Menopause, Melanin & Aging Like A Queen

Episode 9 - Routines, stress and menopause

Samantha Montpetit-Huynh

With the summer is coming to an end , it’s normal that this is the time to get back into routines i.e. exercising more, walking more regularly , eating better and having less alcohol.

In the fitness industry, we call September the new “New Year” in that most people work really hard to look good for summer and then throw in the towel half way through so then they have to start again in September.

In most cases, starting again means, getting back on that diet (that you started but then stopped because who wants to count calories during the summer), get back into the gym, less alcohol and more water. Eat more vegetables and have less sugar and probably THE most important....get atleats 7-8 hours fo sleep.
Again...this all sounds great “in theory” but where do you start? Or do you do all the things?

The All or Nothing approach doesn't work because it doesn't last. In fact, most of you will start letting things slide after a few weeks. Some, even after a few days.
 This is for 1 main reason. Stress. I don’t know about you but all of that sounds very stressful and that’s simply because it is.
For 95% of people, all or nothing approaches do not work and that’s because peole can’t sustain them. The “stress” of having to juggle so many balls in the air is’t sustainable and we KNOW this, yet we do it time and time again

The reality is, the only way to help make changes in your health is with focusing on ONE thing at a time, however, it’s not sexy. It takes “too long”. We want results FAST but I fast never lasts

Let us not also forget one very important factor. Menopause, in it self IS stressful on the body. 

We all know that fall is a normal and realistic time to get back into routines but where does one start? 

We know that routines work – once they are established and you already HAVE routines. They just might not align with your health goals.

Routines keep us on track and will help us get to where we need to be. Look at your results and if you are not happy, where do you want to be?

It is NOT your imagination that it appears harder (or even stressful) to get into routines especially when you add the stressors associated with menopause.

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And don't forget, we have 2 exciting events coming up!!

1. The 4th Episode of High Heels & Hot Flashes is backn, LIVE in Toronto on Thursday, October 24th! Join us for THE menopause event of the year. It's ladies night, grown up style!

Space is limited so grab your ticket here!

Our First, ever, 5 star Luxury Retreat for menopausal women in Nosara, Costa Rica in March 2025. Allow me to introduce you to Flip Flops & Hot Flashes – where you will be guided through a transformative experience, created for menopausal women BY menopausal women.

Thank you for listening.