One Single Woman Podcast Artwork Image

One Single Woman

Pip Brown

A podcast for single people. Exploring the societal pressures surrounding relationships, marriage and children. 

Hello! I am Pip, a 38 year old woman, wholeheartedly enjoying my single and childfree life. 

I have spent the majority of my life feeling like an alien, in a world in which we are conditioned to believe that the one and only path to happiness is via a relationship, marriage and children. 

Whilst I am not adverse to a relationship at some point in the future, I am here to promote my findings of the array of benefits of a single and independent life, without children. I am here to  affirm that true happiness comes from the relationship you have with yourself, NOT from your relationship status. 

I will share my story of how a diagnosis of premature menopause at 15 years old, led me to a life in which I am now proud to be single and to have never settled for the wrong relationship, despite societal pressures. 

Join me and my wonderful guests, every Wednesday as I delve deeply into a wealth of topics ranging from sex and intimacy to overpopulation and everything in between. 

I will also publish solo episodes whereby I will explore the common misconceptions surrounding single people as well as sharing my personal development journey and my adoration of the unattached life. 

Lets go! 
