away to your leads for free to warm them up, get them on your email list and make them fall madly in love with you so that they're ready to buy everyone called these by different names. 

But when we're talking about freebies for the purpose of today, what we're talking about is a PDF or list or a quiz or a training, something that you give away to your audience for free, usually in exchange. For their email address.  Maybe someone spots you on Instagram sees your content. 

They tap the link in your bio, and they're not quite ready to work with you because Hey, you guys just met. Let's not move too quickly. So instead you say, Hey, I know you might not be ready to work with me, but can I offer you this? Tasty hors d'oeuvre. 

That hors d'oeuvre is a free giveaway that they want. And that is key and it might sound simple, but then wanting it as a really big part of this equation. So. They click the link in your bio and they tap a little box that says, give me your name, give me your email. 

And then your automation on the backend. Sends them this free thing. It might sound techie and scary, but I promise it's not. And the good thing about this is you only need to set it up once. When I first did set up my very first lead magnet, little PDF. I made in Canva about how to grow on Instagram. 

I was so scared and it all felt so spooky. And I was so worried that it was going to be broken. That was gonna be hard. And I was watching every tutorial, trying to show me how to do it. And now I will literally think of a freebie and just invented overnight and whip it together.  In an hour and get it up there. 

And the tech comes easily to me. So just like anything else, it's going to be hard the first time. And then that's it. Now, if you already have a freebie, this episode is still for you because I want to tell you a few mistakes that I really commonly see service providers making with their lead magnet to make sure that you are not making those mistakes. Well, let's get into it. 

 Sometimes people are going to see some of your content or a friend is going to send them your Instagram and they're going to immediately be like, yeah, this is the person for me.  They're going to go to your link and they're going to click everything and they're going to your website and they're gonna want everything right away. 

And that's going to be fantastic. They're going to jump to work with you. Some people are going to need a little bit more love before they're ready to take action. And that is okay. And that's one of the reasons that this freebie strategy is so. So valuable because if they're not ready to buy, you can still collect them as it were as a lead. 

And when you capture someone's email, you can then market to them from two places, they can be seeing your Instagram content and on your email list, seeing maybe a weekly newsletter or promotions, or what have you. 

And just like every email marketer on the planet is going to tell you to try and scare you. 

You don't own your Instagram following. You do own your list. 

There's no doubt about it. It's valuable to have both, and they both have different strengths.  I'd like to have both to really connect with your leads. Earn their trust and keep them in your funnel.  

And even if you don't have a funnel. Yes, you do.  I've said that in so many presentations made that joke on my slides. But even if you don't think you have a funnel, you do have some sort of funnel, right. Maybe just is a little bit leaky, but basically when people come into your universe, we want to make sure that they have lots of touch points to understand what you're all about and how you can help them.  I mentioned, people need to want your freebie and let's just dive into what I mean by that for a second. So you are an expert, right? And you have all of these ideas. You have all this knowledge up in your head about what your clients need. And your leads might not be aware of the same things that you are aware of. 

In fact, I can almost guarantee that they're not.

They're aware of their problems. They're aware of the result that they want, but they don't know how to get there. Otherwise they would have already done it for themselves.  So your freebie, isn't going to get downloaded nearly as much. 

If you are providing them with that freebie something, you know, they need that. They do not know they need, or that doesn't feel fun to them. Okay. Another tactic that I've used, just as an example of that, another tactic that I've used to get people into my program and to grow my list is a paid live workshop.  I did a paid live workshop about how to get more engagement on your posts. 

And I had a hundred percent conversion. Everyone who came to that workshop. Bought my program when I did it. So then the next year I was like, Ooh, I'm going to do that again. I'm going to run another paid live workshop. And it was how to create amazing carousels. I don't remember what it was called, but it was something about creating carousels. And all these people came and it was all my clients. 

I had like two people sign up for this, that weren't already my clients. And then none of them by the program. In fact, they didn't even know what I was talking about when I pitched the program at the end. So why did that happen? Because the people already in my program knew how important carousels were, but strangers, my leads, people who hadn't worked with me didn't care at all. 

I'll give you another example. I was invited to speak at a. 

Summit. All about content creation and social media growth.  And this thing sold like crazy people were buying tickets. People really, really wanted to go to this summit. It was so, so successful. So then the organizer invited me to do the next summit as well. 

And she's thinking, oh, this is great. Like, people love the last summit. They're going to love this next one. And the next one was about improving your customer's experience and. And  selling tickets was like pulling teeth, no one wanted to come to this summit. And so it seemed like everyone was like, oh, I don't understand why I'm like, well, I, I can tell you why it's, because people know that social media can grow their business. 

And they don't know. They aren't aware that improving their customer's experience can also grow their business. And also it's not as fun. It's not as like clickable, it's just not something people care about. If you want to invest money. And going to a summit, you want to make sure that it immediately  improves your health or your wealth or your family or whatever the summits about people didn't want to pay to go to a summit to be told that they're not good enough to their customers and how to improve it.  When that doesn't clearly directly and immediately make them more money and grow their business like social media. Does you see what I'm saying?  Not that it's not important.

It's just not a hot seller. 

Often coaches are going to tell you to create a freebie that people would be willing to pay for. And I really liked that approach.  What's something you can give away that is so valuable. 

It doesn't take away from your paid offer. People are still going to need to pay you for your main offer, but this freebie so juicy and so good and still valuable. And they're going to come and we with so much. That they would be willing to pay. 30 bucks or a hundred bucks or 200 bucks. If it had a price tag on it. 

