Sofa Stories
Grab a coffee woffee, it’s time for a debrief.
Welcome to The Sofa Stories Podcast with furniture retailer, entrepreneur and Padel addict, Nick Bianchi with Oli Dunn, chocolatier, presenter and “professional fun haver”.
Sofa Stories
Simon Wilson YouTuber.
Film maker, YouTube sensation, content rebel, travel inspirer, Floyd Mayweather fight sneaker-in’er 🥊, zero dollar traveller (think NY to LA), does Simon Wilson need an introduction? Surely not! But he does deserve a good old fashioned “BIG-UP”! 🙌🏻🤩
Don’t take our word for it, listen for yourself.
If the way Simon speaks about travel doesn’t make you want to emulate some of it, nothing will. His passion for experiencing the world, its people and sharing its stories will fill you with endless inspiration.
His storytelling is completely infectious, in this podcast - in equal measure to his videos, give it a listen, you will not regret it, this episode is riddled with golden nuggets of pure awesomeness.
Big thanks to Producer Compton Harry Photography for making this happen. -https://www.instagram.com/comptonharryphotography?igsh=OHQzemxraHRmZ3lz
Follow Simon Wilson’s travels;
IG https://www.instagram.com/simonjwils?igsh=MXUxcHFjd2plbjFueg==
YT https://youtube.com/@simonwilson12?si=iyWmhznkCGpuN4ST
Follow @the_sofastories_podcast on Instagram. Send us a voice note with any questions and/ or thought provoking and inspiring statements which we can engage with on the show. We encourage our listeners to join the conversation. 🙏🏻