Menopause, Melanin & Aging Like A Queen

Episode 3 - Why it is SO important to strength train in menopause.

Samantha Montpetit-Huynh

I have always been a fan of strength training.
I joined my first gym when I was 18 and it didn’t take me long before I found the weight room.

Some women don’t like the look of muscles on women – I LOVE them.
However, lifting weights (strength training) does NOT mean you will look bulky – esp in menopause.
Why is strength training so important? Or more specifically, why is MUSCLE so important in menopause?

Let me just start by saying muscle is the organ of LIFE so first things first,
 1. Muscle protects bones and reduces injury.

 2. Muscle helps to manage blood sugar and sensitize us to insulin. 
 3. Muscle helps heart health. 

4. We need muscle for our metabolism. 

So now that you know the benefits of strength training and muscle – why so important in menopause?

In our 30’s, we start losing muscle 3-5% per decade. 

Menopause increases to 3-5% per YEAR. 

In menopause our health risks signifincatly increase,.
Heart disease. HD kills more women than ALL cancers combined. 

Once we hit menopause, our HD risk equals men where is was (I believe) 3-1 before menopause.
Our risks of Osteoporosis increase. EVEN IF YOU STRENGTH TRAIN ALREADY.

Metabolic disorder – Metabolism should be flexible and adjust accordingly but not when we do extreme things like dieting.
Diabetes - Not abnormal for women in  perimenopause to be diagnosed pre-diabetic.
So where does one start? Start slow. 5 and 10lbs to START. Ideally work up until you are fatiguing the muscle at the 8-12 rep. FATIGUE.
Full body workout. 2-3 times per week. More focus on rest and recovery. 

Work with a professional who can create a program and understands the menopausal woman. Injuries? Movement limitations?  

If you do ANY exercise, choose strength – again SO many benefits for your brain, heart, bones, tissues, tendons, ppsture and overall mental health.
Don’t forget we need ALL of those if we are going to age like queens? Am I right? You better believe it!!
 Later queen.

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And don't forget, we have 2 exciting events coming up!!

1. The 4th Episode of High Heels & Hot Flashes is backn, LIVE in Toronto on Thursday, October 24th! Join us for THE menopause event of the year. It's ladies night, grown up style!

Space is limited so grab your ticket here!

Our First, ever, 5 star Luxury Retreat for menopausal women in Nosara, Costa Rica in March 2025. Allow me to introduce you to Flip Flops & Hot Flashes – where you will be guided through a transformative experience, created for menopausal women BY menopausal women.

Thank you for listening.