The Hearts Hello

Celebrating the Duality of Womanhood: A Tapestry of Strength, Softness, and Sisterhood

March 05, 2024 Keona Ellerbe Season 1 Episode 34
Celebrating the Duality of Womanhood: A Tapestry of Strength, Softness, and Sisterhood
The Hearts Hello
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The Hearts Hello
Celebrating the Duality of Womanhood: A Tapestry of Strength, Softness, and Sisterhood
Mar 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 34
Keona Ellerbe

Every woman carries a universe within her, a blend of strength and softness that defies easy categorization. As Keona Talana, I invite you to a month-long celebration of this duality, a tribute to the resilience and authenticity of womanhood we honor during Women's History Month. Explore the multifaceted nature of being a woman—nurturing yet bold, gentle yet unapologetically courageous. This episode is an homage to each woman's incredible value, a call to stand proud in your imperfections and embrace the unique power that is yours alone.

Feel the warmth as we knit a tapestry of sisterhood, highlighting the transformative bond that empowers us to lift each other. Our stories resonate with vulnerability and love, the twin pillars that fortify our community. Join the collective journey on The Hearts Hello show, where every heartfelt hello weaves into a new connection. Let's celebrate the essence of being a woman, supporting one another on this adventure with open hearts and unshakable unity.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Every woman carries a universe within her, a blend of strength and softness that defies easy categorization. As Keona Talana, I invite you to a month-long celebration of this duality, a tribute to the resilience and authenticity of womanhood we honor during Women's History Month. Explore the multifaceted nature of being a woman—nurturing yet bold, gentle yet unapologetically courageous. This episode is an homage to each woman's incredible value, a call to stand proud in your imperfections and embrace the unique power that is yours alone.

Feel the warmth as we knit a tapestry of sisterhood, highlighting the transformative bond that empowers us to lift each other. Our stories resonate with vulnerability and love, the twin pillars that fortify our community. Join the collective journey on The Hearts Hello show, where every heartfelt hello weaves into a new connection. Let's celebrate the essence of being a woman, supporting one another on this adventure with open hearts and unshakable unity.

Speaker 1:

Hey, heart seekers, welcome to the Hearts Hello Show, where we believe that our hearts are the foundation of our well-being and happiness. I am your host, keana Tolena. Well, we are in a month that the states have deemed women's history month, and so I just want to say thank you to each and every woman as they show up with their capes on, as they show up with their strength, as they show up just being the amazing individuals that they are. And so oftentimes, I think that women try to put on all of these different masks and try to wear all of these different hats to sometimes be who they are not, when, innately, we are who we are, despite having to put on anything else. We show up with this level of courageousness, we show up with this boldness, we show up with this level of resiliency and tenacity. We show up being who we need to be in the rooms when we need to be them, and sometimes we need to be able to just take all of it off. We need to just be able to be soft and feminine and just who we are created to be the nurturers that we are created to be, the loving individuals that we are created to be, and, despite having to sometimes code switch, having to wear hats that don't fit us, having to be all of these different things at so many different times to so many different people. I just want to say thank you. I just want to say thank you for being the authentic version that you are created to be. I just want to say thank you for you showing up in rooms to be the bridge to someone else. I just want to say thank you for you stepping out on faith to do what someone else Now, this is not a male bashing episode by any means, because we need our men, but I need us to recognize just how valuable we are.

Speaker 1:

I need us to recognize just how worthy we are. I need us to understand just how much of an asset we are by being able to step into the room. And if you think for one second that you are not an asset, that you are not valuable, that you don't bring something to the table, then you have been sadly mistaken. Then you have sift on the Kool-Aid that has been given to you and now you have transformed into someone where you don't even recognize you. And I get it and it's okay. It's okay to not be able to recognize the person, that when you are standing in the mirror, you don't know who that person is that's staring back at you. I get it.

Speaker 1:

I get that sometimes society would say that you need to be something that you're not in order to fit into rooms, just so that you can be heard. But can I just tell you that when you stand on who you are, when you be authentic to who you are and use the voice that you have been given, regardless of what room you step into, regardless of what arena, you need to be able to speak in front of. When you show up as who you are and be unapologetic about what you have to say and who you need to be. It does not matter. It does not matter. It does not matter what men may say that you need to be when you show up in a room. It does not matter what other women may say that you need to be.

Speaker 1:

When you show up in a room, throw your shoulders back and walk into whatever room that you know that you are supposed to Pull up a chair and have a seat, because if you walk into that room, then that means you are supposed to be there, so own it, but you don't have to be anyone else other than who you are. See, when you give your power away by being able to code switches, they say, or wear this mask, or show up as this facade, then you lose your power. And so, in this episode, I'm hoping that you realize just how powerful you are when you are just who you are supposed to be, when, regardless of what anyone else may think that you still show up as you and yes, you are enough. I don't care when anyone else may have told you, but you yourself, you are enough. So, when you take some time to look yourself in the mirror, recognizing all of the flaws that you have, recognizing every imperfection, just know that it is working for your good. You don't have to fix everything. Some things are perfect just in the state that they are in, and I just want to say to you that you are perfect just as you are. I know I don't know you, but I know that it took for me to have to look myself in the mirror and be okay with who I saw and be okay with all of those imperfections that I may have, because all of those things make up this individual that I am.

