Interpreters & Interrupters

RING OF FIRE 6 - Interpreting Practice

August 18, 2024 Maritza Vazquez Season 1 Episode 9

Challenging weekly terminology practice session designed for interpreters of all levels and languages, including ASL. 

In this practice: 


Interventional Pain, Lactation Consultant, Test Tube, Throbbing, Wheezing, Wisdom Teeth, Glucometer, Remission, Palpitating Pain, Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU)


Without Prejudice, Withstanding, Victim Impact, Simple Assault, Restitution, Request to Enter Default, Public Intoxication, Moving Violation, Impairment, Foresee


Main Breaker, Electric Meter, File Taxes, Device Charger, Borrowers, Threshold, Nonrefundable, Random Testing, Reinstate

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The Ring of Fire.

Maritza AI:

Welcome to the Ring of Fire. Before we start today, I want to clarify something. I recorded the first four episodes of Ring of Fire in front of a camera. I didn't realize how extremely awkward I am. Since episode five, I've recorded the audio only. I apologize for the awkwardness in the first four episodes of Ring of Fire. I'm your host, Maritza. Ring of Fire can be used for all languages, including American Sign Language. It gives you an opportunity to listen to terminology in the legal, medical, and general categories. No one knows all of the words, but the more you practice terminology. The more robust your vocabulary becomes. To practice, listen to the terms and interpret. If you don't know the term add it, your glossary. I recommend that you click the pause button after each term. Before your next interpreting session, read the terms you added to your glossary. As you read, your brain will memorize the terms. When the term comes up, when you're interpreting your brain will recall it. There's no need in memorizing long list of words. It's time-consuming, boring, and definitely not fun. You got better things to do with your free time. Download or bookmark the session. Ready? Medical. Test Tube. Throbbing. Wheezing. Wisdom Teeth. Glucometer. Remission. Palpitating Pain. Newborn Intensive Care Unit. Also known as NICU. Which is the abbreviation. N-I-C-U. November, India, Charlie, Uniform. Legal. Without Prejudice. When you're taking notes, write Without Prejudice, capital W, capital O, capital P. Withstanding. Victim Impact. Simple Assault. Restitution. Request to enter default. Public Intoxication. Impairment. Foresee. General. Some of these words will be utilities related. Main Breaker. Electric Meter. Lactation Consultant. Device Charger. Borrowers. Threshold. Nonrefundable. Random Testing. Reinstate. How did you do? Too difficult? Too easy? How many terms did you add to your glossary? I hope you found value in this session. Join me in the next Ring of Fire.

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