The Hearts Hello

Steps to Achieve Equilibrium in Everyday Life

June 11, 2024 Keona Ellerbe Season 1 Episode 48
Steps to Achieve Equilibrium in Everyday Life
The Hearts Hello
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The Hearts Hello
Steps to Achieve Equilibrium in Everyday Life
Jun 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 48
Keona Ellerbe

Ever wondered why your life feels a bit off-kilter? Uncover the secrets to achieving life balance through the power of self-awareness in today's episode of the Hearts Hello Show! We'll guide you through a reflective journey, evaluating your emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being across seven crucial life circles: spiritual life, physical and mental health, personal life, key relationships, job, business, and finances. By rating these areas on a scale of one to five, you'll pinpoint exactly where you need adjustments, much like realigning a car after hitting a pothole. 

But we don't stop at self-assessment; we delve into actionable strategies to nurture, connect, and evaluate your way to a balanced life. Discover the healing power of self-care activities such as spending time by water, and the importance of leaning on your support network for wise counsel. Learn why regular evaluation of your priorities can significantly reduce stress and help you regain focus. Join us on this empowering journey towards continuous improvement and a more fulfilling life. You're doing your best, and with these practical steps, the path to balance and wholeness becomes clearer.

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Ever wondered why your life feels a bit off-kilter? Uncover the secrets to achieving life balance through the power of self-awareness in today's episode of the Hearts Hello Show! We'll guide you through a reflective journey, evaluating your emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being across seven crucial life circles: spiritual life, physical and mental health, personal life, key relationships, job, business, and finances. By rating these areas on a scale of one to five, you'll pinpoint exactly where you need adjustments, much like realigning a car after hitting a pothole. 

But we don't stop at self-assessment; we delve into actionable strategies to nurture, connect, and evaluate your way to a balanced life. Discover the healing power of self-care activities such as spending time by water, and the importance of leaning on your support network for wise counsel. Learn why regular evaluation of your priorities can significantly reduce stress and help you regain focus. Join us on this empowering journey towards continuous improvement and a more fulfilling life. You're doing your best, and with these practical steps, the path to balance and wholeness becomes clearer.

Speaker 1:

Hey, heart Seekers, welcome to the Hearts Hello Show, where we believe that our hearts are the foundation of our well-being and happiness. I am your host, kiana Talena. I just have a simple question for you and hopefully you have an answer for me, and if not right now, you'll be able to have one by the end of this message. How are you feeling? How are you feeling about where you are right now? How are you feeling emotionally, spiritually, mentally, in your personal life, your relationship, your job, your business, your finances? How are you feeling and I ask that question because, just based off of conversations that I've had with some close friends of mine just in this last week alone, yet alone, just things that are swirling through my own brain, just trying to figure out what seems to be off, what are the next steps, what should I be doing? Where should I be going? How should I be moving? It just feels like there are so many unanswered questions and not enough hours in the day, and if that is you, hopefully this episode will be able to give you some clarity on how to be able to answer some of those questions. See, oftentimes I think that we try to do so many things and in us doing so many things, one little thing can throw us off of our square. One little thing that is out of alignment can cause us to begin to question and things begin to swirl in our brain as if we're not doing the best that we can each and every day. Can I just let you know that you're doing the best that you can. Given what you have, you are doing. I truly believe that you are doing the best that you can See, I went to a goal setting retreat last year and at this goal setting retreat they gave us these seven different circles, and these seven different circles are things within our lives that are going to be the important aspects or the important pieces to kind of make us feel well-rounded, and when these things are out of alignment, it throws everything else off.

Speaker 1:

So the circles are your spiritual life. So the circles are your spiritual life, your physical and mental health, your personal life, your key relationships, your job, your business, your finances. And the point of these circles is that you're supposed to figure out from a scale of one to five, out from a scale of one to five. Where are you in these circles Meaning? How well are you doing with these circles in your life. For me, some of them were at five, some were at three, some of them were at four, but it gave me a clue as to what it is that I need to be able to tweak so that I can find that balance that I need in my life.

Speaker 1:

And I think that if we take some time to be able to be honest with ourselves, write down these circles, put within the circle between one and five. Where are you between one and five? Where are you? And what would help you get to that five? What would help you get to where it is that you want to go?

Speaker 1:

Because, ultimately, I believe that as we are journeying through life, as we are setting goals, as we are looking at our dreams and our desires, all of these circles are encompassed in all of that, and so when something is off within those seven circles, it throws everything else off. So when I started this message, I prefaced it by saying that you are doing the best that you can, by saying that you are doing the best that you can, and I also believe that we can get better. And so, for me, I pulled out this book and I realized, you know what. There were some things that I said that I needed to be able to do in order for me to feel like I am being productive, in order for me to feel like there is this balance in my life, and I believe that once I am able to get all of these pieces to where they need to be and to begin to work on them, that balance that I'm seeking will begin to fall into place. So I don't want us to get to a place where we don't move at all, we don't do anything at all, or we get on ourselves and feel like it's just not working or that we feel like you know what, something is missing.

