Ennoble | A True Charity Podcast
A podcast of True Charity where we explore effective charity practices and policies, uncovering innovative strategies and success stories that celebrate dignity. From the dust of poverty to the seat of nobility, let's embark on another empowering journey together.
Podcasting since 2023 • 56 episodes
Ennoble | A True Charity Podcast
Latest Episodes
Doing Them Well By Being With Them First: The Power of Presence in Effective Charity
In this excerpt from his new book, The Crisis of Dependency … True Charity CEO & Co-founder James Whitford powerfully illustrates the importance of being with people we want to help out of poverty.Help people gain l...
Season 2503
Episode 3

The Power of Collaboration: Strengthen Your Poverty Alleviation Ministry Together
Have you ever felt like something wasn’t quite right in your charitable efforts? You’re not alone. One team member shares her past struggles and how she’s come to realize there is a trusted community—connected across the nation and united in pe...
Season 2503
Episode 2

Achieving Advantageous Outcomes with Self Assessments
Effectively assessing the circumstances of those seeking help is key to their long-term stability. True Charity’s client self-assessment survey will help you prioritize the dignity of the people you serve as you help them foster lasting change....
Season 2503
Episode 1

Helping Without Hurting in Short-Term Missions: A Synopsis
If you belong to an American church, chances are you’ve been on a short-term mission trip — or supported one somehow. Helping Without Hurting sheds light on how those trips may cause more harm than good and offers practical tips on how...
Season 2502
Episode 2

Respecting Agency and Truth in Relationships
Ministry leaders often navigate the tension between respecting an individual’s agency and upholding absolute truth, particularly when guiding those in poverty toward wise and moral choices. Effective mentorship requires balancing encouragement ...
Season 2502
Episode 1