Talking to the Dead
Every Wednesday, In this podcast, I invite you to join me on a journey to other dimensions, and to give people who have moved on from this earthly dimension a channel to speak to us. Each week on Wednesday, I will interview a different person beit a dead celebrity or ordinary person like my self. I meet spirit guides, and consciousness entities. I do this especially on Wednesday at a certain time so I can have control of my time and not be overrun by interviewees wanting to come through !!
I have been psychic all my life, however only in the last few years have I had the courage to do something about it. When I was a baby I have saw people walking around my cot at night, and all my life I have seen and heard people who have been trying to communicate with me. l was never frightened, but for the sake of my business life, relationships, and sanity I kept this side of my life largely to myself. Things have changed in my life now that I am older, and I have decided to use the podcast format to interview in real time anyone who chooses to use me as a channel. I have no idea what is going to happen, but I know this is what I am born to do.
I am definitely not a professional Psychic, and obviously I never felt I needed training. I dont want to make money out of people, and I just want to correct a wrong that has held me back all these years. That wrong was trying to deny my gifts, and not use them to help humanity. Over 40 years ago a psychic medium told me at the British Spiritualist Association that I had a man standing over my shoulder who was protecting me since I was a child. The lady said I had such skills that I needed to use them to one day help humanity. I really hope the Podcast format will be that vehicle to do this.
Episode 59: The origins of Satan in Human History.
Episode 58: I have a discussion with Satan about who he is, what he does, and why he gets a bad rap!!

Episode 57: The influence of Aleister Crowley on Popular Culture and major figures of the arts, entertainment, politics, and civil society from the 1960s until today. Is it EVIL ?

Episode 56: Is Revelation 13 in the Bible a message from Inter-dimensional entities ?

Episode 55: The disclosure and the deniers may have Religious or Political motives.

Episode 54: How does the knowledge of Extra Terrestrial / Dimensional Intelligence and Technology question a persons belief in religion and long accepted place in the cosmos?

Episode 53: We are definitely not alone…..!

Episode 51: The Full Album "The Journey."

Episode 52: One year anniversary Episode! A reply from Jen (daughter of Debbie), and an interview with me!!!

Episode 50: The signs this week that we are getting closer to the Big Reset- We meet Debbie.

Episode 49: World War III, like all wars, is a spiritual war. I talk to Titan about Mediumship, and Jim who died recently.

Episode 48: A reading for a listener, use of Pendulums, Feedback, and current observations.

Episode 47: All the things that have happened this week that point to the imminent huge changes coming.

Episode 46: A warning and a time to take Pause

Episode 45: The latest revelations about what UAP/UFOs really are, and Druids !

Episode 44: The Roman Empire. Lessons from the Past from a Roman Soldier!

Episode 43: NS-Documentation Center Cologne. The Gestapo headquartres, prison, torture place and execution site.

Episode 42: Nazi era Cologne-Müngersdorf deportation camp memorial, to feel the energy still there.

Episode 41: The Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene and Lazarus built in 1243, and Melaten Leprosorium, now a cemetary full of the Living Dead..

Episode 40: A visit to the World Famous Catholic Cologne Cathedral to visit the Guardian Spirits that call it home.
Episode 39: Meeting the dead in The Geusenfriedhof in Cologne-Lindenthal -the oldest Protestant cemetery in the Rhineland.

Summer Holiday. Back in a week !!!

Episode 38: I visit the 1200 year old St. Maria Lyskirchen church in Cologne to meet the dead still visiting there.

Episode 37: The Full complete Neil Peart Project - "The Journey."

Episode 36: Beginning Again a new life, Life lessons - the final song from Neil Peart