The Business Millennials Podcast

Nailing Your Messaging: The Key to Getting Clients (Guest Strategy Session with Angel Wilborn)

Ashley Dreager & Safa Harris Season 1 Episode 10

In this episode of the Business Millennials Podcast, hosts Safa Harris and Ashley Dreager sit down with Angel, the founder of The Modest Company, for an in-depth strategy session. Angel works with introverted female business owners and solopreneurs to help them increase their brand visibility without feeling overwhelmed. Throughout the conversation, Safa and Ashley guide Angel through the process of refining her marketing strategy, optimizing her offer progression, and leveraging email marketing to nurture leads and drive conversions.

Key Takeaways:
1. Identifying your ideal client and crafting messaging that resonates with their pain points and aspirations is crucial for effective marketing.
2. Developing a strong offer progression, from a low-barrier freebie to higher-ticket services, can help guide customers through your sales funnel.
3. Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing leads, building trust, and converting prospects into paying clients.
4. Creating a comprehensive marketing plan that integrates various channels and tactics can help you achieve your business goals more efficiently.
5. Launching a product or service requires careful planning, messaging, and technical setup to maximize conversions and revenue.

00:00 Welcome to the Business Millennials Podcast
01:30 Introducing Angel: The PR Strategist
03:15 Deep Dive into Angel's Marketing and Challenges
10:45 Understanding Email Marketing for Conversion
18:20 Refining Marketing Messaging for Introverted Entrepreneurs
26:45 Touching On Pain Points for Engagement
31:50 Creating An Impactful Marketing Campaign
40:20 Optimizing Your Marketing Strategy and Launch
51:35 Finalizing the Marketing Plan and Next Steps
58:20 Introducing the Content Multiplier
1:00:10 Conclusion and Wrap-up

For more information about The Modest Company and Angel's services, visit

To learn more about the Content Multiplier and how it can help you maximize your content creation efforts, visit

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Welcome to the business millennials podcast. This show brings you strategic insights through raw and unfiltered real world advice to accelerate your business growth for longterm success. I'm Safa Harris, and I'm Ashley Drager. We're the founders of scale and thrive co a full service marketing and business development firm, helping visionary companies scale sustainably. Expect us to have the uncomfortable conversations that no one else is having. We'll break down what it really takes to grow and scale your business beyond six All right. for tuning in to my podcast. If you're new here, make sure to subscribe to our channel and also hit the little bell icon to get notifications when we release new episodes. We're always here to help you out. So so much for tuning in and we'll see you next time. you

Ashley Dreager:

So, um, Angel, thank you so much for joining us, for the strategy session, for everyone else, Angel is the, founder of the Modest Company. She works with introverted female business owners and solopreneurs to help them increase the visibility of their brand without getting overwhelmed. Angel is also the creator of the Modest Co podcast. So Angel, thank you for joining us today. We're excited to talk to you.

Angel Wilborn:

Yes. Thank you all so much for having me. I really appreciate it. I'm excited to talk to you all as well and

Safa Harris:


Angel Wilborn:

fun public relations and marketing kind of chatting together. So I love it.

Ashley Dreager:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. And I understand that you are wanting to really focus on your marketing strategy, lead generation, email marketing, et cetera. Is that correct? Okay.

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

Perfect. I guess you want to go ahead and just jump in and tell us what's going on and how we can help.

Angel Wilborn:

Yeah, so definitely Ashley. Um, so I do PR. As I said, I want to focus. I really want to focus more on introverts because I know that PR can be tough and obviously a lot of people don't understand PR. They think that it's marketing and I'm like, no, they're completely different things. And so I have created some courses and I've been doing a little bit of like Getting more leads by participating in bundles, but I just want to Get warm leads because bundles are a great way to generate leads and to get leads But they're they're not necessarily cold, but they're not warm either. They're more kind of like a lukewarm I would say and so I really want to like focus on getting those warm leads and getting consistency with people enrolling in my In my courses and getting consistency with having clients on an ongoing basis

Ashley Dreager:


Safa Harris:

For clarity,

Ashley Dreager:

And. Okay.

Safa Harris:

focusing purely on courses and passive products or are you looking at I know you mentioned clients too um, but are you also doing client work that's done for you type work as well?

Angel Wilborn:

Yes, definitely. So I, um, I do offer one on one strategy sessions and then something that I have just decided that I want to roll out is a like done for you. Um, a mixture of, so I have a PR toolkit masterclass that I released in January and I wanted to combine my strategy sessions. With that PR toolkit masterclass, but instead of you doing the PR toolkit yourself, we'll sit down together. We'll have four Um, we'll have four focus sections four focus sessions. I can never get the word sessions out for some reason We'll have four those 60 And then at the conclusion of your focus session, I will do a done for you PR toolkit that includes like your one sheet, your media sheet, how to pitch yourself, different ways to pitch yourself to different medias and stuff like that.

Ashley Dreager:

Yeah. So tell me, um, tell me a little bit about what you're currently doing for marketing. So I know you said that you were participating in bundles and that's been very helpful for growing your audience, your email list, um, but they do take some nurturing, uh, to get to know you, which is very understandable. So the challenge with bundles is that they then get bombarded with Everybody else who they opted in from that bundle. So, um, there can be a little bit of strategy that needs to come with, uh, being a bundle contributor to not just blend in with the hundreds of emails that they're going to be getting from everybody else that they signed up for, which is definitely something that we could talk about. but what else, what else have you been doing consistently or even inconsistently to increase your visibility, nurture the people that are already paying attention to that kind of thing?

