Practical Spiritaulism Artwork

Practical Spiritaulism

Practical Spiritualism is a very intimate and personal story of how I alchemize/change very bad situations, toxic relationships, and my negative mind set, with simple a daily routine and a commitment to myself. I never give up on myself even though the road has been extremely hard, my faith and belief in knowing everything is always working out for my highest and best good and the good of all, has saved me daily. I am blessed to be so well connected to spirit and all that is divine white light/God/Universe/Spirit/Angels. I choose to work in the light. I choose to find the beauty in each day. I choose to believe in myself. I choose the high road. I choose to live my life on the highest energetic frequency I can attain daily. I choose what I think about. I choose to be in control of what I surround myself with and how I feel in every situation. My intent is to help you heal, laugh, cry, forgive, believe, and never give up on you. My purpose is to raise the vibration and energetic frequencies of the Universe and OUR planet (Mother Earth) through unconditional Love. Thank you for stopping by and may you have the greatest day. 

Practical Spiritaulism