The Hearts Hello

Embracing 'Yes': The Key to Unfolding a World of Wonder

May 07, 2024 Keona Ellerbe Season 1 Episode 43
Embracing 'Yes': The Key to Unfolding a World of Wonder
The Hearts Hello
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The Hearts Hello
Embracing 'Yes': The Key to Unfolding a World of Wonder
May 07, 2024 Season 1 Episode 43
Keona Ellerbe

Have you ever caught yourself automatically saying 'no' to life's invitations, only to wonder what might have been if you'd just said 'yes'? That's the spark that ignited my desire to transform my life, and it's exactly what I'm urging you to explore in our heart-to-heart today. As your host, Keona Talana, I'm here to share the electrifying journey of embracing 'yes' as a powerful catalyst for growth and happiness. I'll take you through my personal renaissance of breaking free from the chains of hesitation and how it paved the way for newfound purpose and passion.

During our time together, we'll uncover the transformative potential that lies in accepting new opportunities and venturing beyond the familiar boundaries of our comfort zones. I'll walk you through the steps of creating your very own 'yes day', encouraging you to bet on yourself and stay open to the myriad possibilities that life presents. There's no need for a guest when the star of the show is the word 'yes' and its ability to reshape our reality. So, let's cast aside self-doubt and embark on this adventure together, discovering how a simple affirmation can bridge the gap between who we are and who we aspire to be. Join me in saying 'yes' and witness the magic unfold!

Show Notes Transcript

Have you ever caught yourself automatically saying 'no' to life's invitations, only to wonder what might have been if you'd just said 'yes'? That's the spark that ignited my desire to transform my life, and it's exactly what I'm urging you to explore in our heart-to-heart today. As your host, Keona Talana, I'm here to share the electrifying journey of embracing 'yes' as a powerful catalyst for growth and happiness. I'll take you through my personal renaissance of breaking free from the chains of hesitation and how it paved the way for newfound purpose and passion.

During our time together, we'll uncover the transformative potential that lies in accepting new opportunities and venturing beyond the familiar boundaries of our comfort zones. I'll walk you through the steps of creating your very own 'yes day', encouraging you to bet on yourself and stay open to the myriad possibilities that life presents. There's no need for a guest when the star of the show is the word 'yes' and its ability to reshape our reality. So, let's cast aside self-doubt and embark on this adventure together, discovering how a simple affirmation can bridge the gap between who we are and who we aspire to be. Join me in saying 'yes' and witness the magic unfold!

Speaker 1:

Hey HeartSeekers, welcome to the Hearts Hello Show, where we believe that our hearts are the foundation of our well-being and happiness. I am your host, kiana Talena, in this episode. It's going to be very simple, it's going to be very quick, because I believe that what it is that you're looking for is, on the other side of you, just being able to tell yourself yes, I know, sometimes we hear the. What we're looking for is on the other side of our comfortability level, but I believe that when we begin to tell ourselves yes, we are now giving ourselves permission to be able to open up a door and explore the very things that have been closed off from us because we have just been telling ourselves no, we have been saying that right now, oh, the finances aren't right, oh, I have to do this first. Well, I just want to challenge you today. I want to challenge you to a day of just telling yourself yes, whatever that may be, whatever may come up where your typical answer would be no, come up where your typical answer would be no. I want to challenge you to give yourself permission to say yes. I don't know what that yes for you is going to be, because I don't know what questions that you have been toiling with in your heart, in your mind. This is going to be personal for each and every one of us, but I promise you that when you begin to tell yourself yes, the very things that you want to show up in your life will then begin to appear, because you have now given yourself permission. So today, I need you to not overthink this. I need you for when your first inclination is to say no, to say yes, you're not removing your boundaries from those things, that, or the people, places and things. You're not removing those things. You're not taking your non-negotiables off of the table, but I'm talking about those things that in your mind, that you will begin to tell yourself no even before you give yourself permission to say yes.

Speaker 1:

So if it's trying something new, trying a new food, if someone invites you out to do something that's creative, that you have been wanting to do, but you keep saying nah, not today. Those are the things that I'm talking about saying yes to, being able to say yes to new opportunities. You may be presented with something new, a new career, business ideas, a new relationship. I want you to give yourself permission to say yes Now, making sure that it's not putting any financial strain or it's not causing you any, not going against any of your safety. But be okay with saying yes today, because I think that sometimes we get so caught up in just the mundane of life that we tell ourselves no when we really do mean yes. We tell ourselves no, not today, because we're afraid of maybe how we're going to show up. We tell ourselves no because it's just you're not sure. Now, if you have a, your gut feeling is to say no, then hey, by all means, but don't, don't, don't count yourself out.

Speaker 1:

Today. I want you to bet on you today. I want you to think outside of the box today. I want you to put yourself in a position where your freedom is on the line today. So where did this all come from?

Speaker 1:

I just woke up one day and I felt like you know what. I'm not going to keep telling myself the same BS that I have been telling myself I have been telling myself, and for me just to be able to feel what freedom looks like. Feel what freedom feels like by just being able to say yes. So I'm hoping that you take from this that your purpose can be on the other side of your yes, your passion, your goals, your desires, relationships, careers all of these things can be right on the other side of you just being able to say yes. So will you do that for me today? Will you make today your yes day and challenge yourself to not overthink it, to not guilt yourself, to not count yourself out and to just say yes? Because standing in between the old version of you, looking forward to the new version that you want to be, and standing in the middle is just one yes away.

Speaker 1:

So I'm excited. I'm excited about your yes, I'm excited about where it is that you're getting ready to go, and one thing that I know is that if you have been telling yourself no nine times out of 10, you've probably been telling God no and you probably have been putting him in the same box that you have been putting yourself in. So, as you're taking the limits off of yourself today, take the limits off of God. Know that there is this whole world out here and you have only been living in a portion of it. You have been living in a portion of it based in your mind, and I ask you today, I admonish you today take the limits off. Take the limits off and see what your yes can get you. So I'm excited, you all, and I just want to thank you for joining me for yet another adventure of the hearts, Hello.

Speaker 1:

And I believe that your yes Is going to open up the doors to you being more vulnerable. I believe that your yes is going to open up the door for your purpose. I believe that your yes is going to open up a new level of faith. I believe that your yes is going to cause you to love like you've never loved before, even if that's just you loving on you more. So I thank you, I thank you for your yes. I thank you for your yes, yes. So until next time, together, let's embrace vulnerability, learn from each other. No-transcript.