Angel Wilborn:

so I have been a guest on other people's podcast where I talk about my services that I offer and what it is that I do. I am trying to be more conscious of talking about it on my own podcast as well. also in some different like facebook groups where we have the opportunity to collaborate with other people or to talk about our services that we offer, but then again, that's Kind of the same as bundles because it's everybody, you know, if it's on a Monday, everybody on Monday is talking about the services that they offer. So it kind of gets lost in the shuffle there. So definitely more so just trying to get onto other people's platforms by way of podcasts to talk about what it is that I offer and what it is that I do.

Ashley Dreager:

Yeah, no, that's awesome. When you're doing that guest podcasting, do you have any lead magnet or freebie to pull people in your audience and start to be able to nurture that relationship? Or is it more of a, here's my guest episode and hopefully you end up following me.

Angel Wilborn:

So whenever I do a guest episode, the other podcast hosts will always ask me, you know, do I have any freebies that I would like to share or do I have like any courses or anything? And they do always like link my, my freebie offer and my courses and my websites into their show notes and they'll tell their audience to go and to check out. What it is that I've have to offer.

Safa Harris:

What is your freebie?

Angel Wilborn:

My freebie is a PR goals workbook where you can start setting your PR goals and learning a little bit more about what PR goals are and I talked a little bit in the beginning of the workbook about the difference between traditional versus um, I can't even think the word now. Um, I don't want to say social media. Why is it not coming to me? Um traditional media versus like, um, oh, i'm so sorry No, not paid media. Um Like internet media why I don't know why the word is not coming to me right now, but like choose from digital stage Thank you. That word was on the tip of my tongue. I'm like, what is it? Come out here, please. So yes, traditional versus digital marketing. I mean, digital media and why traditional media is still a good thing. So I'll talk a little bit about that at the beginning of the workbook. And then I also talk about like different types of goals that you can set for PR. And then it's a workbook that lays out the smart goal method on how to set your goals.

Ashley Dreager:

Got it. Okay, perfect. So I, I feel like you've got a lot going on with your marketing that we can work with. Um, but I wanted to ask one more question just to make sure that I'm kind of going to be steering this in the right Tell me, tell me a little bit about your ideal client or your target market. Like what stage of business are they in? What niche, what industry, like who specifically are we trying to be targeting with your one on one sessions or your courses,

Angel Wilborn:

Okay, um, yeah, so like I said, I just recently kind of niche down a little bit more because I'm an introvert. And so I realized that like a lot of people. They, you know, I think introvert, PR that just does not go together. And, um, a lot of the people that I've kind of worked with, they will do that, how it worked with their. Kind of similar to me, like the introversion, like I don't want to be the face of the business. I don't want to talk about it. It's like, but no, you have to put yourself out there. So I want to work with introverted, small, female, small business owners or solopreneurs who, you know, they're one to maybe one to three years into their business and they're, they know they have a good brand and they know that what they have is great, but they're having trouble getting visible. And Building their reputation, maintaining a positive reputation, getting the publicity that they deserve because they are an introvert and they don't necessarily know how to come out of that shell and they're, they feel like they're going to get overwhelmed if they start trying to add the publicity into it. So I want to, I want to work with them. I want to give them tips and I want to give them ways and create courses for them that help them get the publicity they deserve without feeling the overwhelm and the anxiety of it. And to get comfortable. To be able to do that.

Ashley Dreager:

Okay. Have some suggestions and some, some plans, but Safa, anything else that you wanted to ask or cover before we start talking into actual strategies and funnels and stuff?

Safa Harris:

no, just that I'm, I got a lot of thoughts and things for us to talk about on like the conversion of, and once, once Ashley tells you how to get all the leads and things like that, and then talking about getting them through and converting and then your revenue goals, so we can hit on that once we kind of do the marketing part of it.

Angel Wilborn:

Okay, cool. I'm going to say, I love the look and the excitement on y'all's faces. Like, I just want to say it's so great when you talk to people who are like in their passion, you can just see it all on their face and you can just see like the wheels in their head turning and they're like, Oh yeah, I got the perfect idea for this. So I love y'all's energy.

Safa Harris:

We love

Ashley Dreager:

Oh, thank you. email marketing for this. I think that the email marketing is really something that I would want to be a part of your core marketing strategy. but email marketing isn't the way to get visible, right? We need somewhere. To be showing up to pull them into your email marketing system, so that they can then get nurtured into your funnel. So that's, I'm kind of seeing the email piece as the middle to end stage of your marketing strategy. I think that the, the guest podcasting is a great arm to add to the top of your funnel. So we kind of think of it as the top of your funnel is where people are first learning about you and then they get Okay. Okay. Okay. reach those guests. Other audiences, I should say they're not guest audiences. You're the guest, but

Angel Wilborn:

I got you.

Ashley Dreager:

those additional audiences to try to find that overlap. and then pulling them in with your, with your freebie or your courses. I think. You would probably get the most conversion with the freebie unless you're offering some sort of discount or, promo code for the courses. I don't know if that's something that you've offered to the guests, podcast hosts that are having you on or anything like that,

Angel Wilborn:

Yes, I have done that before.

Ashley Dreager:

Just out of curiosity, how has that been working as far as conversions or, traffic?

Angel Wilborn:

So I've only done it, I think twice. And so what I did it once on a podcast. It was right when I created my PR on Mastermind Toolkit. That episode that I recorded actually has not aired yet. And then also, it wasn't on a podcast, but a lady had asked me to come and speak to her mastermind class about, earned media. And so I did that. And then I was in the process of creating the course for the PR toolkit masterclass. And I offered them a, I offered them a code for the course once it launched and one person signed up for it.

Ashley Dreager:

I think really focusing on the freebie would be a great place to start because that would be a very low barrier, entry your world, especially when you're in Facebook groups or anything like that. Um, whenever people see the word free, it tends to kind of like capture their attention very quickly. So that can be something to really focus on when you're utilizing those Facebook groups. So focusing those less on your paid offers and more just to bring them over into one of your own channels. You know what

Angel Wilborn:

Okay. Yes, got you. Okay.