Speaker 1:

Are there areas that you don't know that you are perfect. Are there areas in my life that I need to work on? Are there triggers and emotions that I'm still working out? Yes, but when I show up, I show up as me. I show up as the person that I have been called to be. I show up as myself, and for that I have to pat myself on the back and say thank you, because I remember the times when I had to feel like I needed to be someone different in every room that I showed up in. But what I realized is that either you want to like me or not, and if you choose not to like the person that you see, that's not on me, but that's on you. I had to be okay with being able to walk away from things that no longer served me, and I was only able to realize that because I understood who I was. I understood the power that I had when I showed up in a room as the authentic version of myself and to be unafraid to speak up for me. Yes, it was not easy. Do I still have times when I question myself? I do, but I need us to get to a place where, if they've given us this month and it may just be a month to you, but this is each and every day that you should show up as who you are called to be.

Speaker 1:

Being a woman is a badge of honor being able to nurture and to love and to take those things. That's why we are life-givers. You're able to give us a seed and we're able to take that seed and reproduce it into something else, to multiply it into something else. It is not by happenstance that we are the ones that give birth into this world, because we are able to take what most may throw away and turn it into something amazing. Have you ever just thought about where you're taking a sperm and it becomes a child? That's how amazing we are. That's how amazing our bodies have been crafted. That's how we have to be able to step into who we are, because that's just how powerful we are.

Speaker 1:

But can you say that you understand the power that you possess? Yes, I understand that sometimes we may wear a cape and a thousand hats and by the time we take all of it off, we are completely exhausted. But as we think about who we are, we have to understand that we can lean on our sisters. Yes, there are times when some can be catty, some may be envious and jealous, but that's up to you to figure out who you can trust and to bring into your circle, because it's one thing to be able to be on an island by yourself, but what if you had your sisters with you? What if you were able to pick up the phone and call them and let them know when you're having a bad day? What if you can call them and say I need you to be my accountability. See, when we call each other sister, that should mean something. It's not something that you should just throw around lightly. That's something that I had to realize. Everybody is not going to be my sister Because your sister, you go to bat for your sister. You're there when they aren't able to pick themselves up. Your sister is going to have your back. Your sister, regardless of what others may say about you, will know who you are and the character that you possess. That's a sister. A sister is going to be there when no one else is there.

Speaker 1:

And so, as we think about just how powerful we are and we think about all of the things that we possess, I just need you to recognize that you have everything that you need. You were born with everything that you need. You didn't have to go out to purchase anything else to be who you are, you were born with it. And not only were you born with it, but can I also say that you are built for everything that you have been through. If you just take an opportunity to look over your life, what could have taken someone else out? You are still standing, you are able to tell your story to someone else that may be going through the very thing, and let that be a testimony for them to be able to stand on. Let that be a rock for them to be able to stand on, to be able to see you in the flesh, to know that you got through it. So don't be afraid to share your story. Don't allow guilt and shame and the opinions of others to think that you are not human and you make mistakes. But the good thing is we still have the opportunity to get it right. We still have the opportunity to learn. Through every mishap, through every misstep is an opportunity for you to get it right.

Speaker 1:

So if you're listening to this episode hey, hey, girl, I see you. I know that there has been trauma that you have been through. I know that there are things that you would never tell anyone else, things that you will take to your grave, things that people will never know about you, scars that people will never see that have healed. I see you. I see the tears that you have cried. I see you and I know that it hurts. I know that you feel like you may be on an island by yourself. I know that you may feel like you know what. I don't know if I'm going to be able to get through this, but when you look back over your life and you know that there have been other things that you have gotten through, let this be encouragement to you that this is not the last life. It's the lesson that you're going to learn, because a journey is a lifetime, a lifetime is a journey.

Speaker 1:

Life is a journey that we are traveling through throughout our lifetime and throughout this lifetime there are going to be so many lessons, there are going to be so many obstacles. There are going to be so many people that come into our lives. But can I also say that while we're on this journey, there's going to be happiness, there's going to be peace, there's going to be love, there's going to be fulfillment. There's going to be so much positivity that is going to pour into you that you are not even going to know how to hold on to it all. And so that is my prayer for you. That is my prayer that, as you go through this journey that we call life, that there will be some ups and there will be some downs, but you have an opportunity to get it right and to be the best version of you that you can be each and every day. That's all that you can do. That's the only thing that's in your control. Be the best version of you each and every day.

Speaker 1:

Learn from your missteps and, in the errors that have transpired in your life, be a light to someone else. Don't be so focused on where it is that you're going that you forget to sometimes look behind you to see who may need you, who's going to need that encouragement, who's going to need the testimony that you've gotten through? Because those are the shoulders that we stand on. We didn't get here by ourselves and, although you may think so, there are shoulders of women that we had to stand on in order to get here, not discrediting the men that have been in our lives, but we are standing on the shoulders of women who have helped us get to where we are, and so don't forget that when your time has come, that you will also be someone's shoulder.

Speaker 1:

So I'm excited about this month. I'm excited for us to be able to walk in our power. I'm excited for us to understand who we are and use the power that has been given to us for good, to not just change our life, but to change the lives of those around us. So, if you're ready for this journey, I'm excited to go through it with you, because we need each other. We need sometimes to hold our sister's hand, sometimes we just need their back to hold us up. So I just want to thank you. I want to thank you for tuning in to this week's episode. So share this with someone who you love, share this with another one of your sisters, because, at the end of the day, we need each other. And so I just want to thank you for joining me for another adventure of the Hartel-O-Show. We're together. Let's embrace vulnerability, learn from each other and spread love. One heart felt Hello at a time.

Celebrating Women's Strength and Authenticity
Embrace Power and Sisterhood