One Single Woman

Single and childfree girls in Nice!

May 08, 2024 Pip Brown
Single and childfree girls in Nice!
One Single Woman
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One Single Woman
Single and childfree girls in Nice!
May 08, 2024
Pip Brown

Just a short episode as I have been away on a mini break with a friend to the South of France and Monaco! 

A short round up of ... well, all the drinks we consumed and our experience of sitting on the beach, watching parents dealing with their children as well as screaming children on the plane and at train stations. It was an eye opener as non-parents to watch the parents around us, being parents! 

If you are single and childfree... embrace every moment ;) 

Thank you so much for listening to my show!
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Show Notes

Just a short episode as I have been away on a mini break with a friend to the South of France and Monaco! 

A short round up of ... well, all the drinks we consumed and our experience of sitting on the beach, watching parents dealing with their children as well as screaming children on the plane and at train stations. It was an eye opener as non-parents to watch the parents around us, being parents! 

If you are single and childfree... embrace every moment ;) 

Thank you so much for listening to my show!
You can follow and contact me here;

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