Ashley Dreager:

And then occasionally, I mean, if you want to pitch paid services and Facebook groups, you can absolutely do that. Um, I think that for the funnel, just trying to get them over out of that Facebook group into your world is going to be the best long term strategy for you because then you can continue to nurture them through your podcast and your email list.

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

but I would like to get another top, top of funnel. Platform in there. I saw that you did have an Instagram page. I don't know how you feel about consistently being on Instagram or video based content. I know if you're introverted or a little bit on the shy side, video content can be very intimidating. so I don't know if that's something that you would be open to, or if you have the capacity to maintain that. Cause I know it is a little bit more as far as like the recording and then editing and, and all of that kind of stuff.

Angel Wilborn:

I have thought about the I have thought about it I have a very love hate relationship with social media So i'll do like really good with posting on there a good bit. I usually schedule like a lot of my posts through canva i'll do like random lives every now and then as far as the video content It's something that crossed my mind. But like you said it is a lot to maintain and keep up with. Especially With, like, trying to record a podcast because I edit my own podcast and I record all of that. So then. Having to think about recording a video and editing a video, it is a lot. I'm not saying that I'm not willing to try it, but I would definitely have to. Work it into work it into my schedule and plan for it.

Ashley Dreager:

very, like one on one and direct with whoever's watching it. So it's really great for establishing that know, like, and trust factor. they really get to know you as a person, they hear your mannerisms, the way you talk, your facial expressions, all of that kind of stuff. So it can just. move the needle a lot more than when they're reading static based content. So, that would just be something to consider as far as, effectiveness, but then also playing into the algorithms. A lot of algorithms these days are prioritizing video based content because they tend to be so much more entertaining and engaging for The, uh, the viewer,

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

have you thought about recording your podcast on video and then repurposing it that way to get the video content out there?

Angel Wilborn:

have thought about recording it on video. Um as well. I haven't I haven't gotten to that point yet But I that is something that I have thought about possibly adding

Ashley Dreager:

Cause that could be a good way to, check off two boxes without putting any extra time into it. I mean, there's the getting ready time, for. for the video, for the video recording part. but you're not then having to like plan and record 10 or 15 additional video pieces after you've already done your podcast. So that could just be something to consider. Facebook, Instagram, Tik TOK, and then potentially Pinterest those are probably the four platforms that I would be considering the most for you. get that additional reach and visibility, that's not dependent on guest episodes. Do any of those strike you as one that you would be interested in to be consistent on or that you would want to be trying out or anything?

Angel Wilborn:

I have facebook I have instagram I have on pinterest I also have linkedin I know you didn't mention but I do have on my linkedin as well. And so on Facebook i've been posted on facebook. I usually post more of like my podcast content on there and then instagram is A mixture of like podcasts and business stuff and pinterest is kind of like a mixture both of those as well because on pinterest i'll Upload like an audiogram from my podcast And then i'll also try to upload like pr tips and stuff. I have like a board for pr tips So I try to do that as well on on pinterest but I would definitely I would actually probably like to focus on pinterest more because I think it's uh, I think it's like the underdog kind of when it comes to You Using it as a business tool because people are more so thinking of Pinterest for like home decoration ideas, like pretty pictures and stuff like that. But I think that it really can be a great business tool if used the right way.

Ashley Dreager:

Yeah, I was thinking, because especially if you're already doing podcasts, that those could easily be repurposed into blogs, and then. put over onto Pinterest to then drive traffic back to your website. You've got your freebie, your opt in right there. And then from there, they're getting moved on to your email list. So we're kind of thinking, Pinterest website, email list, nurtured conversion. It's kind of what that overall funnel would look like. it could work the same with any of those.

Safa Harris:

I was going to

Ashley Dreager:


Safa Harris:

would be great to help with SEO on your website too. That's also one not to sleep on.

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

for the organic search. So otherwise it would work very similarly for any other social platform that we're being really consistent on. you know, they're consuming the posts or the videos on that social platform. You're directing them to the link in bio or the link directly. If it's Facebook, they're opting in, nurturing them and then to the conversion.

Angel Wilborn:

Okay. Okay. Awesome. Yeah. Thank you. I appreciate that.

Safa Harris:

yeah, I think Ashley just mapped out the funnel, exactly what we're thinking. Just having a lot of that visibility from all of these different brand awareness platforms really, and moving them into your email list where you're going to be doing the conversions. A couple of. Questions on that. What is your email list size?

Angel Wilborn:

Right now my email list size is. Either at 200 or right under 200.

Safa Harris:

Do you know where you got most of your subscribers? Was it from the bundles?

Angel Wilborn:

Yes, it was.

Safa Harris:

So I would honestly just keep doing everything that Ashley just pointed out with growing and just focusing really big on growing your email list. And, um, Are you regular with content and just newsletters or anything that you're sending out to your email list?

Angel Wilborn:

I am trying to get more regular with that. I've just been kind of thinking about like, I know me, whenever I do something, I try to put myself in the place of a consumer or potential consumer. And so I'm Just trying to figure out like what exactly I want to include in my emails and what I need to include in my emails. And I also know me as a consumer, I don't like long, long emails. Like if I open up an email and I see it's the emails like five, six paragraphs long, I'm not going to read it. Like I'm already done with it.

