Let's Talk About It
Patrisha McLean talks with the real experts of domestic abuse--survivors. Patrisha survived a 29 year abusive marriage to a celebrity, and CEO and Founder of Finding Our Voices https://findingourvoices.net/
Music is by Jackie McLean Strack, the host’s daughter.
21 episodes
When the Man Who Almost Killed You Is Let Out Early From Prison to Kill Another Woman
Guests: Darcia and DezaraeDarcia and Dezarae discuss how the “sweetest man in the world” in prison turned evil upon release.Topics Discussed: Failed judicial system, strangulation, impact on children
Season 2
Episode 2

Teen Dating Abuse
Guest: Lilly DesRobertsLilly, a 20-year-old UNE Biddeford pre-dental student, talks about how cyber-stalking and suicide threats by her boyfriend from high school plagued her first year of college. <...
Season 2
Episode 1

Losing Your Best Friend to Domestic Violence
Guest: Kerry SmithKerry talks about the preventable DV murders of mother and daughter Jennie and Lisa Bailey in Bath. Topics include: Police response to DV, Veteran’s Administration response to DV, systemic changes nee...
Season 1
Episode 19

DV Homicide, Almost and Actual
Guests: Michelle, Kerry, AmberMichelle, a communications executive talks about an early marriage that almost killed her. Kerry and Amber talk about their best friends who were murdered by DV this year. Topics include: ...
Season 1
Episode 18

Incarceration and Substance Abuse
Guest: Melody.Melody, a Mi’kmaq native, realized when she connected with Finding Our Voices that domestic abuse is at the root of her substance abuse as well as incarceration. She talks here about how she transcended both to become a wel...
Season 1
Episode 17

Domestic Abuse and Religion
Guests: Anonymous and Jennifer. Two-parter about how religion helped to trap both women in domestic abuse and made it harder to get out.“Anonymous" talks about the Cantor who refused to give her a Get for a divorce, an...
Season 1
Episode 16

When Your Father Kills Your Mother
Guest: Shelly Edwards Jorgensen. Shelly is the author of the memoir Beautiful Ashes: A quest to uncover family secrets and survive the truth. https://www.beautifu...
Season 1
Episode 15

When He Burns Everything to the Ground
Guest: Mary Kamradt, Chief of Staff of Finding Our Voices. Her home was destroyed and dog killed in a fire set by her ex, and her family sided with him.Topics: Sexual abuse, arson, estrangement from chi...
Season 1
Episode 14

Two-parter: The Military and Same Sex Abuse
Guests: Ashley and Dezarae.Ashley talks about how overseas deployments made him increasingly abusive at home. Dezarae talks about being terrorized by a girlfriend. Topics: The military, same sex abuse, impact on childr...
Season 1
Episode 13

When Your Pastor Sides With Your Abuser
Guest: Caroline McKuenThe director of the Presbyterian Advocacy Council talks about her church’s enabling of criminal, financial, and sexual abuse Topics: Religious abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse.
Season 1
Episode 12

Isolation and the Importance of Friends
Guests: Courtney Davis and Jess Jess introduced her best friend to him, then grew alarmed as he steadily turned Courtney into a shell of herselfTopics: Sexual abuse, financial abuse, what to do when you are worried for...
Season 1
Episode 11

Sexual and Financial Abuse Across 40+ Years
Guests: Lora and Jeannine Lauber OrenA Maine nurse talks about financial abuse continuing with the divorce. Then Jeannine Lauber Oren of Finding Our Voices talks about the Maine law she helped get through to help mitigate financia...
Season 1
Episode 10

It Happens in Rich Families, Too
Guest: AnonymousWhat it was like having a childhood that on the outside seemed golden and glamourous, and on the inside was a “living hell”.Topics: Narcissistic fathers, living a lie, child abuse
Season 1
Episode 9

No Justice, No Safety III
Guest: AnonymousHe strangled her and forced her at gunpoint to take a bottle of sleeping pills, and is out on bail pending trial! Topics: Strangulation, perpetrator right trumping victim rights, bail reform
Season 8
Episode 8

No Justice, No Safety II
Guest: JoleneNo accountability from the courts and police make him scarier and scarier, to her, her children, the police and the public. Topics: Criminal court reform, good ol’ boy network, the folly of Batterer’s Inte...
Season 1
Episode 7

No Justice, No Safety I
Guest: BethanyThis nurse’s ex has a 30-page criminal record and has violated protection from abuse orders 20 times with no consequences Topics: Uselessness of PFAs, do-nothing DAs, child abuse
Season 1
Episode 6

When Your Abuser is a Celebrity
Guest: Donna Kaz William (Body Heat) Hurt swept Donna off her feet when she was a young actress, and grew steadily more dangerous. Topics: Narcissists, fame as an enabler, career-sabotagingDonna is...
Season 1
Episode 5

Mother & Daughter
Guest: Jackie Lee McLean The host of this Podcast talks with her daughter about how the abuse impacted them separately and also together and their path to healing.Topics: Child abuse, narcissistic fathers, triangulatio...
Season 1
Episode 4

When The Rights of A Father Trumps the Safety of the Child
Guest: Amy Maine officials worked overtime to give full custody of her baby granddaughter to a two-time domestic violence felon. Topics: Family court dysfunction, child abuse, grandparental rights ...
Season 1
Episode 3