The Healthy Desk Jockey
This podcast is for desk-bound employees and employers who need to move more and stress less ....for the HEALTH of it.
37 episodes
Episode 37 [Interview with Heather Hanson] How to Trust Your Breath
Check out my interview with "How to Trust Your Breath" with my sweet, amazing friend @HeatherHansen.
Episode 36 [Interview with Julianne Kirkland] Fit for Leadership
What a great interview with Julianne Kirkland from the Women Leaders Podcast I get the opportunity to share how implementing micro-movements throughout ...
Episode 35 [Interview with Joanne Newborn-Experts Unplugged]
What a great opportunity to be interviewed by Joanne Newborn, “Experts Unplugged: Speaker Spotlights from the Medical Fitness Association Conference” - where we chatted all things "wellbeing" AND the upcoming Medical Fitness Association 33rd An...
Episode 34 [Interview with April Mahoney - On The Edge]
Stacy Fritz had the pleasure of being interviewed by April Mahoney, the host of the internationally recognized award winning podcast, On The Edge.The show is an inter...
Episode 33 [Interview with Jim Porter- President of Stress Stop]
Stacy Fritz had the pleasure to sit down with Jim Porter, president of, a company that has been providing stress management and resilience training and training materials to corporations, hos...
Season 6
Episode 32 [Interview with Kathleen Bands- My Cleaning Service]
I had the opportunity to sit down with Kathleen Bands, owner of My Cleaning Service, a 3rd generation commercial cleaning company, to discuss our respective companies. Kathleen and I unpack how My Cleaning Service and FIT2order...
Season 6
Episode 31 [Can YOU Boost Your Immunity?]
The alarming number of NEW COVID-19 cases as a result of the Delta variant has led many seeking to “boost” their immune system as a defense to the illness. While we definitely need our bodies’ defenses to be as strong as possible, our imm...
Episode 30 [FITness Really Isn't That Complicated]
FITness may not always be easy, but it’s certainly not complicated. Living healthfully is really quite basic. As we say at FIT2order, you need to eat well, move more and stress less. [Eat Well]Generally speaking, nutri...
Season 5
Episode 29 [Outdoor Workouts]
Outdoor Workouts: Too (Hot? Cold? Embarrassed?) for an Outdoor Workout? Think again. The Benefits are Tremendous!COVID-19 has brought many challenges to both the fitness industry and fitness consumer alike. Before COVID, Americans...
Episode 28 [Healthy FAT/Weight Loss Tips]
The weight loss industry is full of myths, half-truths and gimmicks. But weight loss doesn’t have to be complicated. There are numerous research-backed techniques you can implement during your typical day that can aid your weight loss goals.
Season 5
Episode 27 [Take Care of Your Most Important Muscle: Your Heart]
Welcome back to The Healthy Desk Jockey...On today's episode, we are talking about taking care of your most important muscle, your heart!Did YOU know?Your heart beats about 115,000 times a day; it pumps about 2,000 ...
Season 5
Episode 26 [Back to Basics] Nutrition and FITness Boot Camp Workshop Replay
Join Stacy Fritz from FIT2order to learn about the the tools and strategies that will help you build the foundation for good health, FITness, nutrition and mindset skills for success....including losing the Quarantine 15!
Season 5
Episode 25 Wellness Trends in 2021
A panel at the Global Wellness Summit brought together top journalists and future-forecasters to predict the big wellness trends of 2021. Stacy Fritz shares the three trends that the panel determined would gain serious momentum thro...
Season 5
Episode 24 Corporate Wellness for a Rising Remote Workforce
Listen back on the Webinar: Corporate Wellness for a Rising Remote Workforce delivered a few weeks ago by Stacy Fritz from FIT2order.This webinar replay includes: -Insights on the corporate responsibility of physical and me...
Season 4
Episode 23 Trending: Yoga at Work for Stress Reduction, Physical Wellbeing AND Pain Relief
[Research on the Benefits of Yoga is Catching up to What Yogic History Has Touted--for a mere 5,000 Years.]The 5,000 year-old practice of Yoga has established its relevance in today’s world. The Yoga Industry is an $11.5 Billion I...
Season 3
Episode 22 How Will YOUR Company Celebrate Breast Cancer Warriors this October?
Every 2 minutes, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer.Chances are you, your employees, or their families have been impacted by breast cancer. Breast Cancer Awareness Month will be in full swing in just 2 short months.It’...
Season 3
Episode 21 Growing OUT with Anna Fitzgibbon
Today, I am sitting down with the one and only, Anna Fitzgibbon. Anna is the owner of OutGrowth, a FIT2order FIT coach AND Pattie and my longtime friend.We will be chatting it up about Anna's super cool business, OutGrowth, that connect...
Season 3
Episode 20 What you need to know about the Hazards of Sedentary Occupations
[Are you sitting down for this?]The CDC calls it “Occupational Sitting.” The medical community calls it “Sitting Disease.” Others refer to “The Desk Sentence,” “The Desk Jockey,” and “Sitting is the New Smoking.” These terms have ...
Season 3
Episode 19 Dead Butt Syndrome: What's Happening Down There?!
Have you ever sat so long at work, engrossed in your latest project, that your butt literally falls asleep? Goes numb? Known as Dead Butt Syndrome or “gluteal amnesia,” the condition indicates that the muscles of your rear end are forgetting ho...
Season 3
Episode 18 Standing Desks: Where Does the Research Stand?
A few generations back, most workers did not worry about the job hazards of developing eye strain, slouched shoulders or dead butt syndrome (it’s a “thing”*). They didn’t worry about tracking their daily steps because most jobs required moderat...
Season 3
Episode 17 Helping YOU Fix Your Computer Posture, so YOU can Fix Your Pain.
If you sit for most of their work day (think > 4 hours), you are considered “sedentary,” a medical term indicating you are at a higher risk for certain diseases as well as musculoskeletal disorders. With the recent publication of...
Season 3
Episode 16 Meet Betty, the Driver Behind the Evolution of FIT2order’s Wellness Programs
For 11 years, FIT2order has provided corporate wellness programs that engage employees in healthy behaviors—fitness classes, nutrition seminars, weight loss challenges. Participation rates are the standard measure of success for these programs....
Season 3
Episode 16
Episode 15 [INTERVIEW] A Diabetes Success Story
Today’s podcast is about how it is possible to successfully manage a chronic condition like diabetes. Meet Andy. Andy was 8 years old when he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. He has been managing his diabetes for 37 ...
Season 2
Episode 15

Episode 14 The Story of FIT2order’s New Logo
Today’s podcast offers a little more insight into the evolution of FIT2order. We thought it might be a lot of fun on #FlashbackFriday to give a behind the scenes look at FIT2order’s brand new FIT. We’ve had terrific fe...
Season 2
Episode 14

Episode 13 Breathing Life into EAPs
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are voluntary employer sponsored services that offer FREE and confidential support to employees who have personal and/or work-related problems. Traditional EAPs are implemented to assist employe...
Season 1
Episode 13