Nisreen's Art World Podcast Artwork Image

Nisreen's Art World


I’m a dancer, artist, and psychology student currently based in the US.

In this podcast, I will share my thoughts about different art forms, such as films, books, paintings, performing art, etc. in English and Japanese. It is updated every Friday.

ポッドキャスト「 ニスリーンのアートの世界」へようこそ。私はダンサーでありアーティスト、現在アメリカ合衆国を拠点に心理学を学んでいます。

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If you have any thoughts about the podcast, please let me know from the form below! 



Ep.13 ベリーダンスパフォーマンスの読み解き方・2 -Samia Gamal-June 28, 2024
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Ep.13 How to Appreciate Belly dance Performance.2 -Samia Gamal-June 28, 2024
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Ep.12 すべてのアーティストが「トニオ・クレエゲル」を読むべき理由June 20, 2024
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Ep.12 Why Every Artist Should Read Tonio KrögerJune 20, 2024
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Ep.11 米国発・LGBTQを描いたアートな映画3選June 13, 2024
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Ep.11 Three Artistic LGBTQ-themed Films from the USJune 13, 2024
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Ep.10 どうぶつ愛にあふれる3人の日本人アーティストJune 06, 2024
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Ep.10 Three Japanese Artists Who Embody Love for Animals.June 06, 2024
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Ep.9 日本の美大受験システムについて思うことMay 30, 2024
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Ep.9 My Thoughts about the Process of Entering Art Universities in JapanMay 30, 2024
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Ep.8 もっと国際的に知られてほしいフェミニストな漫画3選May 23, 2024
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Ep.8 Three Feminist Manga That Deserve More International RecognitionMay 23, 2024
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Ep.7 ベリーダンスパフォーマンス活動が経済的負担になりがちな理由と改善策についてMay 16, 2024
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Ep.7 Why Does Performing as a Belly Dancer Tend to Be Financially Strenuous? How Can We Improve the Situation? May 16, 2024
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Ep.6 「将軍」(2024) 日本人女性の視点からアメリカ産時代劇レビューMay 09, 2024
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Ep.6 Shogun (2024) Drama Review from a Japanese Female's PerspectiveMay 09, 2024
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Ep5. 「どろんここぶた」が傑作絵本と呼ばれる理由May 02, 2024
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Ep.5 Why 'Small Pig' is an Ideal Picture BookMay 02, 2024
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Ep4. 必見の映画「English Vinglish」(邦題:マダム・イン・ニューヨーク)April 25, 2024
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Ep4. Why You Should Watch the Film 'English Vinglish'April 25, 2024
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Ep3.アーティストのメンタルヘルスとソーシャルメディアApril 18, 2024
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Ep.3 Artists' Mental Health and Social MediaApril 18, 2024
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Ep2. ベリーダンスパフォーマンスの読み解き方- Tulay Karaca-April 11, 2024
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Ep2. How to Appreciate Belly Dance Performance -Tulay Karaca-April 11, 2024
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Ep1. 映画『RRR』は私の人生をどう変えたかApril 05, 2024
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