The Mirror

Ep2 How To Be Seen, Standout and Sell in Saturated Industries

Emma Season 1 Episode 2

Your industry may well be saturated, but that's not the reason your service isn't standing out. The reason? Your uniqueness isn't being felt.

In this episode I dive into how to market your service so it is seen and stands out... plus, the one that people actually want to hit "buy" on.

And if you want to receive all the prompts and a deeper dive into this topic, you can find it in my program Mirrored Marketing:

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 Hi, and welcome to The Mirror,  the podcast where conscious business owners learn how to practice marketing that is conscious, enjoyable, and a true mirror of the brilliance of their service.  This isn't another generic marketing podcast. This is where you learn the deep psychological principles that create effective marketing, where you can quiet the noise of the business world and tune in to how to do things that are a true reflection of you. 

Where you can learn how to finally have the impact you know you are capable and worthy of having.  I'm your host Emma, a marketing expert of over a decade. I truly love what I do and I'm bursting with knowledge to share with you all. So sit back, relax and let's dive in.  Hi and welcome back to another episode. 

This episode  is based on a statement that I hear over and over and over again from clients, from people who I just speak to about work,  on social media, and that is how do I stand out in a saturated industry and be the one people want to hit by from?  Now let's just create a little bit of safe space here. 

Most of us are operating in saturated industries. Unless you really have a niche in which people aren't really talking about the service. There's not many people doing it.  The industries are saturated. I mean, I work in marketing. Is there a more saturated industry? I'm also a yoga teacher. Again, can you get much more saturated? 

And this actually isn't a problem. 

The thing that we need to focus on. is standing out in that saturated industry. Because the fact that lots of other people do what we do is okay. It's normal.  What we want to focus on is what makes us different from those other people.  How can we stand out? How can we be the ones that people think of when they're like, I need this service.

How are we top of mind there for people? 

The way we do this is actually  It's simple, but it's kind of hard at the same time. One thing I often say is that the reason so many people go for these copy and paste templates, these formulas, these proven tactics within marketing is because actually true genuine marketing  is quite a big dive into self.

It really requires us to have quite a deep connection. With ourselves, with others, with our service, with the creative process. And quite often it does feel a little bit easier just to go, I'm just going to do what this person has said and has proven to work.  But here's the thing. This is where we don't stand out. 

If you are using generic molds of marketing,  the essence of you is not being felt. And you could basically be.  Anybody else? I just had an example instantly spring to mind here. Birkenstock clogs.  I am obsessed with these shoes. I just love them. I've saved them on Pinterest about a million times. Whenever I see people wearing them, I'm like, yes, I love you. 

But the ones I want are 170.  Now I can afford to spend 170 on shoes.  But, I'm a, I'm a bit, you know, like, Ugh, so many spreadsheets, you know, like,  I'm just not fully there with hitting buy on them yet.  And of course, Instagram knows this, because  every time I log on the bloody app, I'm not getting Birkenstock ads, I am getting the ads that are like,  Don't spend the money on the Birkenstocks.

Everybody's wearing these Birkenstocks. Do you love them but don't want to hit buy because of the price tag?  And I'm like, yeah.  And then the ads basically go on to say, these are dupes, they're 30 pounds, here's how they're the same, here's why everyone loves them, blah blah blah.  Now when I tell you I have seen this same ad by I don't even know how many companies, I've genuinely lost count,  it is just like the same ad copied and pasted by different brands, by different companies, over and over again. 

Now, if one day I'm like, okay, I'm just gonna buy a pair of the dupes,  I could not for the life of me tell you a single one of those companies.  I would not have a clue. Say for whatever reason they stopped coming up on my ads,  no idea. I couldn't tell you a single thing about any one of those companies. 

And this is exactly what I mean by generic marketing.  This also happened recently for me within a yoga class. And if you're on my mailing list, you would have read a part of this story.  But I don't go to yoga classes often anymore. I want to, I just, I just don't get around to it. I'm in a phase of like prioritizing the gym at the moment and it, yeah, it's just not been on my priority list. 

My friend was like, I'm going to this class, do you want to book on? And I wanted to spend time with her and grab a coffee afterwards. So I was like, yeah, let's do it.  When I tell you this was one of the best yoga classes I have ever been to, and I have been to a lot of yoga classes.  It was just phenomenal. 

