DETOX LIVING with Coach Gessie
Embark on a transformative health odyssey with 'DETOX LIVING with Coach Gessie,' a podcast that's more than just a listening experience—it's a lifeline. Hosted by Coach Gessie Thompson, Fibroids Survivor turned Health Activist and Founder of holistic supplement provider TheDeToxNow.com, this show is a vibrant sanctuary for women. It's where miraculous healing stories echo, empowering advice on holistic wellness resonates, and the celebration of womanhood and BIPOC families' health takes center stage. Tune in and be part of a movement towards vibrant, DETOX LIVING—a life free of toxic thoughts, people, habits and foods.
Podcasting since 2023 • 28 episodes
DETOX LIVING with Coach Gessie
Latest Episodes
DETOX LIVING | Dr. Pierre Johnson Debunks Myths About Fibroid Treatment Options
Did you get a fibroid diagnosis recently? Did your doctor say you need fibroid surgery?Before you jump the gun and schedule your surgery, here 4 critical questions shared by my physician partner @doctorp23 you should be asking your doct...
Episode 28

DETOX LIVING | Dr. Sophia Lubin Reveals Key Strategies for Preventing Fibroid Complications
Battling fibroids? This is something you MUST see. Thank you @DrSophiaObgyn for discussing 5 things every woman with fibroids should know with us today!Here is a quick recap:1. I know you’re terrified by the news of having fibro...
Episode 27

DETOX LIVING | Danielle Key-Odis Details Her Inspiring Journey from Fibroid Challenges to Motherhood
How Her Simple 14-Day RESET Led to Two Miracle Babies | Several studies suggest that fasting is one of the most effective ways for women and men to reset their bodies for a healthier lifestyle.Danielle @lady1stlady is proof of just that...
Episode 26

DETOX LIVING | Koereyelle Mallard Addresses the Taboo Surrounding Male Reproductive Health
Thank you @Koreyelle for such an important conversation on Fibroids, Fertility and more! Facts you may not have known: HIS Sperm could be the reason you’ve miscarried.Why? It’s all about SPERM QUALITY sis!Studies show that high ...
Episode 25

DETOX LIVING | Dr. Stephanie Thompson Exposes Myths Around Male Reproductive Health
Doctor Answers: Is HE The Missing Piece To Your Fertility Puzzle? Thank you @DR_SMThompson for shining the light on the whole fertility story — male and female factors!The hardest reality is that our men, fathers, husbands, uncles, and ...
Episode 24