Safa Harris:


Angel Wilborn:

so for my emails, like the thing that I really want to incorporate into it is more of, like, A picture and then not necessarily a caption, but like a picture and a description like for, you know, PR tip and then like, write out what the PR tip is. And they're like, oh, upcoming course and give like a brief description of it so that it kind of breaks it up some. And like I said, you're not just reading that long paragraph and be like, okay, what is she talking about? So I'm just, I'm at the stage now where I'm trying to plan. What should go in my weekly content? I said, I don't want to be that person that's emailing people every single day too, because I mean, y'all can tell me if I'm wrong. Y'all are the marketing charges. Like, I don't think that makes someone want to be a client. If you're constantly in their inbox and you're not giving them anything of value. So I want to make sure that anything that I'm sending out is something of value and that when they get an email from me. They're not ready to delete it before they even open it. They're going to be like, okay, I know this is going to be something good. This is going to be valuable. And I want, I want to see what this is. And she's not a person that emails every little thing. So there must be something in here. I need to see.

Safa Harris:

yeah, we can definitely talk about the structure of your email newsletter and what bring value to your email list that's going to essentially be like Oh, she's the one that I want to hire when i'm ready to hire a couple More things related to this and your offer progression So when people opt in for your freebie, are they getting a welcome sequence and nurture sequence? Like off the bat when they opt in.

Angel Wilborn:

Yes. They do get a welcome sequence sequence. Yes.

Safa Harris:

Perfect because that you definitely want them like Engage as soon as they're in because at that moment they're interested in you They

Angel Wilborn:


Safa Harris:

kind of done that low ticket buy in so this is kind of when you were talking I was like, oh her funnel her Offer progression is actually set up really really well because your pr goals workbook Feeds perfectly to your lower ticket PR toolkit, which would be like, Hey, you have your goals now to implement them. Here's this toolkit. And then the next step further from that, it's like, Hey, like, where are you at with your toolkit? What's going on? Do you need my one on one support? You need me to do this for you. Then you come in with your done for you. Offer of setting up the toolkit for them and then, even one step further if you're interested in doing more retainer pitch work for people be like, hey, yeah, I'll set up your toolkit. And then on a reoccurring basis, I will do the pitching for you. And that should help get you, um, more of that retainer reoccurring income as well. And I think all of that really builds really well and can be. just built off of just from that freebie and getting more opt ins there. So putting in more effort and time and getting into those freebies and building your email list and really, really nurturing there. I think it would be huge because eventually they will buy the toolkit. They will buy, um, your retainers and things like that. So all the other marketing is just going to be feeding into your email list. And I think that's where you should be focusing, really your mindset of like, I'm putting all of this out here, but the goal is to just get them to opt in to this freebie. And

Angel Wilborn:


Safa Harris:

going to make the sales. I'm going to get that cult following in my email list. That is where I'm gonna be loving on people. Everything else is visibility.

Angel Wilborn:


Safa Harris:

The thing I love about email list and email marketing is that the data is amazing. You get so much data out of it. So you could you're able to tweak and understand what people are responding to what they're not and what they're adjusting and Ashley can correct me if I'm wrong, but the industry standard is still like two percent of your email list will eventually convert, especially if you're going into a launch or anything like that, you can count on that. So that'll help you with your revenue projections. So, you know, going into your business being like, Hey, I know I need to make X, Y amount. And if 2 percent of my email list is going to convert for me to make X, Y amount, I need my email list to be this big. So

Angel Wilborn:


Safa Harris:

you. Understand where you need to be, where your effort needs to be to be able to get a certain point of revenue.

Angel Wilborn:

Okay. That makes sense. Thank you. I appreciate that.

Ashley Dreager:

So I two, two and a half questions, um, to piggyback off of that. Um, what has your, has your, rate and click rate, Ben, on your welcome sequence. And then do you know what those numbers are for your like on average for your, regular newsletters that you're sending out? And then the half question is consistently are we sending out newsletters as of right now?

Angel Wilborn:

so I really just started like trying with my email list, um, probably in January of this year because first I was like, I don't need an email list. And then I was like, okay, I do. I do need an email list. And so, with the, I, I honestly, I don't know the numbers off the top of my head for my freebie. Um, but I do know like the emails that I have been sending out, these past couple of weeks. The open rate is somewhere between like 33 and 40 percent for the open rate on the emails and um, yeah, and so I have been sending out a little bit more emails than I plan to because like I said, I kind of just want to do it like once a week I think that's and you guys please correct me if I think that's like a good rule of thumb Um, it's once a week, but I do have two bundles coming up. So i've been sending out the emails So I think Last week, I may have had to send out like three emails or something like back to back because of the bundles that I was participating in.

Ashley Dreager:

Okay. Yeah. I, I think one email a week is an awesome place to start. If you're seeing that's, and it's something that you can play with once you are feeling very, very much in the groove of all of your marketing activities. If you want to play with

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

it up to two times a week, um, just to see how your email list responds. If you start to see that number consistently start then I would probably pull back and go back to once a week. And if Cause that would kind of indicate that that's a good sweet spot for your audience. I think that that's a very good number anyways, for email marketing in this like B2B service based industry, um, keeps you top of mind, but like you said, it doesn't overwhelm them in their inbox. And they probably don't have time to read too much more than that. Anyways, right.

Safa Harris:

So before diving into like the content of your emails and the newsletters and things like that, I kind of want, so Ashley's really good at this, so I'm going to put her on the spot. Um, I want to talk about your. about your messaging that is going to drive people to actually grab this PR workbook and work with you. Um, so I know you said you want to talk to people that are introverts, that don't want to be the face of your brand, of their brand, but, and Ashley and I have been talking about this in our other episodes, that that I think, great mission. that is, think that

Angel Wilborn:

Thank you.

