The Coaching Equation
Being an extraordinary coach doesn’t make you a profitable one and no matter how hard you wish, the client fairy isn’t coming to drop clients in your lap. Building, growing, and scaling a coaching business isn’t about the shiny object marketing tactic, the slick sales script, or a two hour morning routine. It’s about learning and applying tried and true business strategies that are the foundation of the most successful entrepreneurs and businesses on the planet.
The Coaching Equation
Fast 5 for Friday: Trapped Energy, Turning Pro, and a Sourdough Revelation
Welcome to the inaugural episode of our exciting new series, Friday Fast Five! Each week, we’ll bring you five quick hits from our week, things like thoughts and insights, Aha moments, memorable experiences, and interesting (or sometimes just random) tidbits we want to share with you. Join us as we dive into five highlights from our week!
Key Points From This Episode:
- An introduction to our new Friday Fast Five series.
- We explain the format of our Friday Fast Five episodes.
- The dynamic of having tons of energy trapped inside of our bodies.
- Digesting the audiobook version of Steven Pressfield’s book, Turning Pro.
- Beware: the closed-eye process.
- Creating intentional times to connect deeper.
- Crafty marketing for gluten-free sourdough bread.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life's Work
The Coaching Equation Podcast on iTunes