The God of Miracles Podcast with Bunmi Laditan
Real life miracle stories read by author Bunmi Laditan.
45 episodes
God’s Presents & Presence
“I just want His presence, nothing else.” In this episode, I share why what seems like a declaration of humility and religious maturity actually opposes the very nature of who God wants to be to you: Abba, Father. You’d never want your child to...
God is bringing justice.
This morning God gave me a word about justice He’s bringing and how He wants people to move on from the past in order to do the work He’s given them. Trust Him. He’s on your case! The Bible passage is from Hosea 9:-5-10.
Preparing the Way
This morning God had me read a famous passage in the Bible- the words of Yochanan the Immerser (John the Baptist). He then showed me how the preparation for Yeshua then echoes the preparation God is doing for His second return now. Prepare your...
Tell The Truth
God hates lies. Listen to learn why and how to stay truthful in a time when the line between truth and lies are being blurred.
Time to Go
God is doing so much in this time and there is a lot of movement happening in the body. Don’t get left behind out of fear. If God’s moving you, don’t be afraid. Time to jump out of the nest, baby.
Moving on Up: Leaving the Spirit of Poverty Behind
God knows everything about you. He knows your past and current situation. There are people praying for financial breakthrough who don’t realize they are holding hands with the spirit of poverty. The spirit of poverty can’t be your sneaky link o...
God of Justice, Messiah Who Comforts
Before recording this episode, God brought me to Isaiah 14:28-32. It’s about the Philistines- enemies of Israel- rejoicing in what they perceive to be a Israel experiencing loss and God essentially saying, “Not so fast.” It’s an intense judgeme...
Appearance of Godliness
It’s easy to get so caught up in the work of life and even ministry that intimacy with God loses priority. It’s easy to let image, applause, ambition become dominant motivators. It’s very easy to let the work transcend in importance above the O...
In this episode I talk about alcohol. I believe someone is listening who God has already begun working in your heart to put it down. Here’s why.
Harvesting with God
In this episode I share a dream God gave me about Jesus and how He helps us with our assignments (spoiler alert: I almost disqualified myself but He’s was merciful!). I also share a passage He led me to in Isaiah 28 and how this passage contain...
Do You Love Me?
In this episode I share what Jesus showed me about loving one’s church vs. loving THE church. I also explain how God is healing hearts and wounds right now and why it’s important to allow for that healing.
Locking In: Your Divine Assignment
In this episode, I share what God showed me about Nehemiah 4 and how it applies to those who have a God-given assignment in this hour. I’m rooting for you!
The King is in the Field
In this episode I talk about 2025, Divine assignments, and how to handle what God is sending your way. Double blessings.
Double Blessings
In this episode, I share a dream in which I saw many women finding out they were pregnant. They all already had children and were nervous! But God is saying that He’s giving more projects to those who have been good stewards. You don’t have to ...
God Answers Prayers
God answers prayers quickly. In this episode, I share a personal story of an amazing, miraculous, quickly answered prayer and share how you can have that, too. Stop being afraid of receiving from God. He’s a good Father.
Answered Prayers
In this episode, I share what God showed me about how quickly He answers prayers and why people miss these answers.
Don’t Delight in Exposure
In this episode I share what God put on my heart during this wild season of exposure in ministries and the church.
He’s Doing a New Thing
God is doing a new thing in my life and it’s wild, exciting, and like a sun has risen. In this podcast episode I tell you the signs He’s doing a new thing in your life, too.
“You Don’t know the Purpose of Your Words.”
In this episode, I share what God told me about words as I drove this morning.
Who Are You?
In this episode I share what God showed me about how the despair and troubles many are facing now is tied to not knowing who they are.
Fear and Nov 6th
I spent a LOT of my life afraid. I mean from very young. Panic attacks, freak outs, anxiety meds, unhealthy coping mechanisms, etc. Fear was my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All of that close proximity to fear did teac...
I Hate the Church
This episode is about what God taught me about how BEAUTIFULLY He builds with a dream and message for believers who hold grudges against the church. Jesus is calling His flock home. ♥️Recipe I mentioned:
“I Don’t Need the Bible, I Encounter God in Nature.”
“I Don’t Need the Bible, I Encounter God in Nature.” In this episode, I talk about this way of thinking and what you’re missing out on. 🍂