Nurture Herself
Hey! I am a midlife stepmomma and I created Nurture Herself because I feel we need a place to learn how to take care of us. A few years ago I found myself in a very dark place which was not any fun. Like many of you, I was taking care of everyone else, but I was falling apart at the seams. I knew I had two choices, one, keep going down this path of burning out, or two, learn and educate myself on all the ways to take care of myself. I aligned that knowledge and education with my 10 plus years of teaching high school students to strategize, plan, and advocate for themselves and created programs, community, and events that help women nurture themselves. I help women learn the tools and strategies to nurture themselves that feel right to them and can be implemented into their lives. I want you to choose you so you can have the life you crave and you know when you have joy everyday all those around have joy as well and you are more present in your life. Grab my hand and together we will be the type of women who choose ourselves in this next journey.
Alyssa Wolff - Nurture Your Work-Life Balance

Emotional Check In

Riding Without Stirrups

Nurture Your Better Life with Justin Nault

Reiki Session: Time to release , pause, and bring in.

The Journey of Learning to Love Yourself

Responding to Responsibility

Nurture Your Journey with Brittanie Costa

Take Time for You

Science & Reiki

How to Nurture Your Word of the Year

Nurture Your Health with Angela Morrissette

Reiki Session: 2025 Energy!

5/5/5 for 2025

How to get more Movement in your Holidays!

How Reiki Can Help Your Life!

Nutrition During the Holidays!

What If...

Let's Be Grateful! Nurture Your Holidays

Sarah Sims: Nurture Your Stress

Nurture Your Holiday's with me!

Tips to Nurture Your Fall Clutter

Nurture Your Reflection with Alexis Carpenter

Healing Reiki Session