The Martial Arts Lifestyle Podcast
Host Tim Becherer interviews every day martial artists each week about how they got involved in martial arts training and how their practice influences their lives. Guests range from full time martial artists/instructors, stunt people and actors, military/law enforcement, to people with all kinds of other professional lives. This show is to inspire other practitioners by hearing the stories of those doing the daily work of training and making it part of their lifestyle.
The Martial Arts Lifestyle Podcast
The Martial Arts Lifestyle Podcast Episode 2025_07 with Anthony Finch
In Episode 2025_07 of The Martial Arts Podcast, host Tim Becherer interviews Texas martial artist Anthony Finch. Anthony started his martial arts journey over 40 years ago taking up Karate. At a young age he opened his own school. After discovering Gibsons Martial Arts in Oklahoma, he took up training in JKD, Kali, Silat, and Muay Thai. Now he has stepped back from teaching and has enjoyed becoming just a student again. Tune in and listen to his story.
follow Anthony Finch on social media:
FB: Anthony Finch
IG: @afinch67
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