Menopause, Melanin & Aging Like A Queen

Episode 2 - The MOST Important Macro in Menopause.

Samantha Montpetit-Huynh

What's the MOST important macro in Menopause?

First, allow me to explain to you what a "macro" is.

Macro is short-form for Macronutrient and there are 3 macronutrients - carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
I am NOT a fan of counting macros – disordered eating.

Sensitive to diet culture – bad body image – not enough etc.

BUT protein I Do measure. Most women don't get enough protein in general and in menopause, our protein requirements INCREASE.
 Best efficacy – using your hands.
Protein - your palm.
Starchy carbs – cupped hand (NEED these)

Veggies - 1 fist.  (unlimited)

Fats - thumb.

Protein – metabolic pairs well with lifting weights. Build muscle. Micro tears

Protein also keeps you fuller longer so you eat less ove4rall

Protein helps manage blood sugar – reduce diabetes

Guidelines recommend .5 or .7g per kilo of body weight. However, I do NOT believe this is enough.
My recommendations - 1g per lb of (ideal) body weight.
Start with 100g – 4-5palms then build. 

Study 2007 – randomized controlled trial – taking women “obese” larger bodies who did both 1:1 and 3:1 carbs to protein and some of them exercised and some of them didn’t and they ALL lost weight in 12 week period.
Also changes in blood pressure, insulin, blood lipids, body composition, decreased waist to hip ratio and resting energy expenditure.
However, I do not know the AGES of these women – menopause makes it even trickier.
BUT (like I said before) most women don’t eat nearly enough protein to start – this is why we KNOW we must eat more AND because we need more as we age – evidence is clear that protein has positive effects all around.
Can be hard. Start with meal you struggler with most – build.

Snacks – where is the protein?

Animal sources - beef, chicken, fish etc.

Vegetarian sources – cheese, eggs, yogurt

Vegan – tempeh, tofu, Seitan.
Careful – legumes (more starchy), Nuts (more fats) 

Pumpkin seeds, hemp hearts, edamame

Baby steps – frustrating. NO quick fixes here.

Protein is metabolic and so is muscle – 2 pair well.
Great for your metabolism.

So in order to get the best in your nutrition, strength and age like the queen you are, focus on protein!!

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And don't forget, we have 2 exciting events coming up!!

1. The 4th Episode of High Heels & Hot Flashes is backn, LIVE in Toronto on Thursday, October 24th! Join us for THE menopause event of the year. It's ladies night, grown up style!

Space is limited so grab your ticket here!

Our First, ever, 5 star Luxury Retreat for menopausal women in Nosara, Costa Rica in March 2025. Allow me to introduce you to Flip Flops & Hot Flashes – where you will be guided through a transformative experience, created for menopausal women BY menopausal women.

Thank you for listening.