This Won't Fix You
Have you ever wanted to go beyond the therapist’s waiting room to find out what happens in counselling sessions? Join me on This Won’t Fix You, where I take you into a library of interesting therapy-inspired ways to help you understand - and maybe even marvel at – what it is to be human, from our yearnings and motivations through to our frustrations and the patterns that block us as we muddle through life.
24 episodes
Prioritising Myself or My Relationship: A-Side
Relationships (all relationships: friendships, family relations as well as intimate relationships) have a dynamic energy that is constantly in flux. Meg Harper and I talk about this ever-present tension between protecting ourselves as individua...
Episode 23

Trigger Warning B-Side
Trauma. This episode I build on Gabor Mate's metaphor that a trigger is just one part of what causes people problems. It distinguishes between "small t" and "Capital T" trauma. The latter is defined as experiences too terrifying for the psyche ...
Episode 22

Trigger Warning A-Side
'Being triggered' is so much more in our awareness than ever before. How do we identify our triggers and what can we do and what can we reasonably ask others to do to help us manage them? Psychotherapist, Emma McDermott, and I chat about it.
Episode 21

Drama Triangle - Relationship Games We Don't Know We're Playing: B-Side
Episode Key Points:The Drama Triangle fundamentally revolves around controlFocus on the Rescuer role as the most socially celebrated and potentially toxic positionRescuers often believe their worth is tied to how m...
Episode 20

Drama Triangle - Relationship Games We Don't Know We're Playing: A-Side
Most of us communicate in ways which are unhealthy at least some of the time. This episode, Nadine sits with Richard Chadwick to discuss the Drama Triangle, especially how the unhelpful roles of Rescuer, Victim and Persecutor are embedded in ou...
Episode 19

Mirrors of the Soul; What is Equine Therapy: B-Side
In this special B-side episode, host Nadine hands the reins over to equine practitioner Alex Gulland. Alex walks you through the process of a first session in equine therapy, from initial client assessments, to a serene body scan amidst nature,...

Emotional Mirrors Of The Soul, Benefits of Equine Therapy: A-Side
How much do we know what is going on inside our bodies? How much do we ever really know about what we give off that other people around us are picking up on unconsciously (or consciously!)? This episode, Equine Practitioner, Alex Gulla...
Episode 17

Managing Difficult Emotions: B-Side
Emotions, even so-called negative emotions, can be helpful if we see them as guides. Emotions like guilt and ager can be helpful if they lead to positive change. So how do we know whether what we are feeling is helpful or unhelpful? It...

Managing Difficult Emotions: A-Side
“Emotions don’t kill you.” A discussion between Nadine and Oakland DBT therapist Jonny Cragg about how taking emotional inventories (in a therapeutic modality called DBT) tailor th...
Episode 15

Gravity - Surviving Overwhelming Pain: B-Side
This episode discusses the importance of confronting unresolved pain, as we see with Dr. Ryan Stone in Gravity. Avoiding pain can lead to emotional shutdown and inauthentic living. Therapy helps by revisiting past traumas, bre...
Episode 14

Gravity - Surviving Overwhelming Pain: A-Side
If you, like most people, enjoyed the episode on Frozen (Conceal; Don’t Feel: A-Side) then buckle up because Anoushka Beazley is back with an exploration of the film Gravity. We talk about grief, loss, loneliness, and Anous...
Episode 13

Being Curious: B-Side - Jung's Shadow Theory
There are things that influence us which lie deep in our subconscious. This episode is about some of those. They are psychological backseat drivers. We all have a shadow, and into our shadow we stuff all the parts of ourselves we wish weren't t...
Episode 12

Being Curious About Yourself: A-Side
Therapist, Emma McDermott, and I talk about how we can only really be curious about ourselves, especially the darker parts of ourselves, when we have the luxury of being stable.When we have the luxury to be able to reflect, we are empowe...
Episode 10

Anxiety and The Monster In The Cupboard: B-Side
Delving in more detail into the difference between red flags and anxiety, as discussed by Meg and I on the A-Side.I talk a lot about a model, a graph, in this episode. You can have a look at the graph by visiting
Episode 10

Anxiety and The Monster In The Cupboard: A-Side
Meg and I talk about fear, and how much of our fear (maybe all of it) is generated by the mind itself as we try to predict the future, project the best version of ourselves out into the world and avoid pain. We all strive to find h...
Episode 9

One Task Of Mourning: B-Side
This episode explores how therapy might help you to process your grief... It is the B-Side to the One Task Of Mourning A-Side which was released two weeks previously.
Episode 6

One Task Of Mourning: A-Side
How our loss of a person, either through death or separation, is also a loss of the way we related to that person – which is ultimately a loss of a part of us. Or let me put it this way, when we lose someone we must grieve the unique soul of th...
Episode 7

Conceal; Don't Feel: B-Side
Following the last episode where Anoushka and I discussed the film Frozen, this episode looks at narratives: how the stories that are told about us become something that we can't help but react to.I talk a little about IFS (Internal Fam...
Episode 6

Frozen: Conceal; Don't Feel, The: A-Side
This episode, we talk about the film Frozen and the dangers of suppression and the power of expression! We talk about how narratives that are spun about us, and the way experiences are framed in our lives – especially our childhoods – are key p...
Episode 5

When The Fire Goes Out: B Side
Why do we get stuck? What makes it difficult to move on or through something? What narratives are at play in our psyche which we have utterly subscribed to which colour all our experiences?This episode I look at how we get stuck because...
Episode 4

When The Fire Goes Out: A Side
What happens when we get bored? I mean bored with work or bored with people? And what can we do about it? Maybe you feel frustrated with your current relationship or work situation, and you wan...
Episode 3

I'm Fundamentally Flawed: B-Side
Essentially this goes into more detail about shame - what happens when we do begin to share some of our truths, in particular, what happens if we share something and the other person can't hold it with compassion, can't hold it with care, and y...
Episode 2