P.S. 88 Podcast
Educational information that affect or will occur at P.S. 88. Topics include parent advice, the educational process, careers in education, social emotional learning, social justice, or current events.
27 episodes
Student Elections Part 2
Listen to our guests present why they want to be elected for their interested position.

Student Elections Part 1
Listen to our students give their pitch on why they should be elected by their student body for our 2024-2025 school year.

Celebrating Italian American Month with our celebrity of the month
Interview with Italian American Anthony Favara. Listen to how Mr. Favara became a Station Engineer, what his position does for our school, and advice he has for our community and students.

Latinx Heritage Month interview with our new Music Teacher
Learn about Mr. Lesly DeCastro, our new Music Teacher, which also includes how and why he teaches music.

Learn about what makes I.S. 77 different from other middle schools
A group interview featuring various staff members. Learn about what the school currently offers along with what new programs and activities are in the works. Staff also share things to know about middle school and what the school means to their...

Alumni Interviews: Current Hunter College Student
Interview with Cayley and what P.S. 88 meant to her, what schools she has attended and her career goals. Also included in the interview is advice for our elementary students.

Alumni Interviews: Current University of Rochester student
Interview with Zaida and what P.S. 88 meant to her, her career goals and why she chose the University of Rochester. Also included in the interview is advice to our elementary students, what high school she attended, and her future career ...

2024-2025 School Year Programs and Activities for Families
Listen to Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, our School Principal, explain what P.S. 88 has in store for the upcoming school year. She explains what before and after school programs will be available for students and families. Also explained are the types of ...
Season 2
Episode 1

Alumni Interviews: Future New York University Student
Interview with Moriel and what P.S. 88 meant to her. Also included in the interview is what high school she attended and why she chose New York University and her future career goal.

Speech Therapist Interview with tips on what to do with your child
Listen to Ms. Bacarella speak about how to become a Speech Therapist. Learn about what to do for your child, if they attend a NYC public school, if you have concerns about your child's speech. Also included are tips on how to help develop...

May the Change Be With You school event organized by the Social Justice Committee
An interview with a few of the Social Justice Members who explain the purpose and surprising result of how the "May the Change Be With You" was organized and how it affected the school.

Interview with Anna Maria at the Peter Cardella Senior Center
Learn about how life was like, as a child and student, during the 50's and 60's and how history and life impacted Anna Maria. Learn about a famous college for the performing arts. When you listen to the interview, how is the life of a child/stu...

Learning about a Secondary School: Newtown High School
Learn about Newtown High School as Ms. Cohen (ENL Teacher) gives a description of the programs and activities while being a student.

The NEST Program at P.S. 88
Interview with the staff members, at P.S. 88, who work with the NEST Classroom. Also discussed is how the program benefits all students. The classroom is made up of screened students who are autistic and students who are classified as gen...

Interview with the Senior Director of the Division of Multilingual Learners- Maria Friendland
Discussion of PBL (Project Based Learning) with Multilingual Learners.

Interview with a Middle School Counselor and what you should know about middle school
Interview with Janet Diaz, I.S. 93 School Counselor, and what a graduating 5th grade student and family member should know about middle school.

Espanol- Entrevista con una Madre de Nino con Autismo
Entrevista de una mama con su hijo cual tiene autismo en lo que enfrenta y sus sugerencias a otros padres.
Season 1
Episode 8

Voces: Entrevista con los padres del programa de hable Ingles
Entrevista con la Sra. Ivette de Puebla Mexico. La entrevista cubre sus suenos para su familia. Tambien comparte las bareras que enfrenta y su ideas del futuro y el proposito de cumplir el programa de ingles.
Season 1
Episode 7

Entrevista con los padres cuales asisten el programa de habla Ingles en la escuela (parte 1)
Una entrevista que se trata de la razon cuales vienen los padres a este pais, sus experiencias y los obstaculos que enfrentan en Ridgewood, Queens. Habra una version de la entrevista en Ingles.Interview of parents attending the Saturday...
Season 1
Episode 7

What to know about the Saturday ENL Project Base Learning program
Our English as a New Language students will explain how they are learning through a Project Base Learning activity.
Season 1
Episode 7

Lunar New Year Episode
Learn about what Lunar New Year means from some of our students.
Season 1
Episode 6

Social Worker- Mrs. Pagan interview
Learn about Ms. Pagan and the position of a Social Worker.
Season 1
Episode 4

Twas the Day Before Winter Break- Guess the School Celebrity Voice
Students will listen and decide which school celebrity read the poem.