HealthyExpatParent’s Podcast
Podcasts that support wellness, parenting and all things involved. Podcasts include topics relevant to general population as well as families in Foreign Service lifestyle.
Podcasting since 2024 • 30 episodes
HealthyExpatParent’s Podcast
Latest Episodes
4 Women talking: Staying undivorced in the FS
Relationships are already complicated, and especially so when we add on elements that are unique to FS like multiple international movies, isolation of nuclear family and Embassy bubble life. How can we keep the relationship with our part...
Build your village
Human being as social creatures: we do best when we have a sense of connectedness and contribute to oneness, to unity. We love to contribute time and effort to a common good; a common purpose we can share with our village. Join me f...
Eating well: What does that even mean?
I'm excited to share a podcast with you, talking about nutrition, eating well, and different food choices that might be more healthful. I spend some time talking about super food, about not-so-super foods, and giving tips to help make eating he...