Bible Scriptures for Controversial Bible Questions
HouseFromHeaven is a Christian Publisher of Bible related literature. The book (Bible Scriptures for Controversial Bible Questions) is a compilation of one hundred controversial Bible related questions. These questions are included in the (Bible Scriptures for Controversial Bible Questions, Podcast Series). These qustions were chosen from Bible topics that most Bible study forums often avoid discussing due to the mystery and controversy associated with many of these questions. We want to thank Reverend Cephus L. Bell, Sr. for sharing his Bible study notes from over forty years of intense Bible study. Reverend Bell is an ordained Baptist Preacher, and he holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Pittsburgh.
Podcasting since 2024 • 19 episodes
Bible Scriptures for Controversial Bible Questions
Latest Episodes
Is the Pope mentioned in Bible Prophecy?
Although the Pope is not mentioned directly, many students of the Bible believe that the Pope is the Beast with two horns in the Book of Revelation. This Beast has two horns like a lamb, but he speaks like a dragon. Many students of the Bible b...
Episode 19

Are UFO's Mentioned in the Bible?
UFO's are seen more now than ever before. Almost 75% of the American people believe there are UFO's. There have been many sightings of UFO's that have been tracked in the oceans, sky and outer space. These objects far exceed the capability and ...
Episode 16

What is the Millennial Reign of Christ?
The Millennial Reign of Christ is a one thousand year reign of Christ on the Earth. Christ will return to the Earth with his Church. During this time period the spirit of Satan will be placed in Hell.
Episode 18

Who is Michael the Archangel?
The title Archangel is only mentioned twice in the Bible, and in both cases, it is used in conjunction with the Lord himself.
Episode 17

What is Daniel's Seventy Week Prophecy?
Daniel's Seventy Week Prophecy outlines the coming of Christ with His new covenant. The last week in this seventy week prophecy details the announcement of the New Covenant, Christ's sacrifice for our sins, and the wedding that will confirm the...
Episode 15