Porn Nerds Podcast Artwork Image

Porn Nerds



Join Kels and Tess, Squirm co-founders and self-proclaimed porn nerds, on a penetrating plunge into the world of pornography. Experience a peek behind the scenes with an alluring and thought-provoking lineup of guests, including indie and mainstream directors and performers, a Financial Times journalist who covers the business of porn, a sex therapist fielding extreme porn panic, and everyday folks who love porn, hate porn, or are somewhere in between.
Why nerd out on porn in the first place? Porn has been around for centuries, and personal feelings aside, the reality is that porn is a lasting fixture in our culture of sex. Just like any industry, porn is messy and complex, full of beauty and exploitation.
This miniseries explores our collectively complicated relationship with porn: it can be distressing, and it can be affirming. At the end of this series, you will have a better understanding of the role porn plays in our sex lives, how to navigate this squirmy topic with a partner, and–most importantly–how to create a healthy relationship with porn, as an individual and as a society.