The flow, the energy, the smell, the music. We got a massage at the end. Honestly, I walked out of there like, wow.  Incredible. And I was laying in Shavasana at the end and I was like, oh my god, this is now my Monday routine. I'm gonna do this every single Monday.  And then the practitioner was like, Okay, yeah, so see you later, that's it now, that's the end of this class.

And I was like, yeah, okay, end of the class. And she was like, no, no, no, like, this class doesn't exist anymore. That's my last one.  And I was like, what?  I want that. Every Monday.  Why? I finally, finally found a yoga class that I'm obsessed with, that I want to do every week. Where are you going? What are you doing?

And they basically said that this was the most that they had had in their class in a long time. There was four people in the class and they were losing money week on week.  Now, there are many, many different factors at play here. I'm not going to go into them all, but like, this isn't me being like, it's because of this one thing.

There are many reasons as to why that would be happening or could be happening.  But when I looked at this person's marketing, I was like, wow.  None of that class's brilliance, the uniqueness of it, the energy of it was captured within the marketing.  It was like, Hey, there's this yoga class on at this time, join. 

And I have a whole other podcast on how most marketing just speaks to the conscious mind and not the subconscious, which is governing 95 percent of our decision making, which I will share below.  But essentially what was happening here was just these generic features that were just like very rational, very like, this is what it is.

This is how you book. This is how much it costs.  I know for a fact. If that marketing was able to capture that class, the brilliance of it, the uniqueness, the energy, the feeling I had in my body. I'd been going through a bit of a period of disconnect and busyness and just the peace that washed over me.  If I could bottle that and like spray it as a perfume, take my money.

I would do it tomorrow.  But the marketing didn't capture any of it.  So to people who hadn't been to this class before,  it was a drop in the ocean, right? It was one of many, many classes. I live in an area where there is an abundance of yoga. There is so many classes that you could go to.  That one, in the way that it was marketed, was just not standing out.

Its brilliance wasn't captured.  And this, as I say it, I can feel myself getting lit up because this is very much why I do what I do. I'm very passionate about good services that genuinely impact people, being clearly showcased in the marketing so that people want to hit buy on them because they can genuinely benefit from them. 

And when we aren't marketing ourselves in a way that stands out,  in a way that fully, fully mirrors  the energy, the essence, the embodiment, the uniqueness of it.  We become lost in the sea and people don't hit by.  Now you can probably guess this is the entire reason why I created mirrored marketing, which is my signature marketing plug and go program.

Um, and the first phase of this is resonance and it is for this exact. reason.  For you to stand out in a saturated industry,  people have to resonate with you.  Research shows that emotional resonance  builds trust,  increases memory,  and increases the likelihood of a purchase.  If people do not resonate  on a deeper level, With you, your energy, your service,  you are going to be lost in this saturated industry.

Your service is not going to stand out. It's not going to be the one that people hit buy on.  So how do we go about creating this resonance? Well, it's the whole first module of mirrored marketing for a reason. This is what I really focus on is getting you to connect back to your service.  So much of marketing at the moment.

Yeah, kind of in general, but especially at the moment. It's about growth. And it's about, okay, how can I get in front of as many people as possible? How can I increase my reach, go viral, be seen?  I've had brands come to me who are spending so much money on this. So much money on ads. Churning out content.

Creating new things all of the time in the name of being seen.  The problem is, is they're not capturing their service in a way that stands out.  So when people find it, like what I was saying about those ads that I'm seeing about the Birkenstock  clogs, it's just getting lost in a sea of noise. There's no point of differentiation.

There's no deeper connection. There's no deeper resonance.  So what we need to be doing within marketing,  is actually pausing on,  here's my service, get it out, get it out, get it out.  And instead  coming back  and actually connecting with our own surface. Because the deeper we connect with what we do and how we do it and the unique energy we bring to it and the way we embody it, the more others connect to it as well. 

And there's kind of  a few things we can think of here.  Mirrored marketing lays it out in this process that you go through. It has this free meditation about connecting to the start of your journey and going through this process in a meditative state and then very much in a journal state or in a speaking state, however, kind of resonates with people.

But instead of thinking outwardly, really coming back within, it's And going, okay, well, what did my journey look like? Why did I come to this place of needing this work? What was my life like before I found this? How did I feel when I found it? What was I believing? Like, what was my deep beliefs at this time?

How did that start to change with the service?  How do I embody it? How am I the living embodiment of what I do?  What do I value? And how is that kind of found within the service? Because people really, really connect on a deeper level when values match. Levels of trust drastically increase.  And the more that we can start to speak on this through the lens of storytelling, which evokes that subconscious mind, that deeper connection, that driver for action, the  The more we can build that deeper resonance, that is going to make us stand out,  more memorable, more likely to be bought from. 