Safa Harris:

there that's really important, but it needs to be a little bit more clickbaity that's going to like hit their feelings. Um, so a lot of things we've been talking about people and you've mentioned it yourself here is like, social media is not what I want to be doing. It's not where I want to be. It's not like it doesn't feel good, but you have to have that brand awareness out there with social media. Um, and. lot of people because of that are going faceless on their social media, a lot of that. I see it all the time in my suggested now it's like, Oh, grew my whatever to like a huge thing and I never showed my face and yada, yada, yada. And I think that would be a really great thing for you to lean into be like, Hey, look. Faceless isn't going to get you what you need, but that doesn't mean that you need to be like dying over social media every day. You don't have to love it. There's, here's another way to be the face of your brand and get more bang for your buck, really. And, Show up more, get more visibility by leveraging these other platforms and this is how you do it. Let me show you how. So like, that's their problem. their pain is like, I hate being the face of my brand. The problem is like, you still have to be the face of your brand. I'm going to tell you why. And then I'm going to solve that problem for you with PR. this is how you're going to implement it. Here's the solution. Um, so I was, this is where I put Ashley on the spot. Can you make that put, put the marketing messaging on that? Put a bow on it for me.

Angel Wilborn:

I love it.

Ashley Dreager:

I, think that this is one not, I think once we really nail this messaging, I think that it's going to be very, very, very effective because even taking the introverted aspect out of the scenario, people are just getting really tired and burnt out anyways from social media. They still want to grow their business. They still want to achieve all these major milestones. They still want to be making this larger impact, but they just can't keep doing it the way that on social media has been saying that they need to be doing it for the last four years. It's just very exhausting and it's time consuming. And people are just getting burnt out. So I think that this is a really, really great alternative and a solution to even what people are, are experiencing, who have been the face and who have been very heavy in video based content. so guess before I start giving suggestions, is there anything that's come to your mind? That you feel very strongly about in this messaging or what you want to be conveying to your audience or in with the potential clients that you're going to be working with.

Angel Wilborn:

just that you know, that you do have to be, even though you don't want to be the face, you do have to be the face. And you're going to have to get like a little uncomfortable in order to get comfortable. But there are painless ways that You can do that. That's not, you know, going to stress you out or make you just want to give up and quit. And that if you aren't a fan of social media, okay, well, here's things that you can do, whether it's scheduling your content out or, finding other ways to connect with people other than social media, like that's just really what I want to take and Bay is that you can do this and you can find a way to do it. To do what that's comfortable for you, and that's still getting your brand out there and getting you visibility.

Ashley Dreager:

I liked that about being basically being able to do this in a very sustainable way. I, the only hesitation that I have is to bring in the, it's going to be uncomfortable because I think that even though this is the reality, like you have to get uncomfortable. Business is not easy. This is not, you know, an overnight success thing. That's going to be happening. Uh, people are. They want to take the path of least resistance.

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

kind of pulling them in with, this is how you can achieve all of these goals. This is how you can maintain this visibility, increase your reach, maximize your impact, you know, whatever those more specific are that the, your ideal client has. You know, reach and visibility are, they're good terms to use, but sometimes we want to be a little bit more specific, um, in what, who their ideal client is or who they're trying to reach. You know what I'm saying? Um, in a way that's as easy as faceless marketing is, but having a bigger impact more effective moving the needle more than faceless marketing, but

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

be that easy.

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

because faceless marketing is, it just takes away the barrier of having to be on video. It's still time consuming. You still have to know your ideal client. You still have to be very clear in your messaging for that to be effective. You just don't have to be on video,

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

there's still all of these other that can still be challenging and uncomfortable for a business owner. Um, but your solution is just more effective than what they're seeing constantly in their feeds.

Angel Wilborn:

Okay, gotcha. That makes sense.

Ashley Dreager:

And so I think really focusing on the way that you teach this and the way that you work with people gets people the most ROI on their time and their energy and their money. If they're investing money into it, I think that that's, what's going to pull them in. And Really trying to figure out what that ROI is or something a little bit more tangible about how much more effective that is versus faceless marketing or versus, uh, you know, Canva graphics or versus spending hours and hours trying to network inside of Facebook groups, you know, what, trying to give them something more tangible to walk away with. That's going to pique their interest opt into your freebie and then they

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

from there because we don't need to, we don't, we don't want to be misleading, right?

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

I was saying click BD, we don't want, we've, this has been a conversation a lot between the two of us. There's a lot about marketing tactics and clickbait and hooks. We're just, It just grinds our gears. We're like, that's not how it is. You're leaving so much out. So don't, we definitely don't want it to be misleading. We want whatever the, the tangible ROI is that we're trying to sell. We want that to be very much something that you can back up and that you can defend and you can die on that hill if it comes up in an argument with somebody who's like, no, that's not how it is. You know, We want you to feel very solid in what you're selling in that way, um, but just need to pique their interest enough to get them into your world. And then from there we can nurture them and soften the blow of, still going to be uncomfortable, but you can do it.

Angel Wilborn:

Right. Got you. Okay.

Safa Harris:

already envision like your ad going out with this, that you're running ads and this is what's going to get people to opt in. It's going to be like, are you burnt out and exhausted by having to show up on social media multiple times a day? If so, I've got the solution for you that you have to show up amount of times and get twice the exposure or whatever, whatever those stats are. And that's really going to hook them in. And you can use that in your organic, but then also if you ran ads with that, people would definitely click.

Angel Wilborn:

Okay. Got you. Okay. I'm writing this down.

Ashley Dreager:

So with that, I would say that I would want you to spend good one to two months just focusing on this messaging for your freebie, for your opt in and really make this like a large campaign for grand awareness. And then ultimately it's going to be lead generation because your welcome sequence, there's going to be something that morphs into either the low ticket offer, or if you feel comfortable enough pushing them straight into that one on one or that done with you offer, if that's something that you want to release it in that way, how many emails are in your current welcome sequence?

