Menopause, Melanin & Aging Like A Queen

Episode 4 - My recent blood work results

Samantha Montpetit-Huynh

Do I have some exciting news for you!!! I got some blood work back and want to share the results with you.
I am 53 and will guess that I have been going through perimenopause 5+ years (?)
but don't have a cycle to follow to know. 

I had a hysterectomy 10 years ago and because of this (my age and symptoms I was experiencing) I wanted to get blood work to see how close I was to menopause. 
 Why? Because I am a BIG fan of HRT – esp Estrogen.

I have been on Progesterone for about 1.5 years for sleep and it helps a LOT.
I knew that as SOON as I hit menopause, I WANTED to start Estrogen.
I have had some weight gain and sleep problem (hence why I am takin g Progesterone) and focusing more on building muscle, sleeping and eating well. Altho my kids would say I am a bit more bitchier, I think I have done pretty well.😉
So then WHY would I go on Estrogen? Because of the PROTECTIVE aspects. 
Although my progesterone was (very low) which explained sleep problems, my Estrogen was HIGH.

 So (just for perspective) IF I didn’t get my blood work done and DID have HF & NS – The standard of care (in Canada) is, you don’t need blood work to Rx HRT and can do based on symptoms alone.
 In my case, I had TOO much E so putting me on MORE E is a bad idea.
The argument is also, "hormones change all the time so testing is not a good strategy".
So then why do they test women when trying to get pregnant? Make it make sense.🙄
So what did my blood tests show?
And why am I so happy?
 1. I know where I am in my menopause journey.
 2. I am starting E STAT. (husband is getting it as we speak).
 3. The “safe” zone of starting HRT is 10 years of menopause (altho you can start it before).
4. I am doing whatever it takes (and what I believe) to be the best in preventing so many menopause related conditions.

So did you ever hear someone celebrate the fact that she reached menopause?

No? Then let this be your first.

NAMS 2022 Position Statement on HRT

Testosterone decrease risk of breast cancer?

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And don't forget, we have 2 exciting events coming up!!

1. The 4th Episode of High Heels & Hot Flashes is backn, LIVE in Toronto on Thursday, October 24th! Join us for THE menopause event of the year. It's ladies night, grown up style!

Space is limited so grab your ticket here!

Our First, ever, 5 star Luxury Retreat for menopausal women in Nosara, Costa Rica in March 2025. Allow me to introduce you to Flip Flops & Hot Flashes – where you will be guided through a transformative experience, created for menopausal women BY menopausal women.

Thank you for listening.