Menopause, Melanin & Aging Like A Queen

Episode 15 - I don't have a uterus so...

Samantha Montpetit-Huynh

I had a partial hysterectomy almost 11 years ago. I had really bad fibroids – 4 6-7mm. My uterus was the size of  a 5 month pregnant woman.
I first found out about them when I had an abortion when I was 21. The Dr. said they were common – esp in black women and they “didn’t know why.
Perhaps generations of “racial trauma”?
There is no scientific evidence as to why black women are more prone to fibroids but there is a theory that “weathering” could be a potential cause. Weathering refers to the gradual deterioration of health due to chronic stress from racial discrimination.

Fibroids are benign tumours that grow in the lining of the uterus or sometimes in the cavity. They grow from an abundance of estrogen and progesterone.

I had a myomectomy when I was 25. This was a small incision where they remove the fibiroids.  BEFORE that, I was put on Lupron Depot to help shrink the fibroids and dry them up and reduce the chances of hemorrhaging during the surgery.

These shots also put me into menopause.
After the surgery, my periods were a BREEZE. Maybe 3 days all together. They were almost a pleasure but then I got pregnant and the fibroids came back and they grew with each pregnancy.

Many years later, my periods were become VERY heavy to the points of large blood clots falling out without any warning.

My most recent ultrasound revealed that all of this bleeding wasn’t from my (now) 4 5 -7cm fibroids, but the small 1cm fibroid in the cavity of my uterus. 
After lots of consulting and research, I removed ONLY the uterus and kept ovaries and my cervix.  I had a laprascopic procedure that made 4 mini incisions and took out my uterus.
Why am I telling you all of this? Because I am like every other woman who has had to battle and fight (more women than men) for her right for body autonomy and get the help I needed.
I also haven’t had a uterus for almost 11 years so it has been difficult to navigate this perimenopause/menopause journey because there is no cycle to follow.

After my hysterectomy, I was not Rx hormones. In fact, menopause was not even discussed.

This is why it is SO IMPORTANT to be an advocate (and a loud) one when it comes to your health. Pay attention. Do not ignore the signs. If you feel that something is off, it probably IS!!


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And don't forget, we have 2 exciting events coming up!!

1. The 4th Episode of High Heels & Hot Flashes is backn, LIVE in Toronto on Thursday, October 24th! Join us for THE menopause event of the year. It's ladies night, grown up style!

Space is limited so grab your ticket here!

Our First, ever, 5 star Luxury Retreat for menopausal women in Nosara, Costa Rica in March 2025. Allow me to introduce you to Flip Flops & Hot Flashes – where you will be guided through a transformative experience, created for menopausal women BY menopausal women.

Thank you for listening.