Angel Wilborn:

Sorry. Silence. Silence.

Ashley Dreager:

to touching on

Track 1:


Ashley Dreager:

pain point. The you're burnt out. You, you, you hate that everyone's saying that the only way to grow your business is with video marketing or, you know, whatever that is. Pain point is that you really want to touch on you. Don't I know I'm sure that there's tons of pain points So I'm sure it can be hard to just pick the one But tried to pick just one or two so that they're like, yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking. This is why I hate the idea of my business because this is what I really want But this is the only way that I've ever been told that it says how it's done and then you kind of you you bring in a The workbook, this is what the outcome is going to be. And then kind of take it a step further to how it's going to work or how they can implement the outcome of the workbook.

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

like, I'm sure that they probably get something tangible to, to walk away from. Yeah.

Safa Harris:

be the implementation of the goals.

Angel Wilborn:

okay, I like that, okay,

Ashley Dreager:

could be a really great way to introduce the toolkit.

Angel Wilborn:

okay, okay, yeah, that may, I never thought about that,

Safa Harris:

kind of selling the toolkit a little bit more.

Angel Wilborn:


Safa Harris:

it's, this is

Angel Wilborn:


Safa Harris:

the, the visibility solution that nobody's talking about, that like nobody told you was an option, other than social media.

Angel Wilborn:

okay, I like that, yeah, okay, yeah, okay, cool. Yeah, and that makes sense and I like how that's all flowing into each other and it makes sense the way that it's going into each other




everything that you're doing, all your efforts to be moving you in the same direction and be compounding together. You don't want just like doing a bunch of stuff that's happening and doing. You want everything really to stack on it and compound your efforts.

Ashley Dreager:

Yeah. So with anything on your social media podcast, Facebook groups, and then the guest episodes, I would have all of that with the focus of. Pushing your freebie, pushing people onto your email list, building out that welcome sequence a little bit more, making sure that the landing page for your freebie is really, really solid. So it's almost like a sales page for, for the freebie, which might seem a little counterintuitive since you're not making sales right off of that product. Page, solid freebie, expanding the welcome sequence, but then on your email list, people have probably have already had the opportunity to get your freebie. So I wouldn't push that so much in, in your newsletter content I would, a little bit more into your podcast um, pushing people back onto your podcast because that's going to be a really great way to nurture them. And then planning out like a mini launch for maybe the toolkit or the one on one or done with you offers. I don't know, Safa, do you have a, feeling about which one would be best after? So they've got the welcome sequence. They've already been pitched the toolkit.

Safa Harris:

I would get some more enrollees into the toolkit first, see how it goes, see people that are interested, do all of that, and then kind of pitch into done for you just to have them have a little bit more of a buy in with you and they, they see where it is, um, and then see what the engagement was on there and then plan out another, uh, Launch, um with that um, maybe we should map out kind of like a timeline here of like, yes You're growing your list. And What her weekly emails are going to be pushing on the podcast everything like that and The timeline and the walkthrough of what how she should be structuring this campaign Into her toolkit mini launch

Ashley Dreager:

Since, uh, that we're starting the new quarter, maybe we should just look at this for the next quarter, quarter two, April, May, June. So I would say let's plan for a launch in June. That might be a good time anyways. or a lot of your, um, target market or audience, are they moms? Do they have kids in school?

Angel Wilborn:

Yeah, I would yeah, i'm more so winged towards like mom. So yeah

Ashley Dreager:

Cause that might be something that can, that you could really work into your messaging as far as, you know, coming up, you're probably going to have less time, you're not going to be able to stay as consistent on social media. Um, might be a good alternative, like. alternative solution to the new challenge that they'll have at that time of year with the time constraints. It's something that I see all like every year in the summer everyone's like am I supposed to do this with my kids at home? I don't have time anymore. I need them to go back to school.

Angel Wilborn:

That is true.

Ashley Dreager:

to work into your launch messaging as a solution to it, because then they can still maintain the growth, um, you know, prepare for Black Friday offers or any holiday launches. They won't be losing the momentum that they've been building all year. be

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

in there. See how, how they respond to that. So April and May, I would focus solely any external channels with the freebie talking about it from any and every angle, try to be consistent, maybe one or two weeks at a time per pay point so that you're really building that momentum and, you're compounding

Angel Wilborn:

Um, I know what you're trying to say.

Ashley Dreager:

point. So,

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

so that when people are seeing it, it's, this is the pain point that you're solving every single time. And this is the solution. This is the outcome. And then you can kind of hit from a different pain point, and rotate for the next 60 days

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

And then for your podcast, that's where you can get extra click baiting because you can you can do more deep dives on the burnout on video marketing on social media marketing and kind of touch on why those can be good, but they're not. What your specific target market wants to focus on. Like there's just a lot of resistance for whatever reason. And then you can pull in your solution. So you're not necessarily trying to pull them in with the solution or the outcome you're pulling them in with. Trying to grow your business sucks because of X, Y, Z

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

you hate X, Y, Z.

Angel Wilborn:

Okay. Got you. Got you.