Speaker 1:

I don't believe that it's missing. I believe that it's there and it just be maybe out of alignment, maybe out of alignment. It's almost like when you are driving in a car and you hit a pothole and the car was driving fine and now, since you hit that pothole, it throws your car out of alignment. I believe that that's what happens in life. I believe that we're just driving along, journeying through life, and we hit theseotholes, sometimes knowingly and unknowingly, and it causes us to be off balance, but it's a simple fix. What happens when you're off balance? When the car is off balance, you take it in and you get it realigned.

Speaker 1:

So today, I want us to just realign those circles, those areas in our lives that are already there, that just need a little bit of tweaking. So I'm going to give us a few things that we can do, and I say we because I'm still working. I'm still working on these areas Just because I get on here each and every week and I'm able to provide a source of information. The source of information that I'm providing you is also the same thing that I am working on, because I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that if I'm providing you is also the same thing that I am working on, because I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that if I'm feeling some type of way, that there's going to be someone who tunes in and it's feeling the same way, it's not by happenstance that you tuned in today. It's not by happenstance that I've had conversations with some of my close friends and they're all feeling the same way. What should I be doing? I should be doing more, but I think that we have the pieces that we need. They just need to be tweaked. There needs to be a realignment.

Speaker 1:

So one of the things that, again, I want us to do is to write out those circles. I'll give them to you again. The first one is going to be spiritual life. Second, physical and mental health. Third, personal life. Fourth, key relationships. Fifth, your job, your career. Sixth, your business. And number seven, finances.

Speaker 1:

So as you go through and write out these circles, one through five, I need you to put within that circle where are you? Do you feel like you have it all together, meaning a five? If you don't a one, if you're somewhere in the middle, it's going to be a three. And then I need you to be able to write what is going to cause you to get to that five, even if you're at that one, what is going to cause you to get to that three. Because what we don't do here is we don't go from something that you're just now starting to say I'm going to go from a one to a five. We know that we need to meet somewhere in the middle, because if you try to go from one to five, chances are you're going to end up being disgruntled at the fact that you haven't gotten what it is that you're looking for or it's taking too long to get to that five. So if you're at a one in an area, how can you get to that three?

Speaker 1:

So that's going to be the assignment writing out those circles, figuring out where we are, because in order to know where you're getting ready to go, you first have to be able to recognize where you are, recognize those areas that need to be worked on, recognize those areas that you're doing great in. And if you're already doing great in those things, how can you maintain that? Because these circles, all of them together, encompass our well-being. All of these circles help us to create this sense of stability that we need to make us feel like we are on our square, make us feel like that we are moving in the right direction, make us feel like that we are progressing towards whatever that goal is. So you got it. That is going to be the assignment. I'm also just going to give us a quick acronym for balance, because us, having these circles, we're trying to create some balance in our lives. Yes, sometimes the scale is going to tip harder one way or to another way, sometimes it sits in the middle, but most of the time we're looking for that balance.

Speaker 1:

So the B breathe, practice your deep breathing and your mindfulness exercises to center yourself. Take some time out each day, if it's five minutes at the beginning of your day, five minutes at the end of your day. Sit and breathe A acknowledge, recognize and accept your feelings without judgment. This is a no judgment zone and most of the time we are harder on ourselves than anyone else can be. So lighten up on you, grant yourself some grace, knowing that you are working towards a goal. Okay L listen, tune into your body and mind to identify what you need. So, as you're looking at these circles, tune in, sit with them without writing down anything, feel. How do you? What is it that you need? What is it that your body is saying that you need? Right now? A? This is going to be my favorite Act. Take some small positive steps towards regaining your control and stability. You don't have to do it all at once, but there should be some motion, there should be some action that's going to take place.

Speaker 1:

N Nurture, engage in some self-care activities that are going to nourish your body and soul, whatever that may be for you. For me, I love being by the water, so, if I can, go and sit by some water, walk by some water, feel the wind, just being able to look at the still water. Win just being able to look at the still water For me, that's a win. For me, that is engaging in self-care. C connect Reach out to your friends, your family, your support network for help and encouragement.

Speaker 1:

Let them know that you're working on some stuff. Let them know that you are may need their help in some way shape, form or fashion, because what I realized is that you can't do everything by yourself. No, bring your family, your close trusted advisors, family and friends in to let them know you're working on you and I may need you to hold me accountable. I may need you to hold my hand. I may need to run some things past you. The word says there is wisdom in wise counsel, so I want us to make sure that we are using the people that we have around us and then E evaluate, reflect on your priorities and adjust as needed to reduce stress and regain your focus.

Speaker 1:

Again, we're looking for balance.

Speaker 1:

We're looking for this opportunity to say you know what I might feel like I'm off a little bit, but this is my opportunity to regain my focus, and so those are going to be the practical steps to help us find this equilibrium as we are putting these circles together for wholeness, for healing, for progress, for all of the things that we say that we want each and every day.

Speaker 1:

But we first have to be able to recognize where we're off, figure out where it is that we're getting ready to go, and then take action All right. So I'm excited about us being able to do this work Again. You know I share with you all each and every week. This is a journey. There's going to be some work that we have to do, there's going to be some mirror talk that we need to have, there's going to be some time that we need to just sit down and be still. But this is a journey, and so I just want to thank you for yet another adventure of the Hearts Hello Show, where, together, let's embrace vulnerability, learn from each other and spread love. One heartfelt hello at a time.

Achieving Life Balance Through Self-Awareness
Practical Steps for Self-Care and Balance