Training Age

Stage Lean vs Lifestyle Lean with Erin Moore

January 26, 2024 Heather Adams and Valerie Lusvardi Season 1 Episode 11
Stage Lean vs Lifestyle Lean with Erin Moore
Training Age
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Training Age
Stage Lean vs Lifestyle Lean with Erin Moore
Jan 26, 2024 Season 1 Episode 11
Heather Adams and Valerie Lusvardi

Erin Moore joins our latest Training Age session, revealing her story from in-person training to the digital realm. Striking a unique chord with her "Lifestyle Lean" philosophy, Erin shares her expertise on achieving a harmonious blend of well-being and real-life demands. Her candid reflections on the fitness industry's relentless emphasis on youth and appearance shed light on her innovative approach to sustainable fitness, offering encouragement for those navigating the challenging balance of ambition and enjoyment. In contrast, this episode also explores the mental fortitude required to live a "Stage Lean" lifestyle. 

By sharing relatable challenges and triumphs, this episode is a testament to the power of pushing ourselves and the empowering effects of setting and achieving physical goals. We celebrate the notion that one’s fitness voyage doesn't pause for life’s interruptions – it adapts and thrives amidst them.

Toward the end, Erin provides a compass for steering clear of the 'all-or-nothing' mentality, focusing on the importance of embracing healthy habits and trusting oneself to maintain progress without deprivation. The four pillars of maintaining a 'lifestyle lean' physique – intent, move, nourish, and restore – are illuminated, offering practical strategies for anyone aiming to uphold a balanced, healthy lifestyle. 

Show Notes

Erin Moore joins our latest Training Age session, revealing her story from in-person training to the digital realm. Striking a unique chord with her "Lifestyle Lean" philosophy, Erin shares her expertise on achieving a harmonious blend of well-being and real-life demands. Her candid reflections on the fitness industry's relentless emphasis on youth and appearance shed light on her innovative approach to sustainable fitness, offering encouragement for those navigating the challenging balance of ambition and enjoyment. In contrast, this episode also explores the mental fortitude required to live a "Stage Lean" lifestyle. 

By sharing relatable challenges and triumphs, this episode is a testament to the power of pushing ourselves and the empowering effects of setting and achieving physical goals. We celebrate the notion that one’s fitness voyage doesn't pause for life’s interruptions – it adapts and thrives amidst them.

Toward the end, Erin provides a compass for steering clear of the 'all-or-nothing' mentality, focusing on the importance of embracing healthy habits and trusting oneself to maintain progress without deprivation. The four pillars of maintaining a 'lifestyle lean' physique – intent, move, nourish, and restore – are illuminated, offering practical strategies for anyone aiming to uphold a balanced, healthy lifestyle.