I am 4 Me with Coach K  Podcast Artwork Image

I am 4 Me with Coach K

Becoming Iconic Agency | Karen Martell, Psy D

Here is what you have to look forward to in this podcast- many inspirational stories and educational nuggets that will assist you to transform in many areas of your life. I have been inspired by women who, once they stepped into their feminine power, create a sisterhood with others on a journey of self-discovery and evolution, while leading others to do the same. With the rise in domestic violence, there has never been a better time to support women to step into feminine power and fulfill true potential. I have been working in healthcare, business and coaching for over 35 yrs. My formal education includes BScN, MBA and Psy D. in Human Behavioral Science.  I am a Master Trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis and Executive/Life Coaching. Through my professional and personal life experiences, this podcast has been influenced by those who have risen above challenges and adversities, achieving many successes in life, which may have never seemed possible.  Learn new research focusing on brain chemistry, advanced behavioral change support mindset and emotions, neuroplasticity, epigenetics, communication, and relationship strategies, and much more. The benefits to listening to this podcast offer tools and strategies to women to be more effective and successful in many areas of life, including mindset transformation, creating personal, emotional, physical, spiritual, relational, and financial successes. This podcast ultimately is designed to inspire you to be your best version, achieve many successes in your life, find yourself, find your voice, tapping into your inner power and declaring to yourself everyday “I Am 4 Me” 