Ashley Dreager:

50 percent of the way through the episode, then you can shift it to, is why PR is so much better, or this is why I love PR or the people that I work with always see this really great outcome because of the PR work that we're doing together. And

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

they're already drawn in because things like social media, video marketing. Messaging content. Those tend to really like pull people in instantly because they're, they seem to be an issue for everybody across the board. Like, it's just something that people are like, make this easier for me. This is so hard. Right, right. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. to incorporate into. Your titles and, um, topics and stuff like that. then as they're listening, they're like, wow, this is, she's really confident that this is my solution, that this is going to solve the problem, that this is going to get me so many more results, with less effort, less time. And I don't have to deal with social media. I already hate social media, and she's saying I don't have to use it in the way that everybody else is talking about. Then that's something that I would piggyback on for your email list. So that would cover the next 60 days, for the main driver of your content. Probably about six weeks in though, I would start slowly incorporating the messaging for Your launch. For focusing on the toolkit, um, I would want to come up with probably like five, five pain points and solutions why the toolkit should be something that they're considering, um, and start just kind of sprinkling that in. So it's, it should overlap pretty well with your freebie. And then, uh, in June, if we're aiming for like a June 30th, date. We've got all of June to kind of ramp up. The toolkit is the best thing ever. This is the solution. This is exactly what you're going to get. Um, and then put that out on everything. So pull back from opt into my email list. Here's your freebie to just straight by my offer is how I would that

Angel Wilborn:

And when you say the toolkit, we're talking about the done for you strategy session toolkit, correct? Or we talk about the one that they're just going to do on their own.

Safa Harris:

Okay. Okay. Got you. Okay. Gotcha. what I would do is maybe have an upsell on it and be like, and then the upsell being like, hey, for this much more, like, you can have me do it with you. In this container and some people may just opt in and that's going to increase your um, customer value Because there will be some people will be like, yeah, sure like save me even more time to do this upsell

Ashley Dreager:

on the flip side though. If they, I don't know what, what kind of, what email marketing system are you using?

Angel Wilborn:

Miller light.

Ashley Dreager:

Okay. Um, so I was going to say, if they don't opt in for that I would put that in a post sales sequence. So you're really like solidifying that they made the right decision to, to buy the toolkit. going to love it. They're going to get all these resources, but maybe start to sprinkle in. This is a common pain point that I see people have with the toolkit. Um, you know, time capacity, they, it's, they want that one on one customization or, you know, whatever the specific challenges tend to be once they buy the toolkit, and then offer the done with you or the done for you or the strategy sessions. So maybe like four or five emails in, similar to your welcome sequence. So awesome. is, you're going to love it. Here's a tip to really get the most out of your toolkit. Here's how you can reach out. If you have questions, offer the done with you or the done for you

Angel Wilborn:

Okay. Okay.

Safa Harris:

sell it up that way. Yeah. Uh, making sure that the landing page for the freebie is solid. sales sequence that's just like ongoing and then you'll have your launch You'll have your launch sequence and emails that go out the week of launch Then people are opting in buying the toolkit You're putting in that upsell in there if they don't I would have two post sales Email sequences one going to the group of people that bought the upsell that where you don't pitch them done for you Because they already bought the done for you And then another one that goes to everybody that didn't do the upsell and then have them Get nurtured into more of that upsell stuff and that's like hey don't let this be another digital product that you Bought and that just sits in your google drive Like make sure it actually does does it get the value like here you go And it might even be something like i'll apply like put a discount code or something in there that still like works out for you profitability wise because it is done for

Angel Wilborn:


Safa Harris:

like hey, you didn't do it, but here we go like Um get this and do it that way um Just for you to have the capability on it. Um I guess we can wrap this up kind of talking about what tech you have. You said you have MailerLite, but what are you using, um, for course hosting? And then your cart platform.

Angel Wilborn:

so for course hosting, I currently have think thick, and then for, um, and what was the second part of the question?

Safa Harris:

Your cart.

Angel Wilborn:

Um, I have SendOwl.

Safa Harris:


Angel Wilborn:

Yes, just hosting it in Thinkific. And then, yeah, and I also have SendOwl as well. Um, I recently heard about ShinePages, and so I'm thinking about possibly transferring over to that one. I wanted to do a little bit more research on it first.

Safa Harris:

Okay, um, yeah, I would just make sure that well one you can do upsells and cross sells and bumps and things like that in thinkific Um, and I would just make sure your cart platform has the capability for you to do upsells down sells And bumps because that's really gonna help Drive your especially if you were leaning in heavy into your email marketing funnels are going to be huge and increasing your Average customer value by adding it increasing how much they're spending and especially filing into you're done for you is going to be important if that's since that's the strategy. We're leaning into I would check all the, the platforms you already have. See what you can use. Like we're big on keeping your profit margins pretty big, uh, to not do it. So whatever's going to be the most cost effective. Um, but obviously you also don't want to be Jimmy rigged like, Oh, this is good enough and it works because that scale that is going to break, we always recommend for carts is think if it not thinkific thrive cart. purely because it's a one time fee. You pay for it once and then you got it and it can do all of these higher level things for it to work in the way you need it to, to do all of those sales functions to increase your cart value.

Angel Wilborn:

And do you all have a suggestion for um, an email marketer?

Safa Harris:

We would recommend MailerLite. I think you're on the right the right one

Angel Wilborn:

Okay. Okay. Awesome.

Safa Harris:

trying to achieve. I think it's, I think it's for where you're at. Um, to, to kind of wrap up, we can do a quick list of action items, but did, do you feel good about like what we've mapped out here? Did it answer your questions? Do you feel like you have a good path forward?

Angel Wilborn:

Oh, yes I definitely do. I thank you all for this so much because like I said when it comes to marketing i'm just like I don't really know what's going on here and i'm trying my best So I definitely think that I have like a good roadmap for it and a good like lineup for it So thank you all so much

Safa Harris:

Oh, of course. Um, so action items here kind of taking, um, Your podcast repurposing that across all your social platforms and really using all of that visibility, your bundles, the guest podcasting, your social media platforms, really to get visibility and to drive to your freebie. And then from your freebie up your welcome sequence, um, adding a few more emails in there, putting some sales information in there, and then Spending your time really building up your email list, doing the nurturing with your email newsletter, and then going really into launch mode in this in this next 90 days, um, working on your messaging, getting it out there in your social media, using your podcast to do that in your email list. And then getting prepared for this launch, which you're going to have for your launch. You're going to have your launch content. You're going to have your launch emails. Um, and then you're going to have all the tech for, uh, the toolkit, building it out, doing the product development, the R and D, all of that. Um, the tech for the upsells and the post sales sequences. And then of course, everything that goes into what you're putting into the toolkit.