That's the first mistake we see people making a lot is trying to give people something, you know, that they need, but that they're not aware they need. 

And not something that is fun enough for them to want,   the job here of this strategy is to grow your list and nurture leads. 

The number one thing is that people are clicking the link and asking to have the thing. And statistically, a lot of people are never even going to open it. I know that sad. I know it's that you're gonna put so much work into it. And a lot of people are never even going to open it, but then they're on your list and then they're going to get those weekly or monthly emails, whatever you're sending out. You're going to see your promotions. 

They're going to be connected to you. So the title and the topic and what this freebie is about is so, so important. All right. 

Next up. Please once someone receives your freebie and they do open it up and they look at it and they read it and they go through it. 

Instead of spending your time using that touch point with them to secretly sell to them. Please just give to them. And instead think about ways to sell your freebie, spend your selling energy, selling the heck out of this free thing.  Practicing your sales language. And really promoting it as if it is this super exciting. Much anticipated piece of content. 

And then once they get inside, Don't don't just sell to them. You can sell to them a little, but you really want to follow through with that promise to give them something of value and give them something interesting and give them something that they love. You can also sell to them in there, but you do need to follow through.  I've gotten freebies before that are just sneaky lists of like how to prepare to work with someone or, you know, they don't really give you any value and it's just, uh, a sneaky way to promote to the offer. 

And guess what? It doesn't do its job in that case. Cause unless I was a spicy, hot lead.  This doesn't mean anything to me. It's supposed to be a nurture tool and it's supposed to be value packed. 


Here's what I mean by sell your freebie in my program, magic marketing machine, we actually have a template called sell your freebie. 

That is insanely successful. So many people have used it and posted it on Instagram and just filled out this template and just had their like email lists blow up overnight. We love it. And that's because we use all the sales tactics that we're also going to teach you to use. To sell your main service to sell this free thing. And furthermore, I love sending people to this part of the program. 

If they're a little bit nervous about sales, a little bit uncomfortable with it, because if you have those mindset blocks around sales and it makes you feel a little bit icky and you're working through that, and you're trying to find. Uh, sales tactics that are in alignment with you that feel authentic and feel good when you actually do them so that they have bigger results. 

Selling a freebie is a really good stepping stone because you can practice your marketing psychology. You can practice your sales psychology. You can practice your sales pitches. You can practice writing posts that sell and sales content on Instagram. Like we teach in the program, but at the end of the day, you're selling something that's free. 

So it's a little bit easier to wrap your head around. And then once you have that practice, not only have you built the heck out of your email list. But you also now have so much more practice and you're going to be more confident and more successful when you sell your offer with your content.  Next step. If you make this mistake, no one will be able to see your lead magnet. Okay. So this one is very important. Nobody will be able to see it.  If you don't do this.  And that's tell people about it, honey. Tell people about it. You got to tell people about it. You got to tell people so many times just like your offer. 

You got to talk about it. You've got to tell people over and over again, creating anything, and then just letting it rot at the link in your bio. Not going to do the trick. You've got to hype it up. You got to have enthusiasm. You got to mention it again and again. And Hey, you've got followers that are coming and going every single day. 

You got new people. Come in, you got old people and bots clearing out, right? 

And when you're using a strategy for your Instagram every day, you've got people that are getting closer and closer to being ready to work with you. They're being pulled in, they're being nurtured and they are warming the heck up into spicy hot leads. 

So even if you promoted your freebie yesterday and they didn't bite today, they might bite. So one way that I like to do this is have a big launch for it.  A ton of enthusiasm when you first create your lead magnet, like talk about it every day, that week,  really hype it up and then you can be a little bit more gentle about it. 

Maybe you mentioned it here and there, hype it up in your stories. Talk about maybe results people have gotten from it.  Give a little teaser, that sort of a thing. And then once it's been a little while and you haven't talked about it in a while, hype it up again.

When you find something that people like, and it's got a solid title and people are interested in it, and when you tell them about it, they actually go and download it. 

You can use that same thing for. Literally years. So you can use that same piece of content for a years. 

But you got to promote it. You got to tell people that it exists. Okay. You know, I just wanted to shove this episode full of so much value for you. I just wanted to cram it full of takeaways and ideas for you. 

Creating a lead magnet is not something that I teach  in magic marketing machine magic marketing machine is all about marketing and like getting eyeballs on you. 

But we talk about this in our group calls all the time, because it comes up a lot because a lot of the service providers, I work with have some sort of freebie 

that they are promoting, which is why I have that. "Sell Your Freebie" template in the program as well for everyone who joins and Hey, if you're thinking about joining. Your next best step is to watch the free training LinkedIn. The shownotes called how to get clients from Instagram without wasting hours glued to your phone. 

That training is going to tell you the exact strategy that my clients use to. Manage their accounts in 15 minutes a day, create a banging content strategy. So you never run out of ideas and get clients from your content. So watch the training at the end. 

There's an invitation to join me inside the program. If it feels aligned for you. And with that. I'll see you in the next episode.  Oh, no, wait, one more thing. We are so close to a hundred thousand downloads and the year anniversary of shiny new clients existing. So if you have 10 seconds and want to send this show, or this episode to a small business owner in your life, I would be forever thankful. And so they may be, who knows, maybe it changes their life and you'd be to thank for that. 

Okay. That's it from me for real bye.