More Than a Song - Discovering the Truth of Scripture Hidden in Today's Popular Christian Music
More Than a Song is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to helping you discover the truth of Scripture hidden in today's popular Christian music. Each episode teaches you to connect portions of God's Word with the songs you're singing along with on the radio to help you meditate on Truths that will transform your way of thinking and, ultimately, your life.
522 episodes
#512: "Constant" by Anthony Gargiula, Jordin Sparks, and Maverick City Music
In a world filled with uncertainty, it’s comforting to know that we serve an unchanging God. "Constant" by Anthony Gargiula, Jordin Sparks, and Maverick City Music reminds us of this powerful truth—God is constant. This episode explores the bib...
Episode 512

#511: "Flowers” by Samantha Ebert
I don't know if you've ever lifted a desperate prayer that asked, "Lord, why are you keeping me here?" but that line in Samantha Ebert's song "Flowers" gets me every time. That one that acknowledges the valley I'm in but reminds me that God has...
Episode 511

#510: "The Truth" by Megan Woods
Get the Episode Guide at https://michellenezat.com/510downloadWe have an enemy known as the Father of Lies, so it makes sense that one of his tactics is to convince us to believe lies a...

#509: "I Give You My Dreams” by Sarai Rivera
Does giving your dreams and desires to God feel like giving up? Sarai Rivera sings about surrendering control of her life to God in her song "I Give You My Dreams." In this episode, I explore the alternative to letting God take control displaye...
Episode 509

#508: "Running Back To You" by Seph Schlueter
Our hope in the Lord is that He will draw near to us if we draw near to Him (see James 4:8). Seph Schlueter sings about drawing near to God in his song "Running Back to You." But the song made me ask, "How do we get so far from God in the first...
Episode 508

#507: Encore Episode "Amaryllis" by Christy Nockels
Family is beautiful, frustrating, glorious, embarrassing, and diverse—even Christ's family line includes some characters and heroes. Christy Nockels' song " Amaryllis" inspired me to explore a few of the people in Christ's lineage. It seemed ap...
Episode 507

#506: “lowest of lows” by Josiah Queen
God, the Author, chose to show rather than tell us how far He would go to redeem His people. Consider the highest of highs, where Jesus came from, and the lowest of lows, where he descended to lay His head in a pile of straw. Josiah Queen sings...
Episode 506

#505: “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” by We Are Messengers
Scripture teaches us that the "message declared by angels proved to be reliable" (Heb. 2:2). No wonder the traditional Christmas carol instructs us to "hark" -- pay attention to -- what the angels are declaring. There's no better way to celebra...
Episode 505

#504: "Still Waters (Psalm 23)" by Leanna Crawford
There’s a phrase I often use in my prayers for others. I pray that God will go before them, behind them, and that His hand of blessing will be on their heads. Little did I know that Leanna Crawford's song "Still Waters (Psalm 23)" would guide m...
Episode 504

#503: "Take You At Your Word” by Cody Carnes & Benjamin William Hastings
In a day and age where you can't seem to trust anyone, Cody Carnes and Benjamin William Hastings sing an anthem that resonates with me. "Take You At Your Word" caused me to explore why we can take God at His Word and how to do it.Let's t...
Episode 503

#502: "Good Day" by Forrest Frank
Some truths we use in our everyday language might change how we think and respond to life if we think deeply about them. Forrest Frank has a song out, "Good Day," that I've used as the celebration theme song for the
Episode 502

#501: "The Table" by Jonathan Traylor
When my mom shared Jonathan Traylor's song "The Table" with me, I knew I wanted to use it as a launching point on the podcast closest to my debut novel release, "A Seat at the Table." I contend that the world sees a "seat at the table" as an op...
Episode 501

#500: "Take It All Back" by Tauren Wells
Grab the Episode Guide HERE.The enemy of our souls has many names in Scripture. One verse often attributed to him describes him as a thief. Tauran Wells, in his new song "Ta...
Episode 500

#499: "That's My King" by CeCe Winans
It's time to meditate on how amazing Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega and Lamb of God really is. And when you do, it should cause you to jump up and tell everyone what CeCe Winans sings about in her song, "That's My King."We're headed b...
Episode 499

#498: "Revelation” by John Rich
Grab an Episode Guide for this episode! CLICK HEREWe know we can't know the day or the hour, but we do know one thing—King Jesus is returning! When John Rich sings about...
Episode 498

#497: "By His Wounds" by David Leonard
Grab an Episode Guide for this episode! CLICK HEREWhat happens when we take a phrase or a verse in God's Word out of context? We may misinterpret the meaning altogether,...
Episode 497

Special Edition: Brad Pauquette on Friday With Friends
In this episode, I have the privilege of hosting my friend Brad Pauquette to talk about how God's Word influences his personal and professional life and his new book, The Novel Matrix.Brad i...

#496: "Thy Word / Where Else Would I Go” by Shane & Shane
Grab an Episode Guide for this episode! CLICK HEREA few years ago, my daughter raided our closet for a "vintage" windbreaker set for 90's day during Homecoming week at s...
Episode 496

#495: "Walk With Jesus” by Consumed By Fire
CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.Who are your top five closest friends? Have you ever thought that those you spend t...
Episode 495

Special Edition: Rachel Cash of Mixtape Theology on Friday With Friends
While my podcast is a solo show, I still want a venue to introduce you to these friends as examples of the multifaceted ways God works in and through His people.In this episode, I have the privilege of hosting my friend Rachel Cash, co-a...

#494: "Grave Robber" by Crowder
CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.I love a good play on words. When you do a quick Google search of...
Episode 494

#493: "My God Can" by Katy Nichole (feat. Naomi Raine)
CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.Life can throw us curve balls that threaten to derail us. In fact...
Episode 493

#492: "The Prodigal" by Josiah Queen
CLICK HERE for the episode guide to help you connect with Scripture through this song.Growing up, my mom and stepdad used to listen to Paul Harvey. He ...
Episode 492