Angel Wilborn:

Okay. All right. Awesome. Thank you all so much. I I really appreciate this

Ashley Dreager:

to do. Oh, yeah.

Angel Wilborn:

Landing page. Okay. And I do have that in my notes that I've got it down somewhere as well, but I'm putting it under like that.

Ashley Dreager:

you should be able to see the statistics as far as how many people visited the page versus how many people converted. Um, so I would watch that very closely. Um, once you really build out that landing page, make it more of like a sales page for the freebie. Um, and then just making sure that conversion ratio to the, um, the page visit ratio, um, is good. And it's not like at 0. 5%. I

Angel Wilborn:


Ashley Dreager:

know what it is currently, but I know, uh, seen quite a few posts lately where people are like, everybody's going to the page, but nobody's opting in. So, um, you know, if you're just seeing it very low, then we may want to play with the, the headline at the very top, um, to really capture their attention and pique their interest to keep them scrolling and that kind of thing.

Safa Harris:

Yeah, and especially if the big the big push is going to be going to getting people to opt into your freebie That's going to be your main thing and all your marketing is going there You are getting a definitely want that to make sure that's very optimized and conversion focused Because

Angel Wilborn:

Okay. All

Safa Harris:

are going there and then it breaks at the the the sales page for the freebie then Your whole system's kind of moot then. So that's going to be very

Angel Wilborn:


Safa Harris:

focus efforts there as well.

Angel Wilborn:

Okay. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you all so much. I have really appreciate this and enjoy this conversation and coming up with the marketing plan. So I'm excited. I have a marketing plan now. Thank you so much. I definitely will stay connected with you all and let you all know how, how it goes. So I'm super excited about it.

Ashley Dreager:

So Safa and I have been working very hard behind the scenes to put together a new product for you. And we are very, very excited about this because we see all the time from our clients, from people in Facebook groups, that content takes forever for people to make. Right? It's time consuming.

Safa Harris:

Ourselves included.

Ashley Dreager:

Ourselves included. Yes. Trying to find ways to work smarter and not harder, make the most out of what we've already been creating, is always top of mind. As moms, we are. have a limited amount of time to work and we would much rather prioritize our client work than to work on our own back end business activities. But as every business owner knows, you can't ignore your back end business activities. You can't ignore your own marketing because it's essential for your business. Growth, right? So repurposing content is not a new concept, I'm sure to any of you. Uh, but how do you repurpose your content in a way that gets the most out of everything that you've already created? All of that brainpower, all of the time that you've been putting into creating very valuable content. What's the smartest way and easiest way to do that?

Safa Harris:

And in a way that one, you're not spending the same amount of time that it would take to create an original piece of content anyways. And two, all your pieces of content and all your marketing are working together and compounding their efforts into the same direction. Cause that's kind of our shtick, right? Working smarter, not harder, everything moving in the same direction. So what is that solution? It is.

Ashley Dreager:

The content multiplier. Content

Safa Harris:


Ashley Dreager:

So we have figured out a system to maximize the life of your podcast episode or YouTube video, if you have a YouTube channel, how to get 18 pieces of content from one episode.

Safa Harris:

One long form video.

Ashley Dreager:

So if you are not already Recording your podcast episodes on video. That would be the first step that we highly recommend starting to do so that you can really get the most amount of content and the most amount of variety out of your content. from something that you're already putting the effort into. You're already putting the time into recording the audio.

Safa Harris:

Might as well take it and use it.

Ashley Dreager:

Yes, so in this guide, it is a step by step guide to creating 18 pieces of content from one episode. It can be done within just a couple extra hours a month after you have recorded and edited the episode that you already were planning on doing. And then you can maintain your social channels, your blogs, your email list from content that's already been created from you. And if you're creating multiple episodes for that month, many people do one a week. You easily have content for your entire month, just from this one system.

Safa Harris:

So we have honed and perfected this system and we use it ourselves internally and we have been leveraging AI and we have shown you exactly what you need to do, what prompts you need to be using, what tools you need, and what steps to take to use AI to your advantage. Take your original content and reproduce it into 18 pieces of content. In your exact brand voice and using the power of AI to shorten the timeline from something that could take hours by a third to just a couple of hours and getting that out. And that is just for one podcast episodes. If you're putting out more than one, multiply that by 18 and you have brand visibility all the time in all of your platforms.

Ashley Dreager:

Which is essential for Maintaining that consistency and that brand awareness for your audience as an initial offer for this new product, you can get this for just 7. So this is 25 off the regular price that this would be going for of 32. So for just 7, you can maintain an entire month's worth of content, essentially from content that you're already producing.

Safa Harris:

Click the link in the show notes to find out more about the. content multiplier and get your step by step guide to take your one piece of video content and make it into 18 for just seven bucks.

And that wraps up another episode of the business millennials podcast. We hope you found this conversation, thought provoking, inspirational, and helps you make a larger impact with your business. Growth is not just about profits or revenue. It's a journey of personal development, contribution, and bettering ourselves in society. Our challenge for you take at least one key lesson from our time together today that you can apply not just to your business. But your relationships, creative expression, wellbeing, and personal evolution to, we appreciate you tuning in. If you enjoyed this show, we invite you to pay it forward, share it with an entrepreneur, creative student, or community leader who needs an infusion of insight or inspiration right now. And make sure to subscribe on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen. So you never miss a single episode. And if you like what you heard, leave us a five star review. See you next week.