And this isn't easy,  to kind of take a pause and actually really connect deeply within.  and remember why you started, and remember how you used to feel, and remember how you were transformed, and connecting back to that passion of like, why you believe in this work so much, why it gets you out of bed in the morning, why when shit gets really hard, which let's be honest, as a business owner, it tends to, what is it that keeps you going?

What is that like, fire within,  that goes, I need to do this work, I need to deliver this work, this is important.  I really care about it.  Simon Sinek has a book called Start With Why, and he's got an amazing TED Talk on this as well, and he speaks about the importance of creating that why behind. People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. 

And this is really important because your why is one of the most magnetic things about what you do, the reason you do it, why you are creating this service. And I always say this within my, with my clients, it is the process of mirrored marketing, but I always say it like, why did you do it? And even, okay, so you've created a piece of content. 

Why did you create that piece of content? You may not have noticed, but when I am about to share something, I will do some stories leading up to it. And nearly always, it is why I've created that piece of content. And it's not like, Hello everybody, today I created this piece of content because it is sharing like the lightbulb moment that I had that made this piece of content come to life.

It's sharing something that just triggered me and made me go, I need to do this. Or, something that I saw that I either really deeply resonated with or didn't resonate with, or something that I deeply experienced. It's the trigger point for this creative process. And there's a reason that I share that first, is within the studies that I've just shared with you, it very much creates that resonance and then people are paying attention. 

When we have that resonance, people are listening.  And if you want to stand out in these saturated industries,  This is the key to doing that.  Going beneath the service. So that you, you can't just be anyone. You're not just forgotten.  You are somebody that people remember. When your name pops up, that you've created something new, people want to click on it.

They want to see it.  When they are in that process of needing your service, you're the first thing that comes to mind. When they have this choice of like, who do I invest in? Who do I hit buy on?  There's that deeper connection to you. They feel that trust. They feel that pull. They want to take action with you. 

So, as I said, this is the entire first module of mirrored marketing. And I really mean it when I say this, I don't just say this about everyone, I promise, but this is my absolute favorite because what I've seen, as I said before, is a lot of people become disconnected from their service when it comes to marketing it.

And I'm so passionate on you loving the marketing of your service as much as you do the delivery of it. That same passion and purpose and fulfillment and connection that you feel when sharing your service is exactly how I want you to feel about marketing it. And the key to really, really being able to do so Is this resonance?

It's you coming into deeper resonance with your service and then that creating this ripple effect. I often call it like a resonance ripple because the more you cultivate that,  the more it really ripples out and people are magnetized to what you are doing. You start to really stand out.  And one of my, another favorite thing of mine to say is that you cannot fake resonance.

I've said this in this podcast before, You can't fake it. You need to feel that true, true connection. And that is why I started that place because I don't want people coming to me saying, Oh, I've got this service. I just want to skyrocket. I want to make sales. I just want to be successful with it.  I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. 

Is it genuinely impactful  first?  Are you truly connected to doing this? Are you actually experienced enough to be sharing this with the world? Are you embodying it yourself? Because that  is what makes a service magnetic.  And that, when we are practicing conscious marketing, has to be a part of the process. 

It has to be. That deep connection, that knowing that we can have genuine impact, that passion for it.  It is essential.  So I hope that is a little bit clearer on how you can stand  Everything that I have kind of spoken about there in terms of some like little prompts and some learnings is all included within the first module of mirrored marketing.

I will leave all the information about that below.  But I honestly love this topic. I could just speak and speak and speak on it. When I see resonance content, I just love it. I adore it. I feel that connection. I want to keep reading. It makes me stop the scroll.  And that is, you know, important in this day and age.

So if you want to be stopping the scroll from others, then take a little look at mirrored marketing below. Carry on listening to the podcasts. There's going to be more on this. And yeah, thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate it.  Thank you so much for listening to this episode.  I really hope that it was helpful for you, and if it has made you want to find out more of the ways you can work with me, all of the information about One to One, my resources, my programs, are all listed below in the show notes. 

If you found this helpful, I would really appreciate if you could take a moment just to write a review. This helps other creators just like yourselves find this podcast and have an even greater impact from their services.  I would really, really love to hear from you. Please feel free to get in touch with me over on Instagram or via email, both of which again, you can find below. 

Thank you so much for being here and until next time.