More Than a Song - Discovering the Truth of Scripture Hidden in Today's Popular Christian Music

#510: "The Truth" by Megan Woods

Michelle Nezat

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We have an enemy known as the Father of Lies, so it makes sense that one of his tactics is to convince us to believe lies about ourselves AND lies about how God sees us. We combat these lies with the truth from Scripture, and Megan Woods sings about this in her song "The Truth."

Let's take the message from this song and see where it comes from in Scripture. And let's take it a step further to examine the WHOLE truth.

Key Points Covered in This Episode:

  1. Song Introduction - "The Truth" by Megan Woods
    • A powerful song that speaks against negative self-talk and replaces lies with biblical truth.
    • Michelle’s initial hesitation in using this song on the podcast and how she overcomes it.
  2. The Dangers of Misapplying Scripture
    • The fine line between biblical encouragement and self-centered theology.
    • How the church can sometimes distort Scripture to make it more about us than about God.
    • A snippet from Michelle's novel, "A Seat at the Table" - Purchase on Amazon
  3. Breaking Down the Lies vs. The Whole Truth
    • Lies we tell ourselves: I’m not enough, I’m unlovable, I’m a failure.
    • The enemy’s tactics: Repeating accusations that become deeply ingrained.
    • The exercise of writing down accusations to recognize patterns.
  4. Developing a Biblical Worldview
    • Why knowing Scripture for yourself is crucial.
    • The balance between focusing on God and understanding our identity in Him.
    • Scripture’s direct response to self-doubt and identity crises.
  5. Song Lyric Analysis & Supporting Scriptures
    • "The truth is I am my Father’s child. I make Him proud, and I make Him smile."
      • 1 John 3:1 – We are called children of God.
      • Romans 8:16 – The Spirit testifies that we are God’s children.
      • Numbers 6:24–26 – God's face shines upon His people.
      • Psalm 18:19 – God delights in us.
    • "I was made in the image of a perfect King."
      • Genesis 1:26-27 – Created in God’s image.
    • "He looks at me and wouldn’t change a thing."
      • Ephesians 2:4-5 – God loved us even when we were dead in sin.
      • God’s love is unconditional, but it transforms us (Galatians 2:20, Colossians 3:9-10).
    • "The truth is I am truly loved by a God who’s good when I’m not good enough."
      • A reminder that our worth isn’t found in ourselves but in the goodness of God.
    • "I don’t belong to the lies; I belong to You."
      • John 8:44 vs. Galatians 5:24 – The contrast between belonging to the enemy and belonging to Christ.

This Week's Challenge

Read Psalm 139, but look for what you learn about God more than what you think it says about you. Read 1 John and the context of Romans 8 and observe what you learn about God’s love and our status as God’s children. Make two columns - the first column should list truths about God’s love toward us, and the second column should list the truths of how we respond to that love.

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